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A Secure Communication Protocol For Wireless Biosensor Networks. Masters Thesis by Krishna Kumar Venkatasubramanian. Committee: Dr. Sandeep Gupta Dr. Rida Bazzi Dr. Hessam Sarjoughian. Overview. Introduction Problem Statement System Model Proposed Protocols Security Analysis
A Secure Communication Protocol For Wireless Biosensor Networks Masters Thesis by Krishna Kumar Venkatasubramanian Committee: Dr. Sandeep Gupta Dr. Rida Bazzi Dr. Hessam Sarjoughian
Overview • Introduction • Problem Statement • System Model • Proposed Protocols • Security Analysis • Implementation • Conclusions & Future Work
Biomedical Smart Sensors • Miniature wireless systems. • Worn or implanted in the body. • Prominent uses: • Health monitoring. • Prosthetics. • Drug delivery. • Each sensor node has: • Small size. • Limited • memory • processing • communication capabilities sensors Base Station Communication links Environment (Human Body)
Motivation for biosensor security • Collect sensitive medical data. • Legal requirement (HIPAA). • Attacks by malicious entity: • Generate fake emergency warnings. • Prevent legitimate warnings from being reported. • Battery power depletion. • Excessive heating in the tissue.
Problem Statement • Direct communication to the BS can be prohibitive. • To minimize communication costs, biosensors can be organized into specific topologies. • Cluster topology is one of the energy-efficient communication topologies for sensor networks [HCB00]. • Traditional cluster formation protocol is not secure. • We want to develop protocols which allow for secure cluster formation in biosensor networks.
Cluster Topology Base Station Cluster Member Cluster Cluster head
Traditional Cluster Formation Protocol CH3 CH1 CH2 2 5 3 1 4 Weaker signal Environment
Security Flaws • HELLO Flood and Sinkhole Attack • The sinkhole can now mount selective forwarding attacks on the biosensors in its “cluster”. • Malicious entity can mount a Sybil attack where it presents different identities to remain CH in multiple rounds. Malicious Entity acting as a SINKHOLE CH2 CH1 2 3 1 Weaker signal
Node with surrounding tissue at above normal temperature. Node with surrounding tissue at normal temperature. tissue Security Flaws contd.. • Malicious entity sending bogus messages to sensor and depleting its energy. Node with dead battery Network Partitioning. • Malicious entityhaving unnecessary communication with a sensor causing heating in the nearby tissue.
System Model Glucose sensor Temperature sensor • ADVERSARIES: • Passive: Eavesdrop on communication and tamper with it. • Active: Physically compromise the external biosensors.
Trust Assumptions • The wireless communication is broadcast in nature and not trusted. • The biosensors do not trust each other. • Base Station is assumed not to be compromised.
Key Pre-Deployment • Each biosensor shares a unique pair-wise key (master key) with the BS. This key is called NSK • We do not use NSK directly for communication, we derive 4 keys from it (derived keys):
Biometrics • Physiological parameters like heart rate and body glucose. • Used for securing/authenticating communication between two biosensors which do not share any secret. • Usage Assumptions: • Only biosensors in and on the body can measure biometrics. • There is a specific pre-defined biometric that all biosensors can measure.
Issues with Biometrics • Biometric value data-space is not large enough. • Possible Solutions: • Combine multiple biometric values. • Take multiple biometric measurements at each time. • Limit the validity time of a biometric value. • Biometric values at different sites produce different values. • Solution Proposed in Literature: • These differences are independent. [Dau92] • Can be modeled as channel errors. [Dau92] • Fuzzy commitment scheme based on [JW99] used to correct differences. • Can correct up to two bit errors in the biometric value measured at the sender and receiver.
Time-Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 BMT ST Biometric Authentication Biometric Measurement Schedule Measure biometric: BioKey Measure biometric: BioKey’ Generate data Receive Msg: data, Cert [data] SENDER RECEIVER Compute Certificate: Cert [data] = MAC ( KRand, data), γ γ = KRand BioKey Compute MAC Key: KRand’ = γ BioKey’ f (KRand’) = KRand Send Msg: data, Cert [data] Compute Certificate MAC And compare with received: MAC (KRand, data)
Centralized Protocol Execution Base Station CH 2 CH 3 CH 3 CH1 CH 1 CH 2 CH 3 Sensor Node Nodej All:IDj, NonceNj, MAC(K’Nj – BS, IDj | NonceNj), Cert[IDj, NonceNj] CHp BS: IDj, NonceNi , MAC(K’Nj – BS, IDj | NonceNi), CHp, SS, E<K CHp-BS, Cntr>(KCH-N), MAC(K’CHp – BS, CHp | SS | E<K CHp-BS, Cntr>(KCH-N) | Cntr) BS Nodej :CHp, E<K BS-Nj, Cntr’> (KCH-N), Cntr’, MAC(K’BS-Nj, CHp | NonceNj | Cntr’ | E<K BS-Nj, Cntr’> (KCH-N))
Distributed Protocol Execution CH 3 CH 1 CH 2 Sensor Node CHj All:CHj, NonceCHj, E<KRand, Cntr>(Ktemp), Cert[IDj, Cntr, NonceCHj], λ λ = BioKey KRand Nodek CHz: IDk, MAC (Ktemp, IDk | NonceCHz | Cntr | CHz)
Extensions • Distribute keys based on attributes. • Allows efficient data communication. • The BS distributes the keys. • For centralized ABK, sent during cluster formation. • For distributed separate step needed.
Security Analysis (Passive Adversary) • Hello Flood and Sinkhole Attack Centralized: • Malicious entity does not have appropriate keys to pose as legitimate CH. • Distributed: • Malicious entity cannot compute biometric certificate.
Security Analysis (Passive Adversary) • Sybil Attack • No entity can become part of network without having appropriate keys. • Identity Spoofing • Cannot pose as BS, no pair-wise (derived) keys. • Cannot pose as CH, no keys to authenticate data to BS. • Cannot pose as sensor node, cannot measure biometric to fool CH.
Security Analysis (Active Adversary) • CH compromise • Centralized: Security policy at BS to limit number of sensor nodes in a cluster. • Distributed: Need intruder monitoring scheme. • Sensor Node compromise • Intruder monitoring scheme needed for both protocols.
Implementation • We have implemented the two cluster formation protocols and their extensions. • The implementation was done on the Mica2 sensor motes. • We used TinyOS sensor operating system for writing our programs. • For security primitives TinySec used.
Implementation contd.. • Encryption – SkipJack • Message Authentication Code – CBC-MAC • We had 4 sensor nodes 3 CH and 1 BS in our implementation. • We simulated two main attacks on our implementation, both of which failed: • HELLO Flood attack. • Identity spoofing of sensor node to infiltrate the network.
Comparison • Security adds a overhead to the protocol. • We compared overhead in terms of energy consumption. • To compare the protocols, we analyzed them using the communication model given in [HCB00]. • Etrans = Etx * k + Ecx * k * d2 • Erecp = Erx * k
Security Overhead Comparison of Secure (without extension) and Non-secure Cluster Formation Protocols (CH = 5%)
Extension Overhead Comparison for Secure Cluster Formation Protocols with their extensions (CH = 5%)
Conclusions & Future Work • Protocols developed successfully prevent many of the potent attacks on the traditional cluster formation protocol. • Biometric based authentication used for ensuring authentication without previous key exchange. • Biometrics not traditionally random and schemes are needed to randomize them. • Better error correction schemes are needed which can correct larger differences in measured biometrics.
Reference [JW99] Ari Juels and Martin Wattenberg. “A fuzzy commitment scheme”. 1999. [Dau92] J. Daugman, “High Confidence personal identification by rapid video analysis of iris texture”, IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, pp 50-60, 1992. [LGW01] L. Schwiebert, S. K. S. Gupta, J. Weinmann et al., “Research Challenges in Wireless Networks of Biomedical Sensors”, The Seventh Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, pp 151-165, Rome Italy, July 2001. [HCB00] W. Rabiner Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan, “Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless Microsensor Networks”, Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS '00), January 2000.