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Advisor Overview. Learner Outcome Expectations Ability to log-in to DegreeWorks Ability to navigate through the application Ability to search for a student or cluster of students Ability to create a student plan Ability to review student audits Ability to use the look ahead function
Learner Outcome Expectations • Ability to log-in to DegreeWorks • Ability to navigate through the application • Ability to search for a student or cluster of students • Ability to create a student plan • Ability to review student audits • Ability to use the look ahead function • Ability to calculate a student’s GPA • Ability to add notes to a student audit After Completion of Tutorial Upon completion of this tutorial, users will have the ability to work with the following functions in DegreeWorks: Worksheets Planner What If Notes Look Ahead GPA Calculator
DegreeWorks Log-In Process Access the Purdue University Calumet homepage atpurduecal.edu From the PUC homepage, hovercursor over theFaculty & Staffheading. Click on the myPUC portal, located in the Quick Clicks drop- down box. This will open themyPUC page.
myPUC ●From themyPUC homepage, enterUser Name andPassword and click Login. ● This will open themyPUC main page.
Faculty Tab ●On the myPUC account page, click on the Faculty tab located across the topof the page. ●This will open thePCStar main page.
PCStar Main Menu Access your personal records Under the PCStarMain Menu heading, clickAccess your personalrecords. This will open theMainMenu pageinPCStar.
Faculty and Advisor Menu Once in PCStar, click on the Facultyand Advisor Menutab in the upper right- hand side of the page. This will open the page that contains the link to the DegreeWorks application.
DegreeWorks ClickDegreeWorks,which is highlighted in blue and located at the bottom of the myPUC page. This will open the main DegreeWorks application page.
Accessing a Student Record To locate a student by using a student ID number, enter the student ID number in the Student IDbox. Press Entertoprocess the request. DegreeWorks will begin a search for the student and a new page will open with the requested student information.
DegreeWorks Student View The DegreeWorks Student View page will open for the individual student. The Student Viewpage outlines general information for that individual student. By scrolling down further on that same page, more detailed information can be found regarding a student’s coursework, including courses that have been completed, course areas that are incomplete, and any notes, exceptions, and transfer courses.
Searching for a Student If you do not know the student ID number, or wish to search for a group of students,clickFind in theupper left corner ofthe DegreeWorkspage. This will take users to the Find Students search page.
Find Students DegreeWorks will allow users to search for either an individual student or a group of students.To search for an individual student: In the Find Students page, enterthe first and/or lastname of the student. Entering a student ID is another method by which to search for a student. ClickSearch to execute the search.
To Search for a Group of Students Select a search option from one of the drop- down boxes on theFind Students page. Students may be selected based upon their Degree,Major, Minor,College or Level. The Major drop- down menu is the most frequently used. This type of search will pull in up to 200 students at a time. ClickSearch to execute the search. Only valid combinations of search criteria will produce search results.
Students Found All students who meet the search criteria will be displayed in the bottom window of theFind Studentssearch window underStudents Found. An individual student or several studentsmay be selected by using the Check Allor Uncheck All option at the bottom right of the page. When selection is complete, clickOK to close the search window and load the list of students intoDegreeWorks. Students may be sorted by clicking on any of the field headers in the Students Found headers. Students may be deleted from the list by un-checking the check box to the left of the student.
Worksheets DegreeWorks will open the audit for the selected student(s) in Student View under the Worksheets tab. Select the desired audit format from theFormat drop-down box. ClickView to view the most recent audit. To process a new audit for a student, select the desired audit report format from theFormat drop-down box. ClickProcess New to run a new audit. The Worksheets tab allows you to either run a new audit or review the most recent audit for a student.
Worksheets Tab From the Worksheets page, viewers may also review the course History of a student, as well as utilize the What If andLook Ahead features. The History option allows users to view historical audits for a student. The What If feature will process speculative degree audits for a student using their current course history. The Look Ahead feature will show exactly how each of the classes added to a “planned” audit will apply toward graduation requirements.
Review of Student Audits Review the basic student information located across the top of the audit. Review the Degree and Major informationpresented, along with the requirements of the degree. Keep a list of questions. Things to look for on an audit include:--Adjustment of programrequirements.--Incorrect major. --Exceptions processed.--Incorrect catalog term. IP stands for courses that are In Progress by the student. IP can also be listed under courses that the student has registered for in the upcoming semester.
Historic Degree Audit ●The History option allows users to view student historical audits. ●Select the historicaudit from theHistoricReportdrop-down list box toview the desired auditformat. ●ClickView to view the historic audit in the selected format.
Using the What If Function The What Iffunction, locatedunder theWorksheets tab, allows users to process speculative degree audits for a student using their current class history. Example: What if I change my major from Business to Communications? You may audit a student against the requirements for a different major, minor, degree, catalog year, or any other selectable item on the What If audit screen.
Using What If To generate a What If audit, select the requirements in which to audit the student against. The selected items will be moved to the window on the right. ClickProcess What If to display possible changes to a plan of study and to display possible choices of potential future courses. It is important to remember that What-If audits are NOT stored in the database. After they are run, the results can be printed, but after leaving the What-If screen, the audit cannot be accessed again. However, another What-If audit can be run using the same parameters.
Utilizing the Look Ahead Feature The Look Ahead feature, located under the Worksheetstab, allows students and advisors to view courses in which they plan to register for in future semesters. ClickLook Ahead,located under theWorksheets tab. Enter the subject andcourse number andclickAdd Course. When all courses have been added, click Process New to view the Look Ahead audit. You can produce a printed copy of the Look Ahead auditby clickingPrint in the upper portion of the audit screen.
Using the Planner Tool The Plannerfunctionin DegreeWorksallows students and advisors to create academic plans. This function also allows a proposed plan to be saved for future reference. Created plans may be modified as needed.
Using the Planner Function To begin using thePlanner function in DegreeWorks, click in the drop-down box entitled Select CatYr,to choose thedesired catalog year. Click in the box nextto the term that was selected. Click in the drop-downbox entitled Select aTerm to choose thedesired term. Begin adding the neededcourses into each futuresemester, outlined undereach of the upcomingterms. Notice that the Planner Worksheet appears on the left side of the DegreeWorks page for reference and drag-and-drop use.
Student Educational Planner Once all of the future courses have been loadedinto the plan, identify theplan witha name in theDescription field. Notes regarding the newplan may be added to the Notes section of the audit. ClickSave Plan to save theproposed plan in the DegreeWorks audit for that student. ClickProcess New to viewthe new planof study for thestudent. Edit vs. View: Edit allows users to modify a plan. View gives users a report that is good for printing.
Using What If in the Planner Within the Planner function, a What-If scenario can either be created or pulled in to a student’s audit. By clicking on the Show What If Option, a screen will appear outlining what if selections that can then be pulled into the Plannerwithin a student audit. By clicking the box next to Use What If Scenario, a pre-created What-If scenario can then be pulled into the Plannerwithin a student audit.
Selecting Major and Minor in Planner Choose a new Majorand/or Minorfor the What-If scenario from the drop-down menu on the left-hand side of the screen. On the right-hand side of the screen under Planner, chose the academic year and the term, and click the box next to the term.
Drop and Drag Planned Courses Drop and drag ONE (any) course into the right planner side. The new What If worksheet with new major will appear on the left-hand side of the screen. Though the course that is pulled over is from the original major, it can be deleted when the new What If major courses are listed on the left screen. The new Student Educational Planner can be saved or deleted. Hint: Users can manually add courses to the planner. Adding a dash (-) in the course title allows a non-course to be entered. Example: -BUS 10000.
Creating What If Scenarios By clicking on the box next to the Use What If Scenario, a scenario can also be pulled into the Planner on the right-hand side of the student audit.
Planner Options Once complete, users may either save the plan, delete the plan, or just click out to revert back to the original major.
Template Search The Templates function can be found under thePlanner tab on a student audit. This function allows users to create a plan on a student record.
Template Drop Down Box The Templates function can be found under thePlanner tab on a student audit. This function allows users to create a plan on a student record.
Using Templates To add a new template, choose Add New Template from the drop-down menu at the top of the page. Click on Load to load the blank template. Choose from the drop-down menus to fill in the appropriate information in the gray boxes at the top of the screen. Select the appropriate terms and begin adding courses for a plan of study. Notes may also be added to the template regarding specific courses.
Choosing Templates Users may also choose an existing template from the drop-down menu at the top of the page. Click onLoadto load the pre-existing template. The pre-determined information will fill in the gray box areas and also the term list. Notes regarding the courses will also fill in automatically.
Printing Users may also print a template from this screen.
Using Notes The Notes utility allows DegreeWorks users to document academic advising on student records. These notes can be used for internal-use only or they can be made available to the student. Notes that are made available to the student will appear in audit reports in the Notes section at the bottom of the report. While anyone with access to Notes can view a note, only the person who created the note can modify or delete the note.
Notes Click on the Notes tab to access the Notes screen. ClickView Notes to view any notes in the audit. ClickAdd Note to add a note to an audit. The creator of the note andthe day the note was written appear to the right of the note. ClickModify Notes tomodify an existing note. ClickDelete Notes to bring up the Delete Notes window. Delete the note by clicking on the Notes icon located to the left of the note to be deleted. You may only modify those notes that you created. Notes saved with the Not Available to Student check box selected will not appear on audits viewed during student log-ins.
GPA Calculator DegreeWorks offers three types of Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculators:--Graduation--Term--Advice These calculators can help students: Set realistic goals at the beginning of a semester or academic career. Calculate their end-of- semester GPA using actual information. Map paths for achieving honors, avoiding probation, or satisfying personal academic goals. The GPA Calculator can help students to set long-term general grade point average goals.
Refresh Button The icon located in the top right of theDegreeWorks page is the Refresh button. Utilize this button to refresh a student record when changes have been made to an audit.
When making Notes unavailable to students as indicated above, it is very important to remember that notes flagged as unavailable to a student, will continue to show up on audit reports printed by non-student users such as advisors, faculty members or registrars. Hence, if a student visits an advisor or faculty member, and that person prints an audit report for that student, all notes flagged as unavailable will be given to that student. • The Admin tab gives administrative users access to special services. This tab currently only contains the Change Password item. • A Graduation Checklist can be found in the Format drop-down box under the Worksheets tab. • The Look Ahead feature will show exactly how each of the classes added to a “planned” audit will apply toward graduation requirements. • Student users do not have access to any search functions. Student users will never see the Find Students or the Exceptions buttons in their audit. Additional Hints Listed are additional hints to aid in the use of the DegreeWorksapplication.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact: • Linda McClaughry-Erwin • ljmerwin@purduecal.edu • 989-2156 • Cindy Huntoon • cynthia.huntoon@purduecal.edu • 989-4157 Contact Information Please feel free to contact us with questions, comments, or concerns.