True Friends By Abigale Pina
My two best friends are Cleo and Claudia. Cleo and I met in pre-k , and Claudia and I met in kindergarten. I don’t know what I would do without them. They are funny and smart. They also love to be challenged. They always have my back, no matter what . Even if we fought we would always get back together . This is the story of how we met .
Pre-k It all started when we were in pre-k. Our teacher was Mrs. Sapp. It was our first day of school. Cleo came up to me and said, “Do you want to be friends with me?” I was too shy to answer. Then she showed me around class. She stopped. “Do you want to play dolls?” she asked. I nodded my head. That was a day I will never forget.
Kindergarten The next year was kindergarten. Cleo was in the same class with me. Two days later a new student came, her name was Claudia . Cleo and I went to ask her if she wanted to play with us. She nodded her head. When we were done playing, we showed Claudia around our class room. We were friends until kindergarten was over .
The First Grade It was the first day of first grade. We were so glad we were in the same class together . Our teacher was Mrs. Debato. The teacher let us sit where ever we wanted. Everyone knew that Cleo, Claudia , and I would sit together . Well, Cleo wanted to sit next to me but Claudia was already there . That when they got into an argument. I told Cleo that I will sit in the middle. Cleo told Claudia she was sorry. That was the most important day of my life .
Second Grade Cleo, Claudia, and I were so glad we made it to the second grade. We were also glad we were in the same class again. So we came up with a club called the A.C.C. That stands for Abigale, Cleo, and Claudia. We would pick leaders by their ages. That was the best year .
Third grade Third grade was the worst. Cleo was separated from Claudia and I. We were really sad. That was our worst year of all .
Fourth Grade Forth grade was the best. It is like an ice cream sundae with a cherry on top. Do you want to know why? Well, because Cleo was back with us! Our teacher was Mrs. Lightsey. She was the best teacher ever. We were so happy that we were in the same class.
Fifth Grade Our teacher is Mrs. Frear. She is the best. Cleo, Claudia, and I are in the same class together. Fifth Grade is one of our best years too. But we might not be together again after fifth grade.
About the Author Hi, thank you for reading my story . My name is Abigale Pina. I wrote this story based on my friends and how much they mean to me. Hope you like my story. BYE!
Reflection We started this story because Mrs. Nguyen told us to write a story to win a prize. She also helped us make our slide show. We used the Microsoft Power Point, Kid pix, and clip arts. Without Mrs. Nguyen, we could not even write a story.
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