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Legal Frameworks for Promoting Connectivity, Resilience and Ecosystem-Based Adaptation

Legal Frameworks for Promoting Connectivity, Resilience and Ecosystem-Based Adaptation. A Reflection on the Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor, South Africa. Alexander Paterson Alexander.Paterson@uct.ac.za. connectivity. facilitates range expansion. creates adaptive corridors .

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Legal Frameworks for Promoting Connectivity, Resilience and Ecosystem-Based Adaptation

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  1. Legal Frameworks for Promoting Connectivity, Resilience and Ecosystem-Based Adaptation A Reflection on the Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor, South Africa Alexander Paterson Alexander.Paterson@uct.ac.za

  2. connectivity facilitates range expansion creates adaptive corridors provides options for near-term & gradual adaptation builds resilience of protected areassystem facilitates ecosystem-based adaptation adaptation

  3. South Africa’s Policy Context adaptation human settlements urban rural coastal disaster risk management health mitigation agriculture & forestry water 2011 biodiversity & ecosystems

  4. Biodiversity & Climate Realities ecosystems species • 30% of endemic terrestrial species increasingly high risk of extinction by end of century + stressed • marine ecosystems and species are at risk from changes in water temperature, ocean acidification and changes in ocean currents ecosystem services • terrestrial biomes shifting as result of shifting rainfall patterns and temperatures, and rising levels of CO2 in atmosphere compromised • increasing frequency of extreme rainfall events will influence runoff quality and quantity in complex ways ecosystem-based adaptation • increasing prevalence of wildfires and alien invasive species increase the vulnerability of biodiversity and ecosystems

  5. Biodiversity & Climate Realities legal tools 2004 2005 2009 facilitate range expansion create adaptive corridors provide option for near-term & gradual adaptation build resilience of protected areassystem facilitate ecosystem-based adaptation 2009 2012 2012

  6. Legal Tools & Sectors conservation sustainable use land-use planning connectivity development control coastal management fiscal

  7. Conservation Laws objectives biodiversity planning protected areas + national plans governance types principles regional plans mgt objectives local plans mgt planning regulating activities biodiversity agreements listing approach institutions within PAs species formal outside PAs ecosystems voluntary

  8. Sustainable Use Laws water forests soil minerals marine LR objectives resource planning administrative measures + principles national plans directives regional plans control measures local plans permitting subsidy schemes resource institutions + EMPs conservation measures formal voluntary

  9. Land-use Planning Laws future spatial planning zoning integrated dev plans conservation spatial dev frameworks open space structure plans subdivision environmental overlays

  10. Development Control Laws environmental impact assessment permitting + strategic environmental assessment environmental management frameworks critical biodiversity areas

  11. Coastal Management Laws objectives coastal planning estuarine management + national plans planning principles regional plans institutions local plans coastal mgt committees regulatory mechanisms enforcement mechanisms formal coastal zoning schemes protection notices voluntary coastal setback lines rehabilitation notices coastal leases

  12. Fiscal Laws income tax property tax incentives incentives disincentives disincentives

  13. Legal Tools & Sectors Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor conservation conservation sustainable use land-use planning sustainable use land-use planning connectivity connectivity development control coastal management development control coastal management fiscal fiscal

  14. Background to the GCBC origins 2001 Cape Action for People & the Environment landscape initiatives mega-sphere reserves bio-sphere reserves corridors ‘living landscapes’ promote the sustainable management of a mosaic of land uses create corridors of continuous natural habitat across the living landscape

  15. Background to the GCBC… extent structure Bokkeveld Corridor Cederberg Corridor Sandveld Corridor Olifantsberg Corridor importance Grootwinterhoek Freshwater Corridor socio-economic realties

  16. Background to the GCBC… industry involvement local economic development objectives awareness coordination PA expansion area-wide & landscape planning ID priority biodiversity sites promote voluntary stewardship conserve biodiversity w/i and o/s of PA’s create supporting land- use planning strategies restore degraded land and resources

  17. Biodiversity Planning national biodiversity framework critical biodiversity areas bioregion & bioregional plan bioregion & bioregional plan critical biodiversity areas critical biodiversity areas critical biodiversity areas bioregion & bioregional plan bioregion & bioregional plan critical biodiversity areas

  18. National Planning NSBA National Biodiversity Framework 2009 NBSAP

  19. Bioregional Planning Succulent Karoo Ecosystem

  20. Local Planning Berg River Municipality

  21. Implementing Planning Frameworks bioregional plans person organisation govt agency biodiversity management plans person organisation govt agency biodiversity mgt agreements

  22. Implementing Planning Frameworks… biodiversity management plans biodiversity mgt agreements protected areas decisions developments other planning clearing rezoning permits threatened species

  23. Listed Threatened Ecosystems 2011 origins rationale conserve a representative sample of all components of biodiversity ensure the continued functioning of ecological and evolutionary processes that allow biodiversity to persist over time

  24. Listed Threatened Ecosystems… implementation planning decision-making IDPs SDFs EMPs EMFs permitting EIA permit management biodiversity management plans biodiversity mgt agreements

  25. Biodiversity Stewardship provincial initiative statutory tiered options tiered benefits non-statutory

  26. Biodiversity Stewardship… linked landscapes tailored options

  27. Protected Areas formal less formal diverse governance options partnership with the people diverse management objectives comprehensive management planning regulation of diverse activities provision for access & use

  28. Financial Incentives property tax income tax tax deductions prohibitions management costs rebates protected areas decreased market value reductions differential rating

  29. Legal Tools & Sectors Connectivity, Resilience and Ecosystem-Based Adaptation in the GCBC planning an imperative conservation draw from a diversity of tools sustainable use land-use planning connectivity tailor tools to local specificities development control coastal management adopt a phased approach fiscal promote cooperative governance develop resources, capacity & awareness

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