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International Component - Ecosystem-based Adaptation. Annelieke Douma (BE), Henri Roggeri (IUCN NL) January 8th, 2013. Ecosystem-based adaptation?.
International Component -Ecosystem-based Adaptation Annelieke Douma (BE), Henri Roggeri (IUCN NL) January 8th, 2013
Ecosystem-based adaptation? EbA means the sustainable management, conservation and restoration of ecosystems to provide services that help people adapt to both climate variability and climate change. EbA contributes to reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience to both climate and non-climate risks and provides multiple benefits to society and the environment.
Key messages EA • Ecosystem-based adaptation should play a key role in climate and adaptation policies and investments • Adaptation policies and measures must build upon communities’ knowledge, visions, practices and needs. • Local actors should genuinely take part in decision-making on adaptation and climate-proof sectoral plans and policies • Current and planned policies and investments should not cause maladaptation, i.e. increase the vulnerability of ecosystems and the livelihoods of the people dependent on them.
Adaptation related output indicators in EA Poverty Alleviation (part of country programmes, not IC) • 60.000 ha of land under an ecosystem-based climate change adaptation plan Building civil society (adaptation and mitigation) • At least 35 partner CSOs trained in advocacy, negotiation and community support in relation to cc adaptation (or mitigation) • Between 2012 and 2015, representation of networks of partner CSOs in 8 national or regional cc fora has increased by 30% • Policy influencing (adaptation and mitigation) • At least 12 policy oriented reports in 11 countries on ecosystem-based adaptation (and/or mitigation) that also benefits local livelihoods • 22 policy recommendations in relation to ecosystem- and community based adaptation and mitigation presented to local, national and international level
Overall strategy IC EbA • 1. Linking and learning • Regional workshops to enhance interested partners’ capacity in CCA practices and policies • Exchange visits to see and learn from adaptation practices • Support participation in relevant learning events (e.g. Partners for Resilience trainings etc.) • Seek linkages and cooperation with ELAN network, PfR, Africa Adapt, etc. • 2. Strengthening the knowledge base • Analysis of funds and donor programmes related to adaptation • Regional climate impact studies and regional analysis of adaptation policies • Potentially seek cooperation with scientific institutes to assess the cost-effectiveness of current/proposed ecosystem-based adaptation strategies • 3. Lobby and advocacy • Joint lobby at international level • Support Southern partners to lobby at regional climate (relevant) fora • Lobby in the Netherlands/ Dutch embassies and companies (e.g. Arcadis, Haskoning, companies of the Leaders for Nature network) for increased attention for EbA and avoidance of maladaptation
Activities 2012 • Letter sent to all EA partners to assess needs and opportunities • Overview of focus and needs of partners with interest in EbA (excel sheet) • 4 Asian EA partners participated in the CBA6 Conference in Hanoi in April 2012, and reported their lessons learned • Start up joint lobby around the Green Climate Fund (participation in 1st GCF board meeting, support of meeting with Phillipino Board Member) • Successful Learning & Linking workshop in La Plata Basin • Base document for regional strategy development in La Plata forthcoming
Approach IC EbA • First work on capacity building and knowledge base (through regional workshops): • Assessment of national and regional climate/adaptation policies, stakeholders and funding opportunities (country and IC) • Climate change impact studies (country and IC) • Learn about and document local EbA strategies (country and IC) • Challenge: national (country programme) vs. supranational (IC) learning linking diverse areas (wet and dry in Africa) and countries (in Asia), better link with PfR, co-funding Learning Agenda? • Then develop 3 regional lobby strategies and international/Dutch strategy: • International/regional: Green Climate Fund, possibly UNECE Convention • Regional: dependent on assessments above • Dutch companies (or through embassies): dependent on assessment • Challenge: lack of lobby capacity on this issue with partners, better linkages with lobby work of IUCN Gland/Int and existing international, regional and national CSO lobby networks
Plans 2013: total budget around 90000 euros • Policy influencing: • 3 regional climate adaptation policy analyses as basis for regional advocacy strategy and document (policy oriented reports) • At least 6 practical EbA case studies (2 per region) as basis for informed advocacy (part of policy oriented reports) • 5 policy recommendations in regional climate fora • 5 policy recommendations in international climate fora (notably the Green Climate Fund) • Linking & learning • Regional Learning & Linking workshop in (West) Africa and Asia (20 partners), follow-up in La Plata • Support to participate in learning events (5 partners, tbd) • Link partners to CSO networks or establish informal new EbA network(4 partners)
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