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The Key to PhD Success: Organization Tools for Research Day

Follow Brenda Cecilia Padilla Rodriguez's PhD journey as she navigates through Years 1-3, collecting and analyzing data, and writing her research. Learn about the tools she uses, such as GoogleDocs and Article Plan, to organize her PhD research day effectively. Discover her research design to test the impact of different interaction levels on online training program effectiveness in a large Mexican organization with limited e-learning usage.

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The Key to PhD Success: Organization Tools for Research Day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PhD Journey Brenda Cecilia Padilla Rodriguez February 21, 2012

  2. PhD Journey Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Reading Collecting Data Analyzing Data WRITING PhD Research Day


  4. Organization Tools: GoogleDocs PhD Research Day

  5. Organization Tools: Article Plan PhD Research Day

  6. ResearchDesign To test how using different levels of three types of interactions impacts the effectiveness of online training programs in an organization with operations in Mexico PhD Research Day Context • LargeMexicanorganization • Limited use of e-learning • Netbooksfor sales supervisorssinceSeptember 2011

  7. ImplementationStages Qualtia Alimentos, 2012

  8. LearningDesigns PhD Research Day

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