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This document outlines the strategic plan and work plan for the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) for the years 2012-2014. It discusses key decision-making moments, evaluations, means of developing EAPN, and the goals and objectives of the organization.
EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty Strategic Plan 2012-2014 - Work Plan 2012 Discussion with Executive Committee – 25 Nov 2011 EUROPEAN ANTI POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN ANTI-PAUVRETÉ www.eapn.eu
Key decision making Moments • Bureau 3-4 Oct: • Exco November 2011 • First Exco 2012 • GA 2012
Presentation Key Issues • Developing EAPN Means • Strategic Plan 2012-2014 • Work Plan 2012 (Transition Year) • EAPN Structures Beyond 2012
Key Issues EAPN Evaluations: Change is needed • A more dynamic and flexible EAPN • Need to develop a culture of recognition for the contributions made by the individuals and the structures in EAPN • Time needs to be given to manage cross cutting issues like, development, communication and administration • Need to take steps forward on Participation • Need to reflect on role of European Organisations • Need to manage changes constructively and develop consensus building approach.
Developing EAPN Means • EAPN Fund/Foundation: Providing a complementary source of funding to support the work of EAPN. (Ambition: 1.5 Million income annually) 20% to build up Capital, 40% solidarity Fund for NNs, 10% solidarity Fund for EOs, 5% for Prize, 5% International Cooperation, 5% EU Alliance Building, 10% Initiatives to support pep (this goal mainstreamed in other areas), 5% Admin • EAPN Project wing: Claiming financial recognition for the expertise brought by EAPN and its members. Need to distinguish from our advocacy role. (Ambition: 1.5 million annually) 1) PeP meeting, 2) Drivers Project - health Inequalities, 3) Journalist Guidelines Project and 4) MI Network Project (?), Projects could be sought for example in Structural Funds Project or Migration/Ethnic Minorities.
Strategic Plan 2012-2014 When you remove discussion on structures then finalising the Plan is not so contentious • Social and Sustainable Development Model • Shaping and Influencing EU Inclusion Policies and Strategies • Contributing to developing and implementing a ‘social and sustainable development model’ • A dynamic membership driven organisation • A space for exchange debate and learning amongst members • People experiencing poverty recognises EAPN as their Network • Mainstreamed in the way we work
Work Plan 2012 (Transition Year) • Clear decision at the GA with clear consequence: • We have a large GA in 2012 with all the functions of the current GA (Changes will be discussed at 2012 GA and implemented in 2013) • We won’t have budget for Membership meetings in 2012 and the idea of Membership meetings needs greater clarity • Plan A • Bureau proposes a work programme for 2012 based on the assumption that there is support to move ahead with other elements of the presented 2012 work programme (based on vote on principle 1 at GA and indicative votes after the GA). • Proposed 2012 work programme in two formats: 1) Linked to Goals, Objectives, Strategies and 2) Linked to Governance • Plan B • We remain with present system at least till GA 2012 (some adjustments might be necessary)
Work Plan 2012 continued Goal 1)Social and Sustainable Development Model: - Shaping and Influencing EU Inclusion Policies and Strategies: - Contributing to developing and implementing a ‘social and sustainable development model’ 1) EU Inclusion Strategies Group – all networks present plus reps from EOs • Engage, monitor and comment on all relevant aspects of Europe 2020 strategy (including Structural Funds) • Support the development of NAPs and National Strategies 2) Three Sub- Groups of the Exco: i) Alternative Economic Policies, ii) Fundamental Rights, Discrimination and Poverty iii) Participation
Work Plan 2012 continued Task Forces to support Goal 1 (examples) • Explainer/Event on Child poverty • Guidelines tool kit on participative Governance in the Europe 2020 • Research on Struct Funds and Inclusion, feeding into new Regulations • Task Force with Action Aid to develop participatory budgetary approaches Alliances to support Goal 1 (wxamples) • Socialplatform • Spring Alliance • Euromemorandum • Dignity International • Cross Networking • Joint Social Conference
Work Plan 2012 continued • Goal 2) A dynamic membership driven organisation: A space for exchange debate and learning amongst members • Original Idea – Membership meetings (postponed) • Three Subgroups in Exco: 1) Finance and Fund raising 2) Membership Development and Accreditation and 3) Communication. • Large General Assembly 2012 (opportunity for membership exchange) • Projects developed • Task Forces to support goal 2 (examples) • A task Force on training and capacity Building • Task Force on Membership development and Accreditation • Task Force on Communication
Work Plan 2012 continued • Goal 3: People experiencing poverty recognises EAPN as their Network • Build on annual meeting of People Experiencing Poverty • Proposal to expand Executive (4 additional members) to enhance the direct participation of activists with direct experience of poverty and social exclusion • Try to have the expertise of activists with direct experience in most of our structures • Continue practice of involvement of Activist with direct experience of poverty in Annual Policy Conference
EAPN Structures Beyond 2012 • Three Key Issues: GA, Membership Meetings, Structures from 2012 Work Programme: • GA and Strategic Congress: Perhaps Consensus around a smaller annual GA with 2 people per NN (Exco Member and President/Director of NN) plus one per EO. Weighted voting could remain. Would use this GA for formal GA Business but also for exchange on development and engagement of Members. Need to confirm decision re 3 Yearly Strategic Congress. Need to get agreement on proposals for changes to Statutes and Standing Orders at first Exco meeting in 2012. • Membership Meetings: If we have a decision on reduced GA then we can also know what sort of money might be available. Rather than speaking about membership meetings we could start the discussion by saying with this money how can we support goals 2 and 3 of the strategic plan (this was what the membership meetings were to achieve). • Structures from 2012 Work Programme: Need to evaluate and confirm structural changes which were tested in the 2012 Work programme (need to recognise the difficulty to make this evaluation as we will still be only mid way through the 2012 work programme. First Strategic Congress would be key moment for evaluation and decisions.