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Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride

Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride. Two Minute Edit. Which word is the antonym of encourage ? entourage discourage suggest hope. Goals. Reading Goal: SWBAT identify how the author uses characterization. Writing Goal: SWBAT respond to a text-related question.

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Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Amelia and EleanorGo for a Ride

  2. Two Minute Edit • Which word is the antonym of encourage? • entourage • discourage • suggest • hope

  3. Goals Reading Goal: SWBAT identify how the author uses characterization. Writing Goal: SWBAT respond to a text-related question. Team Cooperation Goal: In my team, everyone will participate.

  4. Check Yourself • Day 2 Self • Do you know how to • Pronounce the word • Know the definition • Say it in your own sentence

  5. Vocabulary • consider • unusual • celebrated • elegant • greeted • amusing

  6. consider • Definition- think about • Sentence- Before you talk in line consider the consequences.

  7. unusual • Definition- strange • Sentence- Leo felt unusual to write with his left hand.

  8. celebrated • Definition- famous • Sentence- Kobe Bryant is a celebrated basketball player.

  9. elegant • Definition-fancy • Sentence- The cake was decorated with elegant flower decorations.

  10. greeted • Definition- met in a friendly way • Sentence- Bart greeted us to the opening of the Simpson ride.

  11. amusing • Definition- funny • Sentence- The audience laughed at the characters amusing acts in the play.

  12. With your partner I want you to pantomime the meaning of your selected vocabulary word. Time to Pantomime

  13. Vocabulary Vault

  14. Characterization • We understand characters by learning about the behavior, including what they say and do. • Good readers pay attention to characterization to understand stories better.

  15. Build Background • Summarize what has happened in the story. • Today you will finish reading Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride. • How will America’s most famous women finish off their splendid evening together?

  16. Team Talk • Describe the setting of this part of the story? • Eleanor is amused by Amelia because- • What can you conclude about Amelia from this passage? • Eleanor disobeys the Secret Services agents because-

  17. Partner Read and Silent Read- 15 minutes • Put 2 sticky notes on words that are new or unfamiliar to you • Read and restate pages 570 • Read page 571 silently • Discuss with team words you clarified • find vocabulary words

  18. Class Discussion • What words did your group clarify? • Lets discuss our Team Talk Questions

  19. Team Talk • Why does Amelia Earhart say she risks her life in a plane?- • What can you conclude about the two friends in the story? • Why does Eleanor disobey the Secret Service agents? • Compare and contrast the plane ride and the car ride? • What is the theme or lesson the author wants you to take away from Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride? • Eleanor takes Amelia for a fast car ride around Washington because-

  20. Vocabulary Practice • Multiple Choice Practice

  21. Fluency – 2 min • Pg 566

  22. Fluency Rubric 100 points Expressiveness Smoothness Rate and correctness 90 points Smoothness Rate and correctness 80 points Rate and correctness 70 points Correctness

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