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八年级人教新目标下册. Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf?. Reading. Why don’t you learn to sing English songs?. SOME ENGLISH SONGS. Big big world-emilia. I’m a big big girl ! in a big big world ! It’s not a big big thing if you leave me. but I do do feel. that I too too will miss you much.

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  1. 八年级人教新目标下册 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf? Reading

  2. Why don’t you learn to sing English songs?

  3. SOME ENGLISH SONGS Big big world-emilia I’m a big big girl ! in a big big world ! It’s not a big big thing if you leave me. but I do do feel. that I too too will miss you much. miss you much! …

  4. Yesterday Once More When I was young I'd listen to the radiowaiting for my favorite songsWhen they played I'd sing alongIt made me smile those were such happy timesand not so long ago how I wonder where they'd gonebut they're back again just like a long lost friendall the songs I love so wellevery sha-la-la-la every wo-wo still shineevery shinga-linga-lingthat they're started to sing so finewhen they get to the partwhere he's breaking her heartit can really make me cryjust like before, it's yesterday once more

  5. Seasons in the sun Goodbye to you, my trusted friend,We've known each other since we were nine or ten;together we've climbed hills and trees,learned of love and a-b-c`s,skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.goodbye my friend, it's hard to die,when all the birds are singing in the sky;now that the spring is in the air,pretty girls are every where;think of me and I'll be there.we had joy, we had fun,we had seasons in the sun;but the hills that we climbwere just seasons out of time.

  6. Think of fun ways to improve English. Make suggestions. A. How about taking part in English Corner? B. What about having English Speech Contest? C. Why not act famous plays on stage? D. Why don’t you sing English songs?

  7. Other ways to learn English • 1. Listening to English radio program • 2. Watching English movies • 3. Reading English books • 4. Making friends with a native speaker • of English

  8. Section 1 Before You Read Reading strategy To understand the important ideas from the text, we must “summarize”. Do this by answering “who, what, where, why” questions as you read. 理解文章的重点, 必须对文章加以提炼、总结。 一般需要回答是谁、干什么、在哪里和为什么这些问题。

  9. First reading: What is the passage mainly about? Some good ways of improving English, especially singing English songs.

  10. Section 2 While You Read Today many Chinese people want to improve their English in different ways. For example, twenty-four young singers from across Chinaentered a contest by singing popular English songs. Nearly all the singers sang very clearly, and looked comfortable onstage. Some of these singers were able to sing English songs just aswellasnativespeakers. from across China=from all over China 来自全中国 by+名词/动词-ing 通过; 以 clearly adv.明朗地; 明显地 as+形容词或副词原形+as 像…一样

  11. The singers really came from all age groups, and from all over China. The winner of the men’s competition was a 40-year-old man from Xi’an, and the winner of the women’scompetition was a 19-year-old girl from Dalian. Both winners were very modest, and said that they didn’t think they were better than the other singers. Jiang Mei, the winner of the women’s competition, said studying English helped her wintheprize. Sixmonthsearlier, she felt her English was not good enough, so she had to study hard. She also said that singing English songs made her more interested in learning English. winner n.胜利者 Sixmonthsearlier 六个月以前 modest adj. 谦虚的 interested adj. 感兴趣的

  12. This kind of contest encourages people in China to speak English. Many Chinese people agree that they makeprogress by singing English songs and that it is a good idea to have fun with English. encourage v.鼓励 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 make (great) progress 取得(巨大)进步 It’s + 名词 + to do sth. 做某事是怎样 have fun with sth. 在……中获得乐趣 have fun (in) doing sth.

  13. Have you ever heard of the Beijing Speaks English program? If not, why don’t you findout about it? It suggests ways for Beijingers to take an interest in learning English. Besides singing English songs, there are many other fun ways to learn English. What about watching English movies, or reading English books? Maybe you could even make friends with a native speaker of English. If you look hard enough, you’ll find a good way to learn English better. take an interested in 对……感兴趣 hear of 听说 besides prep. 而且; 除……之外 find out 找出; 发现 make friends with 与……交友 suggest v. 提议; 建议

  14. Topicsentence: Many people try to improve their English in different ways. Findinginformation The first 3 paragraphs: Thelastparagraph: other ways of learning English learning English by singing songs

  15. Section 3 After You Read True or False F • All the singers look uncomfortable on stage. 2. Some singers could sing English songs as well as native speaker. 3. “Beijing speaks English” program suggests ways for Beijingers to take an interest in learning English. T T

  16. 3a. True, false, or not mentioned?     

  17. Read the text again and choose the best answer: 1. Many people sing English songs to ______ A. enter a contest B. look comfortable C. just for fun D. improve English 2. How many singers from across China entered a contest? A. twenty-fourth B. twenty-fifth C. twenty-four 3. Who won the men’s competition? A. a 19-year-old man B. a 40-year-old man C. a 24-year-old man D C B

  18. 4. Which is not a good way to learn English? A. If you look cool B. watch English movies C. read English stories D. make friends with an English speaker. 5. We should try to ______ before the Olympics. A. learn English songs B. make progress C. enter a contest A B

  19. 3b. What other ways can you think of to improve your English? Join a English club Listen to English news ReadEnglish novels Use flash cards

  20. Discuss in groups Make an outline (提纲) Write it out Ways to Improve your written English

  21. How can singing English songs help your English? Discuss it in groups of four. • We can learn new words. • We can speak native English. • We can know English culture.

  22. Unit 8 短语 1. too personal 太个性化 2. not special enough 不够特别 3. not creative enough 创意不够 4. not interesting enough 不够有趣 5. buy a scarf for me 给我买了条围巾 6. What a lucky guy! 多幸运的人啊 7. on my tenth birthday 在我10岁生日时 8. make a special meal 做一顿特别的饭 9. not friendly enough 不够友好 10. It's easy to take care of 容易照料

  23. 11. need a lot of love 需要许多关爱 12. a girl named/called Kate 一个叫凯特的女孩 13. sleeep all day 整天睡觉 14. a good company 一个好伙伴 15. these days 目前, 当今 16. the trendiest kind of pet 一种最流行的宠物 17. Gift giving is different in different countries 赠送礼物在不同的国家有不同的形式

  24. 18. an 80-yer-old grandmother 一个八十岁的老奶奶 19. give away to someone else 赠送给别人 20. in different ways 用不同的方法 21. singers from all over China 来自中国各地的歌手 23. six months earlier 早在六个月前 24. a native speaker of English 一个讲英语的本土人

  25. Ⅰ. 根据句意和所给首字母, 填写单词完成句子。 1. What’s the opposite of the word “cheap ”? It’s e_________. 2. Mr. Zhou Enlai is a great man. We’ll r_________ him forever. 3. How about the concert? Oh, it’s w________! 4. Why don’t you buy a photo a______ to your friend? xpensive emember onderful lbum

  26. 5. Singing English songs can i________ our • English. • 6. Their touching p____________ made many • people cry. • A necklace is too p_______ to send as a gift. • He was so tired that he fell fast ________ • (sleep). mprove erformances ersonal asleep

  27. 9. Wang Hong is the ________(win) of the contest. 10. Reading English in the morning is a good way __________(learn) English. 11. In the barn there are too many ________ (mouse). 12. They chose this house _________ (live) in. winner tolearn mice to live

  28. Ⅱ. 单项选择 1. ---Is that your eraser? ---No, ______ is red. It must be ________. A. my, somebody else B. mine, somebody else’s C. mine, someone else D. my, someone else’s 2. The contest ________ during Beijing Olympic Games. A. will be held B. was hold C. will be had D. hold 3. Mary likes to learn words _______. A. in heart B. by heart C. with heart D. into heart B A B

  29. 4. Mum’s birthday is coming. What about _______ her some flowers? A. get B. getting C. to get D. got 5. He was very excited about _______a picnic. A. having B. to have C. have D. to having 6. ---Did you make anyone _______ the word? ---Yes. I have made the word _______. A. to look up; look up B. to look up; looked C. look up; to be looked up D. look up; looked up B A D

  30. D 7. Kate didn’t go to the movie last night because she had to  ________ her sick dog at home.  (2007陕西省) A. look at        B. look up            C. look for          D. look after

  31. Ⅲ. 翻译 1. 你们何不学习英文歌曲呢? Why don’t you _______________________? 2. 其中一些歌手唱的英文歌能和以英语为 母语的人唱的一样好。 Some of these singers _________________ English songs just ____________ native speakers. 3. 女歌手大赛的获奖者是姜梅。 ___________________________________ is JiangMei. learn to sing English songs were able to sing as well as The winner of the women’s competition

  32. 4. 两个歌手都很谦虚。 Both singers____________________. 5. The singers came from all age groups, and all over China. ____________________________________ 6. This kind of contest encourage people in China to speak English. __________________________________ wereverymodest 歌手们来自各个年龄段,来自中国各地。 这种大赛能鼓励中国人说英语。

  33. 7. Singing English songs made her more interested in learning English. ____________________________________ 8. Have you ever heard of Beijing speaks English program? ___________________________________ 9. If you look hard enough, you’ll find a good way to learn English better. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 唱英语歌使她对学习英语更感兴趣。 你听说过北京说英语节目吗? 如果你努力探索地话, 你将找到一种 更好地学习英语地好方法。

  34. Homework 1. Write a summary of the article using the key words above. 2. Learn to sing an English song you like.

  35. A Sample Because China will be the host for the 2008 Olympics, many Chinese people are trying to improve their English in different ways. Singing English songs is one way. Singers from across China entered a contest by singing English songs. Some of them were able to sing English songs just as well as native speakers.

  36. A winner said singing English songs made her more interested in learning English. So this kind of contest encourages people in China to speak English. And it is a good idea to have fun with English. Besides singing English songs, there are many other fun ways to learn English, like watching English movies and reading English books.

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