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Science and Technology Center in Ukraine. STCU Experience in the Conversion of Former Weapon Scientists in the Biosafety Area. Michel Zayet, Deputy Executive Director (European Union), 27-29 May 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine. Prevent the Spread of WMD Expertise from Former Soviet Military Scientists
Science and Technology Center in Ukraine STCU Experience in the Conversion of Former Weapon Scientists in the Biosafety Area Michel Zayet, Deputy Executive Director (European Union), 27-29 May 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine
Prevent the Spread of WMD Expertise from Former Soviet Military Scientists Engagement: Assist Azeri, Georgian, Moldavian, Ukrainian and Uzbek scientists and technicians (formerly involved in WMD and their means of delivery) in their integration into the international community via collaborative research activities. Transition to Self-Sustainability: Assist these former WMD scientists in transitioning to peaceful, self-sustaining civilian research work that contributes to the economic development of their countries, finds solutions to national/international S&T problems, and builds successful research groups. Our Mission
STCU History 1991 – Ukraine Gains its Independence 1993 – STCU Established as an Inter-Governmental Organization By Ukraine, Canada, Sweden and the USA 1995 – STCU Begins Operations 1997 – Uzbekistan Accedes to STCU 1998 – European Union Replaces Sweden as an STCU Governing and Funding Party 1998 – Georgia Accedes to STCU 2003 – STCU Surpasses $100 Million USD in Total Project Funding 2003 – Azerbaijan Accedes to STCU 2004 – Moldova Accedes to STCU
STCU Basic Data STCU 38 000 1,654 180 Mil 10 Mil 1,000 650 Network (scientists): Number of Projects: Project Funding (Euro equiv, approx): Support Activities (Euro equiv, approx): EU Institutes: Projects with EU:
Working Through STCU • Guaranteedbusiness security, reliability and confidentiality • Clear and transparent financial operations • Tax-free grants to scientists through their individual bank accounts • VAT-free purchases of equipments • Custom clearance assistance and exemption of all duties and taxes • Project auditing and monitoring, timely delivery of scientific reports and results • Host Government Concurrence certifying the non-proliferation and non dual nature of research carried.
EU CBRN CoE Projects Projects are implemented in the framework of the EU CBRN CoE Initiative by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), under the aegis of European Commission’s Directorate General for Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid (DG DEVCO) and the European External Action Service (EEAS).
STRATEGIC GOAL - promote sustainable knowledge development and transfer of best practice through the model “train the trainers”. GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE South East Asia African Atlantic Façade South East Europe, the Caucasus, Moldova and Ukraine; North Africa EXPECTED RESULTS: Establish, document, implement and maintain a bio-risk management system in accordance with the requirements of the Laboratory bio-risk management standard (ISO 15190 CWA 15793) Provide for and reinforce the sharing and transfer of best practices on bio safety/bio-security management Develop a sustainable training system applicable to a broad range of countries and government structures. Improve regional inter-agency cooperation and harmonization with international bio-safety/bio-security standards. MAIN ACTIVITIES: Analysis of local situation Identification and selection of national experts Organization and implementation of regional training and results evaluation Organization and implementation of local training and results evaluation PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: January 2013 - December 2014 (2 years) CBRN CoEProject 03 KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFER OF BEST PRACTICE On BIO-SAFETY/BIO-SECURITY/BIO-RISK MANAGEMENT LEAD PARTNER ICIS - “Insubria Center on International Security” of the University of Insubria, Italy
STRATEGIC GOAL Comparison and know-how sharing of legislations and regulations in the field of biosafety, biosecurity and laboratory management systems Setting up accreditation guides for case studies in South East Asia GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE South East Asia South East Europe PROJECT SCOPE Fight against unintendedrelease - BioSafetyInfection Contamination Dissemination Fight against intendedrelease - BioSecurityLoss –theft (biocriminality…) Misuse (bioterrorism…) MAIN ACTIVITIES: first step is to collect and study relevant B&B legislations (National and International) “20 Criteria” for Biosafety& Biosecurity Collection of all regulations/laws for each Partner Country (PC) Joint Assessment of the overlap between EU&PC legislatives bodies in close partnership with Western Balkans experts Introduction of Management System PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: September 2013 - August 2014 (2 years) CBRN CoEProject 07 Guidelines, procedures and standardization on Bio-safety, bio-security and bio-risk management LEAD PARTNER FEI - “France Expertise Internationale», France
Biotechnology, Agricultural Sciences and Medicine is one of the leading STCU projects area STCU Regular and Partner Projects by Disciplines STCU funded 345 projects in Bio-area More than two thousand scientists and specialists involved in Biological Weapon related investigations in Soviet Union times have been redirected by engaging in the STCU projects.
STCU focusing on Biosafety and Biosecurity area In the context of the main non-proliferation and threat reduction mission and understanding the extremely importance of international cooperation in Biosafety&Biosecurity in the modern global word the STCU enhances efforts in this area and declares the activity in Biosafety&Biosecurity as prior. • Support the R&D projects in the area:Global Partnership Program, Department of Foreign Affairs & International Trade of Canada is funding through the STCU organizing the first in Ukraine modern Training Center on Biosafety and Biosecurity on the base of National Research Anti-plague Institute in Odessa • (STCU project 4440), etc. • Support of Ukrainian participants in the international meetings • /conferences and trainings in the area (Annual meetings of ABSA, EBSA and • training Workshops, Biosafety Cabinet Certification training programme, etc.) • Support of Biosafety international conferences organization in Ukraine • (“Biosafety and Biosecurity: Implementing the Recommendations of the States • Parties Meetings of the Biological Weapons Convention”, 15-17 February, 2010, • Kyiv, etc.)
“Bio-safety and bio-security improvement at the Ukrainian Anti-Plague Station (UAPS) in Simferopol” – one of the most prior STCU current projects The European Union (EU) has decided to finance the project “Bio-safety and bio-security improvement at the Ukrainian Anti -Plague Station (UAPS) in Simferopol” in the framework of the Contribution agreement between the EU and STCU from 22 November 2010 in response to the request of the Government of Ukraine as for the support from the EU to enhance bio-safety and biosecurity and prevent the contamination and spread of dangerous infectious pathogens in Ukraine. The project was started on 1st of August 2011 and the total project budget is of 4 millions EUR.
Project overall objectives • The overall objective of the EU support is to contribute to the full implementation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) in Ukraine, which includes prevention of illicit access to pathogens by terrorists and other criminals. • This will be achieved by • (1) securing existing Ukrainian Anti Plague Station facility in Simferopol, • (2) building, within the available budget, a new facility according to the Ministry of Health mission for Simferopol and to ensure safety according to modern standards and, • (3) providing adequate training.
The Public Institution “Ukrainian Anti-Plague Station of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” • The UAPS current mission is related to sanitary protection of the territory of Ukraine from extremely dangerous and quarantine infectious diseases. Today UAPS is certified as: • the Reference Laboratory of the MOH of Ukraine for diagnostics and identification of Vibrio cholerae and other pathogenic vibrios; • the Centre of the Indication and Identification of biological pathogenic agentsof bacterial etiology (pathogenic vibrios, including cholera, legionellas, leptospiras) • and Base Laboratory on avian influenza diagnostics. • The UAPS is also keeping the National Collection of strains of pathogens (pathogenic vibrios)which belongs to scientific objects of the National Property of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 22.09.2004.)
Securing existing Ukrainian Anti-Plague Station facility- 1st project stage STCU project 9800 “UAPS - Securing Existing Facility to Improve Biosecurity Level” - Large-scale reconstruction of the existing UAPS facility has been carried out on a budget of 200,000 EUR to provide physical protection of the National Strains Collection and UAPS territory, and to implement the modern international requirements in biosecurity including video surveillance and access control systems at the Station. UAPS entrance and bordering before reconstruction. The established bordering premises walls.
Securing existing Ukrainian Anti-Plague Station facility Controlled access to the reference collection room and metal cabinets for collection storage.
Securing existing UAPS facility Installed video surveillance cameras Metal compartments for lab consumables storage
Designing the new modern UAPS facility- the next project stage In the near future will be launched the New Facilities Conceptual Design tender.
Contact detailsfor further information 7A Metalistiv St, Kyiv, Ukraine 03057 Tel: +380-44-490-7150 / Fax: +380-44-490-7145 Email: michel.zayet@stcu.int Web: www.stcu.int Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) Regional Officers’ Meeting at Yuzhnoye K.B., April 2006