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Plastic Bag Dilemma: Impact on Human Behavior and Environment

This research paper delves into the detrimental effects of plastic bags on the environment and human behavior. It addresses the urgent need to understand behavioral psychology in combating the excessive use of plastic bags and its harmful consequences on the ecosystem. The paper explores the toxic chemicals released during plastic manufacturing, their impact on land and ocean ecosystems, as well as the health implications for humans. By highlighting the pressing issues associated with plastic bag usage, the study aims to promote sustainable practices and a cleaner, hazard-free environment.

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Plastic Bag Dilemma: Impact on Human Behavior and Environment

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  1. RUMMAGING ART IN PLASTIC BAG By : Ar. Iram Saleem Paper ID : ICOAH 2018 A 239

  2. Table of contents • Abstract • Introduction • Background : Adverse effects on environment • Objectives : behavioural psychology of humans • Implications : Urge surfing • Conclusions

  3. Abstract Human mind is the greatest betrayal of all bounds but at the same time fettered with urge to create something unique and it is the greatest reverie of Homo sapiens to showcase themselves in the best possible attire, notion and demeanor. But unfortunately, the great, curious and devouring minds have regulated a catastrophic scenario by inventing plastic bags. It is an insidious effect and can incite rigorous bindings between human and nature that it will be arduous to reverse physiological condition, adverse traits, and social psychology in built environment to set counter clockwise momentum. Fortunately, on the other side many organizations are working to prevent admonishing effects by the extravagant use of plastic bags, but there is a phenomenon levitate, ‘is this sufficient?’ Keeping all these intuitions and queries, this research paper focuses on behavioral psychology of humans to manifest functioning of brain according to law enforcement trigger or without self – restraining tuning. There is a great need to address and bring forth antidote which stops the waves of bad habits already percolating in the community which automatically leads us to impede sustainable, healthy, clean and hazardous free environment. Keywords: sustainability, use of plastic bag, behavioral psychology, urge surfing, ecosystem

  4. Introduction • Plastic is prevailing our lives with so much dominating force that sometimes our mind is deceased by social behaviour that we are unable to distinguish habitual behavior and psychological outcomes in one’s life. Plastic is non – biodegradable polymer and due to its characteristic it becomes of vital importance and now plastic is among those new chemical materials which bring forth environmental problems. Polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene is widely used in the manufacture of plastics. As far as properties of plastics are concern, plastics are light in weight, flexible and durable, excellent mechanical strength and that is why it became popular in this human community where every single user is facing economic crisis. • From the pie chart you can clearly get a clear picture of plastic usage worldwide and unfortunately, many new researches have been carried out and new innovations have been initiated in the field of plastic but no one is putting ear to the loss of environment, we are facing while using plastics.

  5. Background Adverse effects on environment • Toxic chemical release during manufacturing plastic, is another important source of the negative environmental impact of plastics. A whole host of carcinogenic, neurotoxic, and hormone-disruptive chemicals are standard ingredients and waste products of plastic production, and they can find their way smoothly into the ecology through water, land, and air pollution. Some of the more familiar compounds include vinyl chloride (in PVC), dioxins (in PVC), benzene (in polystyrene), phthalates and other plasticizers (in PVC and others), formaldehyde, and bisphenol-A, or BPA (in polycarbonate). Many of these are persistent organic pollutants (POPs)—some of the most damaging and harmful toxins on the planet, owing to a combination of their persistence in the environment and their high level usage and unlimited amount of release is effecting ecosystem.

  6. Effect on land: chlorinated plastics release toxins into the soil is hazardous to the fertility of the soil. Land pollution is top most problem we are facing due to consumption of plastics.

  7. Effect on ocean: this is the most alarming situation when it comes to marine life. We humans are dumping our filth in form of plastics into the oceans, seas and rivers and thus effecting marine ecosystem. According to the surveys which have been recorded in recent times about 20% of the trash and garbage comes from ships and platforms that are offshore and are easily hitting marine life. Many cases of whales are coming to front which are dying by swallowing bulk of plastics pieces. Not only this toxins released by plastics into the water, consumed by the sponges and some other marine plants, leading towards the infertility of the soil as well as reducing reproductive manner of the plants.

  8. Effect on humans: the use of plastics also effecting humans brain activity, causing severe hormonal imbalances, respiratory diseases, development of some cancers and mutation in genetic manner. This situation is alarming when consumption of plastics is ninety percent.

  9. Now what?

  10. The immediate question arises; now what will be the immediate solution?

  11. There is no immediate solution and nothing can be done in a blink of an eye. Everything needs to be taper off , takes time to search deeper surfaces and encourage acceptance of any change.

  12. Objectives • Now this whole scenario lead us to ponder over not only the facts but real cause of malfunctioning whether in society or human mind. In this globalization, curious and devouring minds have regulated a catastrophic scenario by inventing plastic bags. The immediate outcome is not possible when things are going out of control. Sudden stop or banning use of plastic is not the way of addressing environmental issues. Primarily, a lot of economic barriers in terms of plastic productivity will be hit which can explode the outrage in business sector. So remedial measures should be taken on periphery first which will start with the tuning of human behaviour and social mind set. • There is a hope that by studying human behaviour we can predict the futuristic gestures and outcomes in terms of mood swings of an individual. Human psychology is the prime cause to eradicate bad habits, encounter negative aspects and promote positive manner and induct good habits in one’s life.

  13. Behavioral Psychology of Humans Behavioral psychology deals with the connection between the brain functioning and behaviour.  The researchers, psychiatrist and scientists who loves to study behavioral psychology are pondering over why we behave the way we do and they are concerned with discovering patterns in our actions and behaviours. There is a hope that by studying human behaviour we can predict the futuristic gestures and outcomes in terms of mood swings of an individual. Human psychology is the prime cause to eradicate bad habits, encounter negative aspects and promote positive manner and induct good habits in one’s life.

  14. ImplicationsUrge Surfing • For a proper mindful approach there is technique called ‘urge surfing’ which is used to overcome impulsive behaviours, bad habits, negative thoughts and addictive habits and behaviour. This paper deals with the most prominence and prime solution to address and bring forth antidote which stops the waves of bad habits already percolating in the community which automatically leads us to impede sustainable, healthy, clean and hazardous free environment.

  15. According to my theory, using plastic bags is another habit of ours which have been developed over years and to eradicate this habit we really need to change our behaving patterns and tune ourselves according to our need along with sustainable, healthier, liveable and better life. Urge surfing will help an individual to restraint from bad habits and negative thoughts. It is like a wave which gets bigger and bigger while moving away from shore. Same like the craving or urge to do certain gestures and actions will get more profound when we change the tuning of our brains. So in my opinion it is necessary to tune ourselves with the slogan ‘say, no to plastics’. Eventually, we start realising that it is difficult to suck this feeling at once because we use plastics at every time, moment, place and situation. Our lives are full of plastic use. We keep everything in plastic because we find it cheaper, light weight and easy-to-use. We are so dependent on these little things that sometimes we forget to realize our bad little habits. It is necessary to keep reminding ourselves for mindful approach and positive manner and for betterment.

  16. Conclusions • Urge surfing will help us to keep practising to eradicate habits which are not only hazardous, harmful and dangerous to us but also to our environment and we humans are responsible for making environment and we need safe, hazardous free and sustainable atmosphere. So be a part of this urge surfing. • We have to take all sorts of measures which automatically leads us to impede sustainable, healthy, clean and hazardous free environment. With this practice, we will be able to see through other sides of the situation. Eventually, banning plastic bags, charging fine on use of plastics and recycling plastics are the secondary and tertiary measures to make our environment healthier and clean.

  17. Thank you!

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