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Special Support Education in Japan

Special Support Education in Japan. Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development University of Tsukuba, Japan. School System in Japan. Compulsory Education. Special Support Education System in Japan (Compulsory Education - 6 to15 years).

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Special Support Education in Japan

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  1. Special Support Education in Japan Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational DevelopmentUniversity of Tsukuba, Japan

  2. School System in Japan Compulsory Education

  3. Special Support Education System in Japan (Compulsory Education - 6 to15 years) A total of children with and without disability ; 10,860,000 Special Support Education Schools Profound 0.52% (approximately 56,000) Blind Deaf Intellectual disabilities Physical/Motor disabilities Health impairments 1.86% (approximately 200,000) Elementary and lower secondary schools Special Classes(Children with disabilities are registered in special units.) Visual impairments Hard of hearing Intellectual disabilities Physical/Motor disabilities 0.96% (approximately 105,000) Health impairments Speech and language disorders Emotional disturbance Severity of Disability Regular Classes Resource Rooms (Children with disabilities are registered in regular class rooms.) Low vision Hard of hearing Physical/Motor disabilities Health impairments Speech and language disorders 0.38% (approximately 41,000) Autism Emotional disturbance LD ADHD LD・ ADHD・ HF (high function autism) etc. However, according to the survey of the teachers, there might be approximately 680,000 (6.3%) children with LD, ADHD and HF in classrooms (MEXT, 2002). Mild

  4. From Special Education to Special Support Education Special School (0.46%) *1 School for the otherwise disabled*2 School for the deaf School for the blind (0.01%) (0.03% ) (0.42%) Establishment the schools meeting individual needs beyond classification Special Support Schools *2;School for - the intellectual disabilities - the Physical/motor disabilities - Health Impairments *1;( ) Enrolled children

  5. Cooperation Special Supportive School Medication welfare Labor University Special Support School Nursery Kindergarten Lower secondary school Elementary school Upper secondary school Support New functions of special schools as local special education centers

  6. Trends in Number of Special Schools

  7. Number of Enrolled Children in Special Schools (May 2006)

  8. Number of Enrolled Children in Special Schools (May 2006)

  9. Number of Special School Teachers and Staff (May 2006)

  10. Number of Special School Teachers with specialized license (2005) • Special School Teachers - With specialized license 33,617 (62.5%) • Without specialized license20,140 (37.5%) (2005)

  11. Number of Schools with Special Classes

  12. Number of Special Classes and Students

  13. Number of Students using Resource Rooms

  14. First Destination of New Graduates of Upper Secondary Dept. of Special Schools Graduates of class of 2005

  15. First Destination of New Graduates of Special Schools - Upper Secondary Dept. - (2005 of March graduation) School for the deaf School for the blind School for children with physical/motor disabilities School for children with health impairments School for children with intellectual disabilities

  16. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 year Employment Rates of Special School Graduate By MEXT http://www.mhlw.go.jp/bunya/shougaihoken/shingikai01/pdf/2a.pdf

  17. Number of Labors by Vocation -Special School Graduate in the Class of 2005-

  18. Number of Labors by Vocation -Special School Graduate in the Class of 2005-

  19. The Number of People having a Disability Handbook Intellectual disability handbook Physical disability handbook

  20. Amount of Disability Basic Pension Benefit (for the year 2007) Class 1 792,100 yen ×1.25 (82,510 yen /month)+ additional amount for child Class 2 792,100 yen /year( 66,008 yen /month)+additional amount for child

  21. Education for the Gifted

  22. Tuition of a Cram School for Kindergartens

  23. Trends in Percentage of Students Attending Private Cram Schools (7, 10 and 13-year-olds)

  24. Questions in entrance examinations of Kindergartens

  25. Choose the same figures. 日本女子大 幼稚園<Same-different task>

  26. Choose figure when you opened this paper which was folded into half. 田園調布双葉幼稚園 <Reasoning>

  27. Questions in entrance examinations of elementary schools

  28. What kind of figure is there when you put twotransparent cards of left ? Choose a figure from the right side. 筑波大学附属小学校 <Reasoning>

  29. Watch a right photograph. Which camera was used to take this photograph? 学習院初等科 <Reasoning>

  30. Draw a figure when you folded the left figure into the right side. 早稲田実業学校初等部 <巧緻性>

  31. Questions in entrance examinations of lower secondary schools

  32. Fig.1 Fig.2

  33. A θ C B E D

  34. The number of students enrolling in Tokyo University, 2007

  35. ・Special Supportive School beyond classification of disabilities ・ A role of Local Special Education center SpecialSchool (The special school which is separate type of disabilities ) Enrolled children 0.46% The Special Supportive School Increase of the number of children for special education (0.01%) School for Blindness and Visual Impairment Increase of the number of children with profound disability and multiple disability (0.03% ) School for Hearing Impairment Special Supportive School  基本的な 考え方の転換 A change of basic Concept tospecial education welfare Medication (0.42%) School for - Intellectual Disability - Motor Disability - Health Impairment university Special Supportive School Labor nursery kindergarten Elementary school Upper secondary school Lower secondary school

  36. Make the same form as this illustration with these plates. 桐蔭学園 幼稚園<構成>

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