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Shorthand Education in Japan

Shorthand Education in Japan. IFIPIntersteno 2009 Beijing Congress Steno Education Forum. 16 th August Tsuguo Kaneko. Declining Candidates. A C S P % ’90 2805 2542 1160 45 ’95 2075 1883 797 42 ’00 1106 1028 433 42

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Shorthand Education in Japan

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  1. Shorthand Education in Japan IFIPIntersteno 2009 Beijing Congress Steno Education Forum 16th August Tsuguo Kaneko

  2. Declining Candidates A C S P % ’90 2805 2542 1160 45 ’95 2075 1883 797 42 ’00 1106 1028 433 42 ’05 596 565 279 49 ’06 612 572 265 46 ’07 565 592 249 42 ’08 573 537 241 44 A : Applicants C : Candidates S : Successful P : Passing rate Certification of Graphic Shorthand Speed And Accuracy Test By Incorporated Japan Shorthand Association

  3. Authorized Graphic Shorthand System • Ishimura system (2) Iwamura system (3) Kumasaki system (4) Kotani system (5) Nakane system (6) Nissokuken system (7) Sangiin system (8) Shugiin system (9) Waseda system (By Japan Shorthand Association) Besides,Yamane system is succeeded in Kansai Univ. Ishimura Kotani

  4. Advanced Machine Shorthand (1) Speed Warpro system (2) Hayatokun (Sokutaipu) system (3) Caver system CAVER Speed Warpro Hayatokun(Sokutaipu) Suzuki

  5. Vocational College & School (1) Waseda Iryou Fukushi Senmon Gakko (2) Nakane Sokki Gakko (3) Speed Warpro School (4) Word Warp Speed Warpro Hayatokun

  6. Goals ◎ Goal Skill ☆ Speed goal 320/M ~ 240/M ☆ Success rate maybe 20% ☆ training period 2 years ◎ Goal Job Journalist(W) General(N) Realtime Captioner (SW,WW) W:Waseda N:Nakane SW:Speed Warpro WW:Word Warp Realtime Captioner

  7. School and College Waseda Script ◎ System W : Waseda system(G) N : Nakane system(G) SW : Speed Warpro(E) WW : Hayatokun(Sokutaipu,E) G : Graphic Shorthand E : Electronic Machine Shorthand Nakane Script

  8. School School Hours Waseda :480– 570 H/Y Nakane : approximately 400 – 500 H/Y Speed Warpro : (1) 450 M/W (2)90 M/W Word Warp : (1) 660 M/W (2) 330 M/w School Style Commuting Correspondence

  9. Place Waseda : Tokyo http://www.wasedasokki.jp/ Nakane : Tokyo Speed Warpro : Tokyo,Nagoya,Osaka,Fukuoka http://www.speed-wp.co.jp/ Word Warp : Osaka http://www.wordwarp.co.jp/

  10. Curriculum 1st year 2nd year Total ☆ Basic subject 270 120 390 ☆ Specialty subject 480 600 1080 (Shorthand 480 570 1050) ☆ Relative subject 90 90 180 ☆ Elective subject 0 60 60 Total 840 870 1710 Waseda Shorthand Iryou Fukushi Senmongakko

  11. Tuition Fees Waseda 820,000 yen Nakane Speed Warpro Hayatokun 35,000 (entrance fee), 26,250 /month, 3,000(Machine rental,100,000(Garanty)

  12. Kansai Univ.Shorthand Club Mimaki Shorthand is Sports The Representative Nishino

  13. Shorthand club in High school Shorthand is sports National Shorthand Contest shimotani

  14. Trend away from Shorthand ○Shorthand became low Productivity Job ○Substitution : Transcriptionist with Tape recorder & PC ○Investment and Gain ratio declining ○Great Hardle to pass Exam. ○Hard to build skill

  15. Our Mission ○Succession to Shorthand Culture ○Creation in New Value of Shorthand ○Reform of Shorthand Technology and Technique ○Social Communication

  16. Research and Development ☆More easy to learn,more easy to write fast and to transcribe correct ☆New application and charm ☆Increase Added Value ☆Innovation in ICT ◎Powerful Leadership ◎Share mutual Dream and Hope ◎Collaborate Grobal Goal

  17. What can we collaborate now ? To Raise Shorthand reporters Status ,there is a possibility to work jointly for Global standard of record producing in International Standard Organization To share concept of Verbatim Reporting To share Requirement of Verbatim Reporting c.f. Record keeping is defined Record management Standard by ISO

  18. End

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