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DEPARTMENT of INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY. MTH 201 Discrete Mathematics 201 1 -201 2 Fall Term. Azizah Ibrahim aibrahim@ibu.ba. Class Schedule. Class Schedule: Monday 9 :00-12:00, Office Hour: Open Door Policy. Course Objectives.
DEPARTMENT of INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY MTH 201 Discrete Mathematics 2011-2012FallTerm Azizah Ibrahim aibrahim@ibu.ba
ClassSchedule • Class Schedule: Monday 9:00-12:00, • Office Hour:OpenDoorPolicy
Course Objectives • Introduce the fundamental topics and techniques in discrete and combinatorial reasoning • Introduce wide variety application of Discrete mathematics in Computer Science • Apply theory and techniques from discrete methods, combinatorial and graph theory in the applications of computer science. • Establish knowledge and understanding of data structures ,theory of computer languages and the analysis of algorithms using the theory and technique from discrete mathematics.
Textbooks • Grimaldi, R. (2004) Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction .New York :Addison Wesley Pub.Co.Inc. 5th edition • 2. Kenneth H. Rosen (2003) Discrete Mathematics and its Applications : Mc Graw Hill. 5th edition
Brief Contents • Chapter 1: FUNDAMENTALS OF LOGIC • Chapter 2: FUNDAMENTALS PRINCIPLES OF COUNTING • Chapter 3: SET THEORY • Chapter 4: MATHEMATICAL INDUCTIon • Chapter 5: PROPERTIES OF INTEGERS • Chapter 6: Relations and Functions • Chapter 7: Languages: finite state machines • Chapter 8: Graph Theory
Grading • Midterm 30% • Final 40% • Project 20% • Attendance/Quiz 10%