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MTH 204 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 201 1 -201 2 Spring Term

DEPARTMENT of ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING. INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY. MTH 204 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 201 1 -201 2 Spring Term. Prof: Abdulahamit Subasi Assist: Emina Alickovic asubasi @ ibu.edu.ba , ealickovic@ibu.edu.ba. Timetable and office hours.

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MTH 204 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 201 1 -201 2 Spring Term

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  1. DEPARTMENT of ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY MTH 204 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS2011-2012 Spring Term Prof: Abdulahamit Subasi Assist: Emina Alickovicasubasi@ibu.edu.ba, ealickovic@ibu.edu.ba

  2. Timetable and office hours • Class Schedule: Tuesday 09:00-111:45 • Tutorials: Wednesday 08:00-10:00 • Office Hour: Open Door Policy

  3. Course Objectives • To make students familiar with: • Matlab Programmingand numerical approaches • To introduce student to real life problems and how to solve them. • To introduce students to simulations electrical and electronic circuits and solving them using matlab and numerical analysis

  4. Textbooks Laurene V. Fausett, Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB, Second Edition, Pearson, 2008

  5. Brief Contents • Introduction to MATLAB and MATLAB Usage – Matrix Manipulation, Loops and Conditions, Functions and Plotting • Function of one variable • Solving Linear Systems (direct methods) • LU and QR factorization • Matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors • Interpolation and Curve fitting • Approximation • Engineering Application • Nonlinear equations • Engineering Application • Fourier analysis • Numerical Integration/Differentiation • Ordinary differential equations • Partial differential equations

  6. Grading • Lab. Sessions and homework 10% • Quiz 10% • Project 5% • Midterm Exam 25% • Final Examination 50%

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