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The Japanese

Explore Japan's expansionist policies and the atrocities committed during WWII, including the attack on Pearl Harbor and the fall of Singapore.

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The Japanese

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  1. The Japanese War Machine

  2. Japanese Aggression in WWII • 1930s – The Great Depression hits Japan. Militarists take over Japan’s government. They see Imperialism as the solution to Japan’s economic problems. • 1931 – Japan invades Manchuria • 1937 – Japan invades China • 1940 – Japan invades Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos (French colonies, lost after France was taken over by Germany)

  3. Why is Japan Expanding? • Economic Factors • What was the economic situation in Japan around the 1930s? Why was this? • Domestic Policies • Who dominated the government in Japan at this time? What was their ambition (goal)? • Ideology • What ideology was propagated by the Japanese leaders to unite the country behind the war? • Racism • How did racism play a role in Japan's expansion?

  4. Why is Japan Expanding? • Economic Factors • Need for oil and rubber (outside Japan's sphere of influence) • Domestic Politics • Emperor had little control; military had power • Ideology • Extreme patriotism • Racism • Japanese seen as inferior to Western nations

  5. The Rape of Nanking • Japanese soldiers committed atrocities against Chinese soldiers and civilians • Raped, tortured, and executed thousands in the city of Nanking • US protested. Sent aid to the Chinese and cut off trade with Japan • Japan saw the US as its only obstacle to dominating Asia …

  6. "'Incredible Record' [in the Contest to] Behead 100 People—Mukai 106 – 105 Noda—Both 2nd Lieutenants Go Into Extra Innings"

  7. John Rabe Minnie Vautrin • Established “Nanking Safety Zone” and saved about 200,000 Chinese • He was from Germany! • American missionary • Saved several thousand girls from Japanese atrocities

  8. Japanese Strategy Destroy the US fleet at Pearl Harbor Attack several Pacific islands to take over European and American bases Build airstrips on the islands to establish a protective zone around Japan Fight war of attrition against US – wear down our will to fight

  9. Japanese Aircraft Carriers

  10. USS Missouri (battleship)

  11. Warning? • The US had broken two Japanese codes; we knew an attack was coming, but not where or when • The base was ordered to be on “high alert”

  12. The Attack • Early Sunday morning, Dec. 7, 1941 • 2,400 Americans killed, all US battleships destroyed or damaged, 180 US planes destroyed

  13. News Report • Take another look at a photo from the Pearl Harbor attack (yes, I will go back) • Imagine you are a news reporter and must come up with the front page headline. • What would your caption be?

  14. What saved the US? • Yamamoto decided not to send the 3rd wave • US aircraft carriers were not at Pearl Harbor • US industrial power • By 1945, the US Navy was larger than all other WWII countries COMBINED! • “We have awakened the sleeping giant.” – Admiral Yamamoto

  15. Why were Aircraft Carriers more valuable than battleships?

  16. After Pearl Harbor… • Japanese Blitzkrieg • Japan attacked and took over the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and dozens of small islands.

  17. The Fall of Singapore • Singapore was the strongest British outpost in the Pacific – 80,000 British, Australian and Indian troops vs. 36,000 Japanese • Heavy artillery defended against attacks from the sea (to the south) • British thought the dense jungle made it impossible for any army to attack from the north

  18. The Fall of Singapore • Dec. 8, Japan attacked from the north! • Landed on the undefended coast and moved through the jungle on bicycles! • Japanese attained “air superiority,” used bombing to support ground attacks • British surrendered after 2 months • Japanese executed hundreds of prisoners, including doctors and patients in a hospital • Churchill called this the worst disaster in British military history

  19. Fall of the Philippines • Dec. 8, Japan attacked US bases • 30,000 Americans + 80,000 Filipinos vs. 200,000 Japanese • US troops retreated to a heavily defended base on Corregidor and to the Bataan Peninsula

  20. Corregidor and Bataan

  21. Fall of the Philippines • Japan had more troops, planes and men - defense was hopeless • FDR ordered General MacArthur to leave to avoid being captured - “I shall return!” • Allied troops held out until May, then surrendered • Resulted in the Bataan Death March

  22. Bataan Death March

  23. US Offensives • Island Hopping: 1943 – 1945, US Navy & Marines attack dozens of islands and fight their way closer to Japan. • Amphibious attacks – very difficult! • Some of the fiercest fighting of the war

  24. Island Hopping

  25. Amphibious attack Landing Craft “Pillbox” Underwater Obstacle

  26. Haiku Look over your notes from today about Japanese expansion. • You are going to write TWO haikus about the early war in the pacific. • Pearl Harbor, Philippines, Bataan, Singapore Example December 7th The skies are calm and serene Soon bodies fly high

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