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Behaviors are Unmet Needs

This comprehensive guide highlights the importance of recognizing underlying needs behind negative behaviors in caregiving settings. Learn how to identify, address, and manage behaviors effectively through understanding, communication, and staff interaction strategies to enhance resident care.

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Behaviors are Unmet Needs

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  1. Behaviors are Unmet Needs In-service Training Guide

  2. Understanding Negative Behaviors Staff must try to change their thinking from trying to control behavior to finding the reason behind the behavior.

  3. Understanding Negative Behaviors Behaviors in relation to needs: • Behaviors to obtain or meet a need (pacing = stimulation need) • Behaviors to communicate a need (repetitive questioning = help me ) • Behaviors that result from an unmet need (pain /discomfort = aggression)

  4. Understand Negative Behaviors • Most negative behaviors are not normal • Find the underlying cause • Focus on abilities, not limitations • Behaviors are methods of communication

  5. Understand Behaviors Sometimes…… A behavior is actually a personality trait and not a behavior !

  6. Don’t take it personally ! Many times the resident cannot control his/her negative behavior. Understand that there is usually an underlying cause to that behavior, such as pain, or frustration. Take a moment to………

  7. Don’t take it personally cont.. Now how’s your mood ? Do you think these changes could result in negative behaviors?

  8. Negative Behaviors FUEL + MATCH =FIRE The negative behavior is the “fire”

  9. NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR Fire can be put out over and over again, but it will continue to rekindle, unless the “fuel” (the underlining cause of the behavior) and the “match” (the trigger that sets off the behavior) are removed.

  10. MANAGING NEGATIVE BEHAVIORS Step 1: Identify the behavior Identify the behavior, and ask yourself if the behavior is affecting the resident or other residents ?

  11. MANAGING NEGATIVE BEHAVIORS Step 2: Note what could be causing theproblem? Become a Detective and Investigate the Cause.

  12. MANAGING NEGATIVE BEHAVIORS • When does it occur? • Where does it occur? • Who is there when it occurs? • What happens before it?

  13. MANAGING NEGATIVE BEHAVIORS • Is it triggered by a medical factor? • Is it triggered by the task? • Is it triggered by an environmental factor?

  14. MANAGINGNEGATIVE BEHAVIORS Step 3: Adapt your behavior orthe environment?

  15. MANAGINGNEGATIVE BEHAVIORS • Is there a communication breakdown? • Other causes? • What does the situation mean to the resident?

  16. MANAGING NEGATIVE BEHAVIORS • Brainstorm with your team. • Select an approach or a set of approaches and give it a try, perhaps for a week. • Re-evaluate your plan. • Adjust as needed • Determine how you will share successes with co-workers.

  17. COMMUNICATION • May Reduce Negative Behaviors

  18. COMMUNICATION Provide simple verbal cueing. Look in the resident’s eyes when speaking to him/her to help focus attention.

  19. COMMUNICATION • Ask only one question at a time • Wait for a response • Provide options • Always include the resident in any conversation

  20. COMMUNICATION Ask the resident for permission to do a task with him/her.

  21. COMMUNICATION • Use short, simple sentences • Touch • Eye contact • Never argue with a resident • Speak slowly, and clearly

  22. COMMUNICATION Staff should be aware of and monitor their own body language.

  23. COMMUNICATION Eliminate distractions: TV Radio Environmental noise

  24. COMMUNICATION Visual cues ! Supply visual cues, such as touching your own glasses when asking, “Where are your glasses?” or pointing at your teeth when explaining oral care.

  25. STAFF INTERACTION Residents are very sensitive to staff feelings/ stress/ behavior and will mirror those emotions.

  26. Be mentally prepared each day!DON’T REACT • Prepare yourself mentally and physically • Some residents may pinch or hit you unexpectedly. Be ready for it and don’t react. • Always use a slow, calm approach • Remember that some of our resident cannot mentally come to our world, so we must go into theirs. Their world may not be moving at the same pace as yours.

  27. REMEMBER Focus on abilities of our residents, not the limitations. What CAN they do? Behaviors are methods of communication.

  28. “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being” Goethe philosopher

  29. Thank You for taking the time to learn about behaviors.

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