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Dr MS Rakometsi. State of Readiness Report 2018 National Senior Certificate Examinations PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON BASIC EDUCATION 9 October 2018. Presentation Outline. 1. Umalusi mandate and regulatory framework 2. Framework for Quality Assurance of Assessment
Dr MS Rakometsi State of Readiness Report 2018National Senior Certificate ExaminationsPORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON BASIC EDUCATION 9 October 2018
Presentation Outline 1. Umalusi mandate and regulatory framework 2. Framework for Quality Assurance of Assessment 3. Reconceptualised State of Readiness approach 4. Findings on State of Readiness to conduct, administer and manage the 2018 National Senior Certificate Examinations 5. Conclusion 2
Umalusi mandate and regulatory framework • According to the National Qualification Framework (NQF) Act No. 67 of 2008, Umalusi must: • Develop and implement policy and criteria for assessment for the qualifications on its sub-framework; • with regards to quality assurance within its sub-framework, do the following: • develop and implement policy for quality assurance; • ensure the integrity and credibility of quality assurance; • ensure that quality assurance as is necessary for the sub-framework is undertaken; • Section17A of the GENFETQA Act • (3) The Council must, perform the external moderation of assessment of all assessment bodies and education institutions • (4) The Council may adjust raw marks during the standardization process 3
Framework for Quality Assurance of Assessment • Quality assurance of assessment is conducted to ensure that assessment leading to the award of certificates in schools, adult education centres and technical and vocational education and training colleges is of the required standard. This is in order to ensure that the certificates issued by Umalusi are credible. • This is achieved through: • Moderation of examination question papers, Practical Assessment Tasks (PAT) and Common Assessment Tasks in the case of Life Orientation • Monitoring and moderation of School Based Assessment (SBA) • Monitoring the state of readiness to conduct, administer, and manage examinations • Monitoring of the conduct, administration and management of assessment and examination processes • Monitoring and moderation of marking • Management of concessions and examination irregularities • Standardisation of assessment outcomes • Certification 4
Reconceptualised SOR Previously, the State of readiness was conducted as a once-off event, than a process. • 2017 Umalusi conducted an independent SOR and audited the PEDs. • 2018 Umalusi re-conceptualized the approach to the evaluation of the State of Readiness of the assessment bodiesand adopted a risk management based approach for the conduct of SOR Phase 1: Requirements A. Assessment Body Annual Plans i) Submission of improvement plans and progress reports on improvement of directives issued at the conclusion of the previous examination cycles; ii) Submission of annual management plans. B. Desktop evaluation i) Submission of completed self-evaluation instrument ii) Quarterly submission of progress reports to cover activities undertaken in that quarter. 5
ReconceptualisedSOR …. Phase 2:Risk analysis and Feedback Umalusi used submitted self-evaluation reports to assess the level of preparedness of the assessment bodies. This phase was used to analyse information gathered and identify the risks or gaps that might impact on the delivery of a credible examination. The identified gaps or potential risks identified informed the follow-up verification audits which Umalusi undertook. 6
ReconceptualisedSOR …. Phase 3: Summative evaluation This process is used to evaluate the systems, and related evidence as outlined in the self-evaluation report and/or any other reports received. Verification audit instruments are administered during the on-site verification visits, and the assessment bodies are informed ofthe identified risks and are required to address them before the examinations commence. 7
Progress Report • ReconceptualisedSOR …. 8
Findings on State of Readiness to conduct, administer and manage the 2018 National Senior Certificate examinations 9
SOR for the conduct and administration of SASL HL Examinations Scope: • Umalusi staff and monitors were deployed on 15 and 17 August 2018 to monitor the writing of SASL HL preparatory examinations at all the five provinces writing the SASL HL: Eastern Cape; Free State; Gauteng; KwaZulu Natal and Western Cape. • The monitoring was observed at the following schools: - Sizwile School for the Deaf in Gauteng - Kwathintwa and Fulton Schools for the Deaf in KwaZulu Natal - Efata and St. Thomas Schools for the Deaf in Eastern Cape - Dominican School for the Deaf in Western Cape - Thiboloha and Bartimea Schools for the Deaf in Free State 45
SOR for the conduct and administration of SASL HL Examinations Moderation of SASL HL Question Papers • The moderation of the November 2018 NSC examination question papers is still in progress • For the preparatory examinations all three question papers were approved at second moderation with minor changes • The moderation included moderating and approving the: • English (written) version of the question papers • Signed version of the question papers • To avoid to and fro that would delay the approval of the question papers the translation to sign language was done in the presence of the external moderators 46
SOR for the conduct and administration of SASL HL Examinations Moderation of School Based Assessment: • Umalusi moderated school-based-assessment for 35 out of 58 SASL HL learners. Findings • Some DVDs with the learners assessments could not open for moderation • First Additional Language rubrics and not SASL rubrics were used to assess /mark learners in one of the schools • There was no evidence of internal moderation of the tasks. • In the rest of the schools valid and appropriate methods of assessment were used. • The DBE moderated the tasks of all the learners. 47
SOR for the conduct and administration of SASL HL Examinations Monitoring the writing phase Umalusi monitored 8 out 10 centres offering the SASL HL. The DBE conducted National preliminary examinations as a dry run of the coming November 2018 examinations Examination centres visited complied with the requirements; Findings • Most of the centres monitored adhered to regulations and instructions for examinations as provided by DBE; • External monitoring by all stakeholders was evident. • Training of invigilators was not conducted by PED by the time the preparatory examination was administered at Efata (EC) and Fulton (KZN). • No supply of CDs by the PED or district and examination centre had to provide for themselves. This was evident at Bartimea in Free State, and St. Thomas in Eastern Cape; • Bags for packaging of examination answer material (e.g. CDs) were not supplied and the centre had to make its own arrangements. This was evidenced in Fulton in KZN, • The seen poetry essay question was not accompanied by the extract of a seen poem at Sizwile School for the Deaf (Gauteng). As a result, candidates had to answer questions without the extract. 48
SOR for the conduct and administration of SASL HL Examinations Marking Guideline Discussion and Verification of Marking Umalusi participated in the standardisation of the marking guidelines for Paper 1 and Paper 2 and also approved the rubric for marking Paper 3. Findings • During the marking process, senior markers could pick up mistakes and thus rectify them on the spot • The variance of mark allocation was very low indicating that the standardisation meeting was very effective • The norm time for marking and verification is longer than other Home Languages as markers/moderators have to consider expressions in addition to the signing. 49
Conclusion • Umalusi verification of the state of readiness of all the assessment bodies was concluded on 4 October 2018. • Assessment bodies are furnished with letters communicating identified risks to enable them to address the concerns before the commencement of the November 2018 NSC examinations. • Based on the report on the SOR of the PEDs Umalusi declares the DBE and PEDs ready to conduct the 2018 NSC examinations, taking into account the issues that need to be addressed prior to commencement of the examinations. • Umalusi is in the process of appointing monitors who are conversant with the sign language. • The SASL HL task team where Umalusi is represented is attending to the following: • Applications for concession for writing • Norm time for marking • Umalusi will hold a media briefing on the state of readiness of the Assessment bodies to conduct the November 2018 NSC examinations on 12 October 2018. 50