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Addition of water, H - OH

Learn about the mechanisms of alkene hydration, bromination, hydrogenation, and polymerization. Explore the concepts of stereospecificity and catalyst influence in organic chemistry reactions.

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Addition of water, H - OH

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  1. b) a) Addition of water, H - OH + H2O major product 2-methyl-2-butene minor product

  2. Mechanism of hydration step1 H+ + H2O catalyst  e- electrophile add H+ nuclophile H+

  3. O H .. H .. Mechanism of hydration step 2 + electrophile nucleophile step 3 oxonium ion + H+ alcohol

  4. C C Br Br C C C C C C .. .. .. .. .. Br Br + .. .. .. .. Br Br .. .. .. .. Addition of Br2 bromination Br Br-Br + step 1 + bromonium ion - -

  5. .. - .. .. Br C C .. .. Br .. C C .. .. Br + .. .. .. Br .. Addition of Br2 step 2 “anti” addition stereospecific trans isomer

  6. C C H H C C H H Addition of H2 hydrogenation H-H + alkenes  alkanes heterogeneous catalyst Pt “syn”addition cis isomer H - H stereospecific

  7. CH2 – CH2 CH2 – CH2 . . . . –(CH2 – CH– CH2 – CH)–n C C C6H5 C6H5 Polymerization monomer polymer small molecule large molecule built of monomers catalyst ( )–n . CH2=CH2 . polyethylene ethylene H H H H5C6 styrene polystyrene

  8. Review - Alkenes addition reactions + Y - Z H - X hydrohalogenation Markovnikov no catalyst H - OH hydration Markovnikov H+ catalyst homogeneous

  9. Review - Alkenes addition reactions + Y - Z H - H hydrogenation “syn” addition heterogeneous catalyst cis- isomer Br - Br bromination “anti” addition trans- isomer free radical mechanism polymerization

  10. p s H H C C Alkynes sp hybridized carbons p sp eth yne = acetylene addition reactions 2 equivalents Markovnikov

  11. Aromatics C6H6 benzene sp2 hybridized carbons resonance structure 6  electrons delocalized very stable unreactive no addition reactions

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