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This report assesses the eligibility of the property at 1309 W. 1st Avenue for listing on the Spokane and/or National Register based on the National Register Criteria for Evaluation. The report evaluates the property's age, historic context, and integrity.
Determination of Eligibility 3/21/18 Riegel Brothers Dodge – 1309 W 1st (1920 below)
Determination of Eligibility Reigel bros Dodge – 1309 W 1st At the request of the owner, the SHLC will: • Hearing Purpose: Per 17D.040.230, SHLC Determines Eligibility • Standards Used: Per 17D.040.230, National Register – 36 CFR 60 • Outcome: Eligible or Ineligible for Spokane/National Register
Downtown boundary area17D.040.230 Subject property
To Be Eligible Under 36 CFR 60 a Property Must: • Meet basic guidelines for age and resource category • Be associated with an important historic context • Retain historic integrity of those features necessary to convey its significance. Source: National Register Bulletin 15: How To Apply The National Register Criteria for Evaluation
Resource and Age Category • Eligible Resource Category: “A property must be classified as a district, site, building, structure or object” • The property qualifies as a “Building” • Eligible Age: “Ordinarily…properties that have achieved significance within the past 50 years shall not be considered eligible for the National Register.” Source: National Register Bulletin 15: How To Apply The National Register Criteria for Evaluation
Age Criteria The property at 1309 W 1stwas built in 1913 and meets the 50 year age criteria.
1309 W 1st avenue 1910 to 1950 Sanborn Map:
1309 W 1st 2007: 1938:
1309 W 1st Avenue 1952:
1309 W 1st Avenue Wall separating the two buildings:
1309 W 1st Avenue Roof structures:
Eligibility: Criterion A or B A. That are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; or B. That are associated with the lives of significant persons in or past (NPS Bulletin 15). A - The building at 1309 W 1st Avenue lacks sufficient integrity to be listed under Criterion A for its association with the automotive context set up in the West Downtown Historic Transportation District B – The building is not associated with a significant person in Spokane’s history, thus not eligible under B
Eligibility – criteria C Integrity The building at 1309 W 1st has lost several of the seven aspects of integrity: • Location • Design • Setting • Materials • Workmanship • Feeling • Association
Character Defining Features • Loss of parapet which was a match to the other side of the “L” shaped building on Adams • Window configuration changed from two display windows with transoms to three bays with brick piers • Main entry relocated to the west • New doors “Ultimately, the question of integrity is answered by whether or not the property retains the identity for which it is significant.” (NR Bulletin 15)
NPS Bulletin 15 • “Properties eligible under Criteria A, B, and C must not only retain their essential physical features, but the features must be visible enough to convey their significance.” • The property at 1309 W 1st no longer retains its essential physical features
Summary • Property is an Eligible Resource Category? Yes • Property is an Eligible Age? Yes • Fit Within a Historic Context? Yes • Integrity? No
Staff Recommendation The building at 1309 W 1st Avenue is not eligible for listing on the Spokane and/or National Register based on the National Register Criteria for Evaluation (36 CFR 60 or Spokane Register Criteria). The property has lost nearly all of its integrity and no longer conveys five of the seven aspects of integrity: design, materials, workmanship, feeling, or association.