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Thematic assessments using RBMP results for coastal and inland waters, identifying ecological status, hydromorphological changes, pressures, and case studies. Includes hot-spots, pressures assessment, and water quality.
Thematic assessments based on results from RBMPs • Coastal and transitional ecological status & related presures • Inland surface waters • Hydromorphological alterations
Thematic assessments based on results from RBMPs Ecological status and related pressures Coastal and transitional waters Hydromorphological alterations and pressures Inland surface waters
Baseline assessment of state and pressures Water bodies with poor-bad status (hot-spots) Regional or type specific overview European overview (Dummy diagrams)
Status and pressure assessments based on RBMPs – baseline assessment Status Overall status (e.g. European overviews (pie-charts, maps) Regional or type specific overviews (e.g. ecological status of deep lakes compared to shallow lakes) Water bodies with poor-bad status – where are the hot-spots Case-studies Pressures The most important pressures Regional or type and issue specific pressures Assessments of main pressures Point sources Diffuse sources Water abstraction/stress Physical modification – morphology, flow, continuity
Results from RBMPs in perspective A number of chapters focused at the main sectors, pressures and statuses identified in the baseline section Baseline assessment of RBMPs Overview of status and pressures • (15-20 pages) • Ecological status/potentialOverall/European status • Regional or type specific overviews • Water bodies with poor-bad status • Status related to protected areas • Pressures • Overview of pressured related to water quality and water pollution • - Point sources • - Diffuse sources • Cross-reference to other assessments (HYMO, chemicals, water scarcity and drought) Inland surface waters 2-5 pages chapters or ½-1 page text boxes Pollution with oxygen consuming substances Nutrients and eutrophication Invasive species Nature conservation and WFD including small water bodies Mining Acidification Water quality accounts Climate change impacts and biodiversity Inter-calibration and monitoring of biological quality elements
Specific assessments Pollution with oxygen consuming substances (3 pages) Trend in BOD and ammonia (CSI19) & WISE maps Bathing water quality Urban waste water treatment (CSI24) UWWT Directive implementation & basic measure Nutrients and eutrophication (5 pages) Trend in nutrients (CSI20) & WISE maps Urban waste water treatment (CSI24) Emission, Diffuse pollution, FATE maps, Impacts Nitrate Directive implementation & basic measures
Specific assessments Invasive species (2 pages) Nature conservation and WFD (3 pages) - small water bodies, conservation status - Mining (1 page) Acidification (1 page) Climate change and biodiversity (1 page) Water quality accounts (2 pages) Intercalibration and monitoring of biological quality elements (2 pages) Chemical status and impact on ecological status (2 pages)
Results from RBMPs in perspective A number of chapters focused at the main sectors, pressures and statuses identified in the baseline section Baseline assessment of RBMPs Overview of status and pressures Hydromorphological alterations and pressures • (15-20 pages) • HMWB and AWB • Ecological status/potential • Overall/European status • Regional or type specific overviews • HYMO Pressures • Barriers • Water level regulation in lakes • Disconnecting floodplains and rivers • Flow regulation • Cross-reference to other assessments water abstraction pressures; low flow rivers, etc. 2-5 pages chapters or ½-1 page text boxes Biological and hydrological impacts Hydropower Inland water navigation Invasive species Flood protection Room for the river strategies & green infrastructure Environmental flow activities Fish rehabilitation schemes Agriculture and drainage and channelization HYMO changes related to timber floating Sediment extraction
Barriers The approximately 16,700 km in the river Weser river basin have a number of largely impassable impassable or transverse structures. They are used for agricultural irrigation and drainage, navigation, flood control, hydropower use and the bed stability and in waters of all sizes throughout the river basin of the Weser are available. The density of the transverse structures, however, varies within the river basin district. Most of them are sill beams, crashes and military installations with fall heights of up to 1 m in smaller streams. In the larger rivers, dams act with navigation locks and hydroelectric power plants, especially in the middle of all, the center of the lower Weser and Fulda and Werra the flow regulation. Ladders are often not sufficiently effective or non-existent, so that the transverse structures for fish and other organisms are often very limited or not passable are. Numerous piping work as migrant obstacles. Source: Significant Water Management Issues http://www.fgg-weser.de/aktuelle_dokumente.html
Specific assessments Hydropower (5 pages) Overview of hydropower in Europe Impact from hydropower Renewable energy plans Inland water navigation (3 pages) Overview of inland waterways in Europe Impact from navigation Invasive species (2 pages) Flood protection(3 pages) Overview of flood protection in Europe Case studies Impact from hard flood protection
Specific assessments Room for the river strategies & green infrastructure Environmental flow activities Overview of environmental flow activities Fish rehabilitation schemes Overview of fish returns in large rivers (salmon Rhine/Ihames, eel in French rivers) Case studies
Specific assessments Agriculture and drainage and channelization HYMO changes related to timber floating Sediment extraction
To discuss Your expectations regarding the results and analysis of the assessments and what could be the added value of it? Your opinion on the draft outlines for the thematic assessments – relevance? which changes / additions would you recommend? Is the structure logic and will the intended form of presentation of the findings be helpful? Right focus of thematic assessments - what needs to be changed? Right level of aggregation of information from RBMPs? Relationship between status and pressures in the RBMPs and on EU level; Relation ES & chemical/hydromorphological status appropriate form of presenting results – maps, graphs, etc.? Which other information sources and approaches etc. should we consider?