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Prairie Valley School Division

Prairie Valley School Division. Articulation Service Delivery Model – February 2013. Articulation Service Delivery Model Identification Process. Parents are made aware of screening process via parent letter and/or teacher contact.

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Prairie Valley School Division

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  1. Prairie Valley School Division Articulation Service Delivery Model – February 2013

  2. Articulation Service Delivery Model Identification Process • Parents are made aware of screening process via parent letter and/or teacher contact. • Pre-Kindergarten: Speech screens are completed for all Pre-K students. • Kindergarten: Kindergarten speech and language screens are completed for all students. • Grade 1 through Grade 3: Students who are identified with developmental sound errors in kindergarten are re-screened in grades 1through grade 3 with appropriate recommendations made.

  3. Identification Process • Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten : The SLP’s have developed guidelines regarding atypical sound errors versus developmental sound errors for identifying students requiring direct services. • Grade 1 through grade 3: Students are reviewed to identify atypical sound errors to receive direct services. • New students are brought to the attention of the SLP through teacher concerns.

  4. Articulation Service Delivery Intervention Model • We do not currently have a wait list for articulation services.

  5. Intervention Model- Parent & Student • Parent contact/engagement is made prior to assessment and following assessment. This includes phone contacts, e-mails, referral, documentation, progress reports. • Parents are invited to attend sessions and to participate in home programs. • Home programming may include: picture lists, word lists, general daily reinforcement strategies (handouts provided at Kindergarten orientations for general sound development), agenda practice word lists, articulation desk cards, SLP attending parent-teacher interviews.

  6. Articulation Desk Cards S s

  7. Articulation Agenda Practice Labels • Daily speech words • say • some • stop • sit • sleep • sing • start • small • six • seven

  8. Articulation Agenda Practice Labels

  9. Intervention Model- Speech-Language Pathologist • Pre-Kindergarten: • Students identified from screening process receive direct services from SLP. SLP’s provide weekly support to most Pre-K programs. This includes classroom-based and individual/small group intervention. Classroom-based support includes direct drill and practice and incidental practice. SLP also provides modeling and strategies to classroom teacher to reinforce through play and classroom routines. • In some schools, limited supports may also include Student Service teachers and EA’s implementing programs developed by the SLP.

  10. Intervention Model – Speech-Language Pathologist • Kindergarten to Grade 3 • Direct intervention is primarily provided by the SLP’s. • Frequency of sessions vary from school to school with an average of two to three sessions per month. The students are mostly seen in small group sessions.

  11. Intervention Model – Teachers and Staff • Pre-Kindergarten • Teachers remind and reinforce correct sound production through classroom play and classroom routines. • Kindergarten to Grade 3 • Teachers are made aware of the student’s goals and sound errors (e.g. Student goal sheets, conversations with teachers, articulation desk cards, practice word lists in agenda). • Some limited EA support dependent on each school for articulation drill and practice.

  12. Tier 1 Strategies • Articulation Screens • Hearing Screens • General reinforcement for sounds • Parent/student programming and support

  13. Reinforcement- Engaging Students • Verbal praise and reinforcement • Stickers • Games • iPad • First-then board • Token boards being used with a student

  14. What if a student isn’t improving? • SLP’s will collaborate to provide additional strategies/supports. • When parents request, SLP’s will provide additional supports of where to access private speech and language services.

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