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The Problems

The Problems. Foreign & Domestic. African Pirates. American merchant ships attacked off the coast of North Africa Jefferson passed a law requiring all ships to be escorted through the Mediterranean Sea by the American Navy

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The Problems

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  1. The Problems Foreign & Domestic

  2. African Pirates • American merchant ships attacked off the coast of North Africa • Jefferson passed a law requiring all ships to be escorted through the Mediterranean Sea by the American Navy • Jefferson advised Americans to keep friendships with nations but avoid their entanglements • Who first had this idea? • Difficult for Americans to stay out of foreign affairs when involved so heavily with overseas trade

  3. Fighting with France & Britain • Britain & France still at war in 1804 • American ships had neutral rights & traded with both countries • France seized & searched ships trading with Britain • Britain blocked French coasts • Britain impressed, or kidnapped, American sailors to work on British ships • British attacked an American ship, Chesapeake, in 1807 • ManyAmericans demanded war HMS Leopard, attacked the Chesapeake

  4. Impacting Trade • Jefferson did not push for war • “Peaceable coercion” was his terminology • Congress passed the Embargo Act • American ships not allowed to trade to European nations • The act was a disaster • American farmers and merchants lost important markets for their products • Shippers lost income • Many violated the embargo • Congress eventually repealed the act

  5. War Fever Madison saw Great Britain as a greater threat than France Britain was interfering with shipping, impressing sailors, and resisting in the west From 1801-1810 white settlers attacked American Indian lands in the west Ohio became a state in 1803 Nativesrenewed trading relationships with Britishin Canada 1811 – General William Henry Harrison attacks American Indians @ Prophetstown & proclaim a victory in the Battle of Tippecanoe Tecumseh (Indian leader) joined forces with the British

  6. On the Threshold of War War Hawks pushed the president to declare war on Great Britain Led by Henry Clay of KY & John Calhounof S.C. Their nationalism led to a new patriotism not seen since the Revolution Many wanted British aid to Natives to be stopped…others wanted war because of what happened at sea June 1, 1812 – President Madison asks Congress for declaration of war In 1812, America officially declares war on Great Britain

  7. Important Dates Naval Forces of the War of 1812

  8. Election of 1812

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