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  1. THE PROBLEMS The problems dealt with in the BALKWASTE project: The Balkan Region includes Member-States, such as Greece, Slovenia, Romania & Bulgaria, and European non Member-States, such as Albania and FYROM. Waste management in Balkan Countries is dominated by the social and geographical characteristic of the area and is characterized with poor waste infrastructure in comparison to central Europe. The Waste management status in the Balkan Region has certain characteristics, which emphasize the need to promote sustainable solid waste management in the area. In particular, the developing economies of the Balkan countries result in an increasing waste generation that contradicts with EU Policy on waste prevention and recycling. Disposal of solid waste to landfills is the prevailing method in the Balkan Region and treatment activities shall be established. Moreover there is lack of information regarding waste management and poor institutional capacity, in comparison to central Europe. Non EU Countries face significant waste management problems and are not obliged to transpose EU regulations on waste management, thus monitoring procedures are not established. Sustainable Waste management in the Balkan Region will have a cumulative positive effect for the EU as a whole and it is of significant importance. Partners REPA - AGENŢIA REGIONALĂ PENTRU PROTECŢIA MEDIULUI BACĂU Dr. Movila Julian, Ms. Nona Ardeleanu Bd. Ionita Sandu Sturdza nr.78, P.C. 600269, Bacau Tel.: +40-(0)-234-512750, Fax: +40-(0)-234-571056 director.executiv@arpmbc.ro legislatie.orizontala@arpmbc.ro www.arpmbc.ro NTUA - National Technical University of Athens School of Chemical Engineering Unit of Environmental Science & Technology Pr. Maria Loizidou, Mr. Konstantinos Moustakas 9, Iroon Polytechneiou St., Zographou Campus, 157 73, Athens Tel.: +30 210 7723106, +30 210 7722334, Fax: +30 210 7723285 mloiz@orfeas.chemeng.ntua.gr www.uest.gr TUC - Technical University of Crete Electronic and Computer Engineering Dpt. Electric Circuits and Renewable Energy Sources Lab Giorgos Stavrakakis gstavr@electronics.tuc.gr 73100 Chania ,Crete www.elci.tuc.gr EUROCONSULTANTS S.A. Aleka Alevridou 21 Antonis Tritsis St., Thermi 57001 A.Alevridou@euroconsultants.com.gr www.euroconsultants.com.gr SDCS - Club “Sustainable Development of Civil Society” Prof. Lucia Ilieva 28-A, Dospat Str., Sofia-1463 tel/fax: +359(2)851-35-58 mail@csdcs.org www.csdcs.org EFCon - SC European Focus Consulting SRL Dr. Vassilis Inglezakis Orizontului Str, bl. 6, sc. B, ap. 32, Bacau Tel: +40-(0)-334415609 inglezakis@efcon-group.ro www.efcon-group.ro GORENJE SUROVINA družba za predelavo odpadkov d.o.o. Vita Kraigherja 5, 2000 Maribor slavko.dvorsak@surovina.si www.surovina.si EPTA Environmental Consultants - Engineers (subcontractor) Inioxou 16, 15238, Chalandri, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6086300, Fax: +30 210 6086302 info@epta.gr www.epta.gr LIFE 07 ENV/RO/000686 Project funded by the LIFE+ Programme of the European Commission Project Duration: 36 months (January 2009 - December 2011) PROJECT BALKWASTE WASTE NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLANNING AND PROMOTION OF INTEGRATED DECISION TOOLS IN THE BALKAN REGION LIFE 07 ENV/RO/000686

  2. PROJECT OBJECTIVES This project aims at the dissemination of the knowledge deriving from the implementation of the EU waste strategy and policy in Member States to the whole Balkan Region, using Romania and Bulgaria as case studies for the implementation of integrated waste management planning. Beneficiaries from 4 Balkan Countries (Greece, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Romania) are cooperating in order to develop decision support tools that will incorporate EU policy on waste and recycling and can be easily implemented by Waste Competent Authorities. PROJECT TASKS Analysis of the current status and legislative framework regarding solid waste. Data has been collected and analyzed at national level and regional level and waste management practices together with the corresponding statutes have been recorded. Identification of two case study regions in Romania and Bulgaria (Razlog Region in Bulgaria & North—East Region in Romania). The infrastructure and the waste management status of these regions have been assessed. A database for municipal waste treatment technologies has been developed, available at: www.wastedb.eu. Examination of specifications for sustainable waste management planning and development of guidelines for the evaluation of alternative waste management scenarios. Development of criteria for the assessment of treatment technologies. Development of analytical tool for the evaluation of alternative management options. The tool will be expanded in order to be able to evaluate alternative scenarios. Following that, the tool will be distributed to all public and private stakeholders. Identification of MSW composition in the case study areas. Based on the data from the MSW composition analysis and information from previous actions the software model will be implemented in the selected regions. All potential funding options for the selected plan will be investigated. A database containing all relevant stakeholders in terms of waste management has been created. Furthermore, a monitoring platform for the evaluation of waste management performance among the Balkan Countries has been developed, available at: www.wastedb.eu/platform OUTPUTS & DELIVERABLES All outputs can be found on the project’s website: www.balkwaste.eu ARE YOU INTERESTED IN WASTE MANAGEMENT ISSUES? If you wish to read about waste management issues in the Balkan Region, you can visit the BALKWASTE website to get familiar with the BALKWASTE project. If you have the time, you are also welcome to provide us with your feedback. ARE YOU INVOLVED IN WASTE MANAGEMENT IN BALKAN REGION? The establishment of the Waste Balkan Network aims to promote the cooperation and exchange of knowledge of EU member states and other non EU countries for sustainable waste management in the Balkan Region. A stakeholder directory including competent authorities, private companies, institutions, NGOs and other experts in the field of waste management and a monitoring system for the waste management performance among the Balkan countries were developed. If you wish your company, organization, institution, etc. to be included in the directory, please fill in the registration form at: www.wastedb.eu/platform/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51&Itemid=59 LIFE 07 ENV/RO/000686 LIFE 07 ENV/RO/000686

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