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Overview. Social inclusion as a policy goal: what is it and how does it relate to ageing?Are older people at risk of social exclusion?What approaches have governments adopted to reduce social exclusion in later life?How and why is volunteering a way to reduce social exclusion?Is it an effective
2. Volunteering and ageing:Pathways into social inclusion in later life Jeni Warburton
John Richards Chair of Rural Aged Care Research
La Trobe University, Australia
3. Overview Social inclusion as a policy goal: what is it and how does it relate to ageing?
Are older people at risk of social exclusion?
What approaches have governments adopted to reduce social exclusion in later life?
How and why is volunteering a way to reduce social exclusion?
Is it an effective approach? What is needed if volunteering is to be promoted as a pathway to social inclusion?
4. Social inclusion: what is it? The process by which efforts are made to ensure that everyone, regardless of their experiences and circumstances, can achieve their potential in life.
(Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion, 2007)
5. Key elements Sufficient income is important but not enough shift to the social dimension
Strive to reduce inequality; balance between rights and responsibilities; increased social cohesion
Recognise that there are barriers which prevent people taking full role in society
Social inclusion opposite of social exclusion
6. Inclusion in society An individual is socially excluded if he or she does not participate in key activities of the society in which he or she lives (Burchardt et al., 2002)
7. Multidimensional concept Consumption capacity to buy goods and services
Production participation in economically or socially valuable activities
Political engagement involvement in local or national decision-making
Social interaction integration with others
(Burchardt et al., 2002)
8. Social inclusion as a policy goal Social inclusion is becoming a policy goal of many governments
Requires multidimensional attention and life course approach
More than simple removal of social constraints requires change in public attitudes, service delivery approaches, opportunities for civic engagement
9. Relevance to ageing Focus from material resources to social inclusion important in ageing societies
Economic dimension less relevant in policy than social participation
Global evidence supporting that older people need meaningful roles and relationships society for all ages
Action aimed at combatting exclusion in later life makes sense both socially for older people and economically for governments (enabling rather than intervening)
(Scharf et al., 2001; Phillipson & Scharf, 2004)
10. Increased risks of social exclusion in later life Older people are more vulnerable to social exclusion why?
Life course approach increased social disadvantage as people age
Older people vulnerable to loss of partner, friends, work contacts shrinking social world
Age discrimination / ageism rife
Those particularly at risk
The old-old; no children; poor health; male; low income; different ethnic group; live outside city with poor access
11. International policy initiatives Four main categories of interventions:
General information services eg enquiry lines
Integrated community projects eg age friendly communities
Learning activities eg University of the Third Age
Volunteer activities recognising & valuing prior knowledge and experience
(Bartlett, Lui & Warburton, 2007)
12. Volunteering as a potential pathway to inclusion Volunteering is a key way older people can contribute to society post paid work
It is a productive ageing activity
Can be assessed as economically valuable
But more important is socially valuable
both for society in terms of cohesion & quality of life but also for individual volunteers
13. Volunteering is good for you Offers individuals social and health benefits
Evidence of improved life satisfaction, reduced morbidity and mortality, better mental health
Why? 1. provides a positive role identity
2. raises confidence and self-esteem
3. provides an external focus
4. is associated with sense of agency & control
5. is a generative activity (positive human development)
6. is a social activity that can counter loneliness and social isolation
(Warburton, 2006).
14. So far, so good Interventions based on volunteering thus have huge potential to build social inclusion among older people
And are at the heart of many policy interventions eg U3A, Better Government for Older People
But how effective are they?
15. Need to consider Volunteering is an activity of choice many people choose other productive / socially useful activities
Many supportive but less involved why?
Focus on large body of research into motivation to volunteer in later life
But also need to acknowledge structural dimension if volunteering is to be an appropriate pathway into social inclusion
16. Structural dimension Demographic profile of volunteers is narrow tends to exclude those with fewer social and economic resources eg lower education, poor English ability
Governments often offer organisations very little support instead impose increased regulation
No policies / programs to ensure good, equitable management and practices
17. Barriers and incentives Need to explore barriers and incentives to volunteering by a more diverse group of older people
Results of an Australian study suggest that more incentives are needed eg more training, more flexible & diverse options, more inter-generational opportunities
Significant barriers included negative perceptions of volunteer activities, fear of ageism / discrimination, and concerns about increased regulation
(Warburton et al., 2007)
18. Challenges to social inclusion Volunteer programs will not necessarily ensure social inclusion
A proactive policy approach is needed that recognises the benefits of volunteering to society and individuals to ensure that
there are a broad range of options available for older people to volunteer if they choose to do so, and such options are promoted;
organisations have the capacity to manage their volunteers well, offer appropriate training, have processes in place to deal with age-related issues;
they are able / willing to recruit a broad cross-section of older people
This approach needs to be proactive and based on provision of support to organisations dealing with volunteers (rather than enforcement ie regulation)
19. Conclusions Social inclusion is a broad, multidimensional concept
In later life, such policies are directed at older people maintaining meaningful roles and relationships so that they can age well
A key policy approach is based on volunteering.
Evidence is clear that volunteering is important for society and for older peoples health and social well-being
20. Conclusions Hence volunteering offers an important pathway into social inclusion
As recognised in policy
However, some challenges remain, and broader, more proactive policies are needed to encourage and support older people to volunteer
Otherwise volunteering will simply reinforce advantage and not offer opportunities to all regardless of their life circumstances.