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Update on noncommunicable diseases. Towards the UN High level Meeting…. 2000- 2010 - impressive number of high-level regional and global meetings, organized by the WHO or by the UN General Assembly recognizing the growing public-health burden imposed by NCDs:
Towards the UN High level Meeting… 2000- 2010 - impressive number of high-level regional and global meetings, organized by the WHO or by the UN General Assembly recognizing the growing public-health burden imposed by NCDs: • Resolution (53.17) of the World Health Assembly • Action plan for the global strategy for the prevention and control of NCDs endorsed by the WHA • Resolution on the prevention and control of the NCDs by the 64thsession of the UN General Assembly. • Resolution (65/238) on the scope, modalities, format and organization of the high-level meeting on NCDs - UN General Assembly • Global or regional meetings, ministerial meetings - Beijing, Doha, Geneva, Port-of-Spain, Copenhagen, Teheran, Oslo, Nadi/Fiji, Mexico City, Jakarta, Seoul, Brazzaville, Moscow, New York, Washington, • WHO's Global status report on NCDs • Wide consultations and discussions: 6 WHO Regional meetings; 5 informal consultations with civil society and the private sector
Global Ministerial Conference on Healthy Lifestyles and NCD Control (Moscow, 28-29 April 2011) • First global ministerial conference focussing solely on NCDs: More than 150 governments and 95 Ministers of Health attended. • Goals: To raise political awareness about the importance and potential of NCD prevention and control, and to highlight the essential need for intersectoral action. • High-level sessions to profile available instruments, strategies and policies, and to foster international cooperation and coordination. • Interactive roundtable sessions to exchange successful approaches and lessons learned. • Participants adopted the Moscow Declaration, which calls for the full and effective implementation of the NCD Action Plan, and for supporting WHO in developing a comprehensive global monitoring framework for NCDs, particularly in preparation for the High-level Meeting. • A summary report of the Conference will serve as an input to the preparatory process leading towards the High-level Meeting on NCDs in September 2011.
UN High-level Meeting on NCDs(New York, 19-20 September 2011)
Technical assistance to developing countries to support national efforts
I. Scaling up technical assistance for the prevention and control of NCDs to meet the demand from developing countries
Objectives of the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use • Bloomberg Philanthropies’ $375 million, six-year investment aims to accelerate the worldwide movement to combat tobacco use through a focused effort in the countries with the highest tobacco burden. • Specifically, the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use (BI) supports work to promote the MPOWER package of six tobacco control interventions. • 5 core partner organizations: • Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids • US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Foundation • Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health • International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lunch Disease • WHO • Mayor Bloomberg announced in March the continuation of BI for at least the next four years, with a USD 220 million commitment for 2013-2016
Exercise WHO's leadership and coordination role in relation to UN Agencies
Integrating NCDs into UNDAF processes http://www.who.int/nmh/highlights/undaf/en/index.html
Development of a comprehensive global monitoring system, including indicators, and voluntary global targets for the prevention and control of NCDs
Political Declaration on NCDs (resolution A/RES/66/2) 61. Call upon WHO,…to develop before the end of 2012, a comprehensive global monitoring framework, including a set of indicators,……, to monitor trends and to assess progress made in the implementation of national strategies and plans on NCDs. 62. Call upon WHO,.. to prepare recommendations for a set of voluntary global targets for the prevention and control of NCDs, before the end of 2012.
11 voluntary global targets presented in the revised WHO Discussion Paper Premature mortality from NCDs 25% reduction Raised blood pressure 25% Salt/ sodium intake 30% Tobacco smoking 30% Physical inactivity 10% Obesity 0% Fat intake 15% Alcohol 10% Raised cholesterol 20% Generic medicines and technologies 80% Drug therapy and counselling 50% Target adopted by the World Health Assembly Targets with wide support Targets with support for further development
Articulating options for strengthening multisectoral action for the prevention and control of NCDs through effective partnerships
Note by the SG transmitting the report of the WHO DG: Global partnership options for the prevention and control of NCDs • Option 1 – Aligned independent efforts • Organic model: Activities to evolve without coordination or shared strategy • WHO to host a forum (or series of fora) to invite interested parties to express commitment and to seek partnerships • Option 2 – Social movement: • Multistakeholder model: governments, NGOs, private sector, people living with NCDs • WHO to forge a social movement to direct national and global efforts towards national multisectoral policies and plans for the prevention and control of NCDs • Option 3 – Coordinated network • Networked model: Cultivate a hub-and-spoke of coordinated collaborative arrangements • WHO to establish a small Secretariat (based on UN Road Safety Collaboration) • Option 4 – Merger (a loose coordinated network around a social movement for NCDs) • A merger of options 1, 2 and 3 • Option 5 – Centralized, formal partnerships • Vertical model: Large, centralized organization with a limited-time response and instigating parallel structures in countries • WHO to establish a single centralized partnership
Development of a global action plan for the prevention and control of NCDs covering the period 2013-2020
The World Health Assembly has requested WHO to develop a'WHO Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs for 2013-2020' 2000 Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2003 Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health 2004 Action Plan 2008-2013 on the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of NCDs 2008 Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol 2009 WHO Global Status Report on NCDs 2010 2011 Political Declaration on NCDs 2013 2020 WHO Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs for 2013-2020
World Health Assembly resolution WHA64.11 REQUESTS THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL TO: (4) to report to the Sixty-fifth World Health Assembly, through the Executive Board, on the outcomes of the first Global Ministerial Conference on Healthy Lifestyles and NCD Control and the high-level meeting, and to develop, together with relevant United Nations agencies and entities, an implementation and follow-up plan for the outcomes, including its financial implications, for submission to the Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly, through the Executive Board. (24 May 2011)
WHO Executive Board resolution EB130.R7 2. REQUESTS the Director-General: • to develop, in a consultative manner, a WHO action plan for the prevention and control of NCDs for 2013–2020, building on lessons learnt from the 2008–2013 action plan and taking into account the outcomes of the High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of NCDs, the Moscow Declaration on Healthy Lifestyles and NCD Control, the Rio Declaration on Social Determinants of Health, building on and being consistent with existing WHO strategies and tools on tobacco use, harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity; (20 January 2012)
2008-2013 Action Plan for the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of NCDs 1. Integrating NCD prevention into the development agenda, and into policies across all government departments 2. Establishing/strengthening national policies and programmes 3. Reducing/preventing risk factors 4. Prioritizing research on prevention and health care 5. Strengthening partnerships 6. Monitoring NCD trends and assessing progress made at country level Sets of actions for Member States, WHO Secretariat and international partners
Development of the 2013-2020 Action Plan: Possible structure Vision To reduce the avoidable global NCD burden and its impact so that people can reach the highest achievable levels of health and productivity Goal To reduce the toll of morbidity, disability and premature mortality from NCDs Overarching Global Target 12.5% reduction in premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases by 2020 Cross-cutting principles Human rights Universal coverage and equity Life course approach Evidence-based practice Empowerment of people
Development of the 2013-2020 Action Plan: Possible structure Objectives To raise priority accorded to prevention and control of NCDs in the development agenda To strengthen capacity, leadership, governance, and accountability to accelerate country response for prevention and control of NCDs To promote a whole-of-Government approach and multisectoral action for NCD prevention and control To reduce modifiable risk factors for NCDs and create health promoting environments To strengthen and reorient health systems to address NCD prevention and control through people- centered primary care and universal coverage To monitor and evaluate progress of prevention and control of NCDs
Timelines to complete the work under way in the area of NCDs
Timelines Formal consultation with Member States to conclude the work on a global monitoring framework and targets SG's report on options for strengthening and facilitating multisectoral action for the prevention and control of NCDs through effective partnership SG's report on the progress achieved in realizing the commitments made in the Political Declaration Comprehensive review and assessment of the progress achieved in the prevention and control of NCDs 16-17 Aug 1st informal consultation on action plan 1 Nov 2nd informal consultation on action plan WHO's input into SG's report on options for strengthening and facilitating multisectoral action for the prevention and control of NCDs through effective partnership WHO Global Status Report on NCDs (2013) Global monitoring framework, indicators and and targets for NCDs Final progress report on implementing the 2008-2013 action plan WHO Action Plan for the prevention and control of NCDs for 2013-2020 Options and a time line for multisectoral action through partnerships WHO's input into SG's report on the progress achieved in realizing the commitments made in the Political Declaration 3rd informal consultation on action plan Development of a global monitoring framework and targets for NCDs Nov/Dec 2012 2014 GA Jan-May 2012 EB/WHA Dec 2013 2014 Feb/Mar 2013 Sep 2013 5-7 Nov 2012 Jan-May 2014 WHA 27 August 2012 Jan-May 2013 EB/WHA Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of NCDs (resolution A/RES/66/2)