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Chemicals in the Environment

Chemicals in the Environment. PowerPoint Slide Show, Lesson 1 History of Chemicals in the Environment. BEFORE When Chemicals Had No Names. Pre-1450 Anasazi basket. c 1000 Mimbres bowl. FRONTIER To protect the people. 1687 Hendrick Heerschop The Alchemist ’ s Experiment Takes Fire

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Chemicals in the Environment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chemicals in the Environment PowerPoint Slide Show, Lesson 1 History of Chemicals in the Environment

  2. BEFOREWhen Chemicals Had No Names Pre-1450 Anasazi basket c 1000 Mimbres bowl

  3. FRONTIERTo protect the people 1687 Hendrick Heerschop The Alchemist’s Experiment Takes Fire oil painting

  4. 1760 Justus Juncker The Village Chemist oil painting

  5. 1891 Pamphlet

  6. 1893 book cover

  7. 1899 advertisement

  8. PROGRESSScience to the rescue - the techno-fix 1932 Karl Godwin artist Ethyl Corporation magazine ad

  9. 1945 DuPont magazine ad

  10. 1947 Killing Salt Chemicals magazine ad

  11. 1962 Union-Carbide magazine ad

  12. 2000 book cover

  13. CONSEQUENCEIt’s a toxic world 1980 James Marsh artist magazine cover

  14. 1982 Ester Hernandez artist poster

  15. 2003 webpage

  16. 2007 webpage

  17. 2007 Center For Science In the Public Interest webpage

  18. 2007 WDIV TV webpage

  19. CONNECTIONSCONFLICTCHANGEChemicals move through geography, body and time 1999 Bullfrog Films video jacket

  20. 2005 American Chemistry webpage

  21. 1996 Paul Normandia artist book cover

  22. 1984 Baldev photographer magazine cover

  23. 2002 Students for Bhopal poster

  24. 2006 Dow Chemical Company TheHuman Element magazine ad

  25. 2006 webpage

  26. 2006 webpage

  27. 2003 journal cover

  28. 2007 webpage

  29. 1995 book cover

  30. 2007 webpage

  31. 2007 report cover

  32. 1981 Tony Auth cartoon

  33. 2002 Cox & Forkum cartoon

  34. 1970 magazine cover

  35. 2007 webpage

  36. 1999 magazine cover

  37. 2003 book cover

  38. 2000 webpage

  39. 2002 book cover

  40. 2001 Dave Hill Celebration of the Three Sisters acrylic painting

  41. 2007 webpage

  42. PAIRED IMAGE COMPARISONS Chemicals in the Environment

  43. 1996 webpage 2006 webpage Compare messages concerning Monsanto’s role in environmental protection

  44. 1990 book cover 2005 webpage Compare messages regarding the impact of chemicals on the quality of life

  45. 1999 magazine cover 2001 magazine cover Compare messages about genetically engineered crops

  46. 1999 poster 2000 book cover Compare messages concerning pesticides and human and environmental health

  47. 2007 webpage 1893 book cover Compare messages about chemicals in food

  48. 1891 pamphlet 2006 advertisement Compare techniques used to sell energy drinks in different centuries

  49. 1962 magazine ad 2006 magazine ad Compare Dow Carbide advertising techniques in 1962 and 2006

  50. 1999 video jacket 2001 painting Compare the impact of techniques to enhance crop growth on native peoples

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