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Partnering for our children. The best possible start in life…. .
The best possible start in life…. Far too many of our children enter Grade One completely unprepared! In many cases the basic school experience has failed them. Just like a house that is built on a weak foundation, our children never recover.By the time they are 6 they have failed and they keep on failing throughout their academic life because there are NO remedial programmes in our system! So we have one chance.
Sx6 in Hanover • The Success by Six model was developed by the Tryall Fund in partnership with: TheEarly Childhood Commission (ECC), Food for the Poor (FFTP), Helping Hands Jamaica Foundation (Canada) and Tennis Jamaica (TJ). It currently operates only in the parish of Hanover. Sx6 has taken over 3 years to design and 3 years to fully implement; so far it has benefitted over 250 children.
Our most important partner is:The Early Childhood Commission (ECC). The objective of the Sx6 programme is to have each basic school comply with the 12 standards as laid down by the ECC’s Standards for Early Childhood Institutions. If a basic school is already in compliance then those children will do well. All the information you need to guide you through these 12 standards are set out on: www.ecc.gov.jm ECC’s website provides valuable information and guidance about each school and their individual strengths (and weaknesses) as well as the 12 all-important standards that we aim to achieve. (Standards 11 and 12 provide for Administration and Finance which most, if not all, private sector institutions can do with ease; a case of basic and proper record keeping).
Nutrition Partner Whilst the ECC provides nominal amounts of food to each school, the supply must be supplemented. SX6 takes allocation of food items from Food For the Poor (FFTP) and employs a cook at the schools; trains her and charges a small fee to each child. The small fee is equivalent to the cost of a ‘sugary lunch’; the children’s lunch pans are usually packed with very sweet drinks and snacks.. Sugar makes the children ‘hyper’ and unable to concentrate. Change what they are eating;replace the sugar with proper, nutritious meals thereby enabling the children to stay alert, focused with their minds open to learning and moving forward….(ECCStandard 7). This can be done with minimal effort….Give the children the right food, we can supply the nutritional manuals and FFTP items for free!
In May 2013, the Tryall Fund hosted a comprehensive 5-day nutrition seminar for all our cooks and caregivers at the four Hanover Schools at an overall cost of US$2,150 which we considered a solid investment in the children’s education, health and overall well-being….(ECC Standards 6, 10).
Academic Partner With ECC’s guidance, the KBC Learning Centre was retained to guide us academically as well as providing teacher training, parenting sessions and computer literacy…(ECC Standards 1, 2).Initially, we relied solely on KBC but later retained a schools coordinator who took over much of the non academic intervention. (ECC Standards 3, 4). The cost is between US$1000-US$3000 depending on the extent of the intervention.
Sports Partner • The ‘Play & Stay’ tennis programme at the four Hanover Basic Schools is sponsored by the Spanish-Jamaican Foundation (SJF) • in cooperation with Tennis Jamaica (TJ). Play & Stay has been carefully formulated by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) to teach the sport to 4-5 year olds with the accompanying equipment also designed especially for this age group. The programmehas a detailed curriculum to guide the coach throughout the school year as well as regular reporting forms so that the coach can monitor each child’s development. • Just as our academic programme is designed for 4 and 5 year olds, our sports programme has been structured to suit their needs in the same manner….(ECC Standard 2). • The cost to pay the coach for one term for one school is J$15,600.00
Tennis is unquestionably good for the mind, body and spirit. For 4-5 year olds, playing tennis regularly provides many and varied physical and psychological health benefits. ITF’s Play & Stay Tennis encourages good hand-eye and overall body coordination; gross motor control, through court movement and ball-striking skills which require control of your large muscle groups as well as fine motor control….(ECC’s Standard 2!)
The psychological benefits from regular tennis sessions and the mental alacrity required helps young children to learn and develop positive attributes such as discipline and self control; essential for school and everyday life…(ECC’s Standard 3…)
We want to: • Share the Sx6 model with as many willing and able organizations as possible. • Assist in every way to improve and implement the programme across Jamaica. • Partner with like-minded organizations in other geographical areas to enjoy the same or even better success in preparing our children to be successful by the time they are six!