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Elements of a Europeanisation of Education . ICCS / IV Conference Prague , 29 June 2011 Peter Schreiner. Europeanisation. Entry-point for greater understanding of important changes occurring in politics and society (Featherstone 2003 )
Elements of a Europeanisationof Education ICCS / IV ConferencePrague, 29 June 2011 Peter Schreiner
Europeanisation • Entry-point for greater understanding of important changes occurring in politics and society (Featherstone 2003) • Creating a European Education Space & European Education Policy (Dale 2009) • »Europe does not exist. There is only Europeanisation« (Beck & Grande 2004) • Two dimensions of Europeanisation • a vertical process between national societies and European institutions • a horizontal process in creating a social space of Europe in relation to European civil societies
Education in the »knowledgesociety« »Education is seen as a key instrument for economic growth and knowledge is a new form of capital. Generally this results in a view of education where questions of identity, culture, morality, religion and society are at best seen as instrumental to the development of individual competences that will create flexible labour.« (Afdal 2010)
»Knowledgeeconomy« »The ‘knowledge economy’ is a much used term in relation to contemporary education policy but as a concept it is elusive and misleading. It derives from the idea that knowledge and education can be treated as a business product, and that educational and intellectual products and services, as productive assets, can be exported for a high-value return.« (Ball 2008)
European Union Key objectivesforeducation and training EmployabilityFlexibility Mobility
Key objectivesof a knowledgesociety • Employability – preparingforemployment, competenciesfor a global employmentmarket • Flexibility – fast jobrotation; adaptabilityofworkforce, lifelonglearning • Mobility – increasing European mobility and exchangesforeducation and trainingpurposes
European Union Lisbonprocess- education Bologna process - highereducation Copenhagenprocess- vocationaltraining
European Union Political Documents»Lisbonstrategy 2000«, newstrategicgoalfor EU: to become by 2010 “the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion“ • »Strategic Framework Education and Training 2020 ET 2020« • »EU 2020«: A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth; includes a EU flagship initiative “Youth on the move“ to enhance the performance of education systems
StepstofulfiltheLisbonstrategy after 2000 Work program (2002): Open methodofcoordination (OMC) Benchmarks and indicatorsofsuccess Lifelonglearningas a basicprinciple (2000) Key competencies (2006) European Quality Charter for Mobility (2006) European Qualifications Framework (2008) European Union
2009: Education and Training 2020 »ET 2020« Twomainaims(1) The personal and professional fulfillment of all citizens(2) sustainable economic prosperity and employability, whilst promoting democratic values, social cohesion, active citizenship, and intercultural dialogue European Union
Education and Training 2020 »ET 2020«. Fourstrategicaims(1) Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality;(2) Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training;(3) Promoting equality, social cohesion and active citizenship;(4) Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training. Lifelonglearningasbasicprincipleandtarget European Union
Critique • Relations betweeneconomiccrisis and educationpolicy(Hirtt 2011) • Education as a keyinstrumentforeconomicgrowth(Afdal 2010) • »Not bybreadalone«(Council of Europe 2011) • A newcapitalismofeducation(Münch 2009) • A theoryofdis-education. The errorsofKnowledgesociety (Liessmann 2008)
Challenges and Perspectives • Whatiseducationfor? • Conceptsofknowledge • The role and placeofreligion and religiouseducation • Howtomeasureoutcomesofeducation
References • Afdal, G(2010): Globalization, economiceducationaldiscourse and analyticallanguage in RE research. In: ResearchingReligious Education asSocial Practice, Münster: Waxmann, 134-148. • Ball, S (2008): theeducationdebate, Colchester: The policy Press • Beck, U & Grande, E (2004): Das kosmopolitische Europa, Ffm: suhrkamp • Council of Europe (2011): Not bybreadalone (CoEhighereducationseries No.17), CoE: Strasbourg • Dale, R (2009): Globalisation & Europeanisation in Education, Oxford: Symposium Books • European Council (2009): Strategic Framework for European cooperation in education and training ET 2020; http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-policy/doc28_en.htm • Featherstone, K (2003): The Politics ofEuropeanization, Oxford: University Press • Hirtt, N (2011): Education in the‘knowledgeeconomy‘: consequencesfordemocracy. In: Ludwig. L et al. (Hg.): Bildung in der Demokratie II. Tendenzen-Diskurse-Praktiken, Opladen & FarmingtonHills, 167-176. • Liessmann, P (2008): Theorie der Unbildung, München: Piper • Münch, R (2009): Globale Eliten, lokale Autoritäten. Bildung und Wissenschaft unter dem Regime von PISA, McKinsey & Co., Frankfurt: suhrkamp