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Review – Test I

Review – Test I. Africa and Asia. Mali Sundiata Kieta Mansa Musa The Mongols Temujin Genghis Kahn Conquests Ogedei Conquests Vienna Silk Road. Division of the Mongol Empire Golden Horde Longest Lasting Il-Khans Battle of Ain Jalut Yuan Dynasty Kublai Khan Marco Polo

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Review – Test I

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Review – Test I

  2. Africa and Asia • Mali • SundiataKieta • Mansa Musa • The Mongols • Temujin • Genghis Kahn • Conquests • Ogedei • Conquests • Vienna • Silk Road • Division of the Mongol Empire • Golden Horde • Longest Lasting • Il-Khans • Battle of AinJalut • Yuan Dynasty • Kublai Khan • Marco Polo • Invasion of Japan • Kamikaze

  3. Americas • Aztecs • Mexica • Tenochtitlan • Chinampas • Alliance-Empire • Calpulli • Human Sacrifice • Incas • Cuzco • Quechua • Pachacuti • Ayllu • Machu Picchu • Inti – Sun god

  4. France, England, and the Church • Phillip IV “The Fair” • Estates-General • Unam Sanctum • Assault on the Pope • The Avignon Papacy • Avignon, France • “The Babylonian Captivity” • 1309-1376 • Edward I “Longshanks” • Wales & Scotland • William Wallace • Robert the Bruce • Parliament – 1295 • House of Lords • House of Commons • Treaty of Paris • 1259, 1303 • Gascony & Aquitaine • Edward II of England • Isabella of France

  5. The Hundred Years War • Edward III of England • Phillip VI of France • Edwardian War • 1337–1360 • Caroline War • 1369–1389 • Lancastrian War • 1415–1453 • Battle of Crecy - 1346 • English Longbow • Battle of Poitiers - 1356 • Ransom French King • Battle of Agincourt • Henry V • Turning Points: • Battle of Orléans • Joan of Arc • Charles Crowned King • End of the Hundred Years War - 1453 • Legacy - • Cannon • Parliament Statue of 1341 • French National Identity

  6. Famine and the Black Death • Little Ice Age • Circa 1300-1450 • The Great Famine • 1315-1322 • The Black Death • Bubonic Plague • bacillus Yersinia pestis • Origin • China • Genoese trading ships to Europe • Consequences • Inflation • Higher standard of living • Asceticism • Universities

  7. The Great Schism - Fall of Constantinople • Urban VI – Roman Pope • Clement VII – Avignon Pope • Calls for Reform • Lollards - John Wycliffe • Hussites - Jan Huss • Conciliarism • Council of Pisa • 1409-1410 • Council of Constance • 1414-1417 • Martin V • Jan Huss • Ottoman Turks • Expansion • Tamerlane • “Timur the lame” • Sultan Mehmed II • Fall of Constantinople • May 1453

  8. Renaissance • Precursors • Dante • Divine Comedy • Classicism • Humanism • Petrarch • Father of Humanism • Classical & Christian • Renaissance Art • Linear Perspective • Chiaroscuro • Giotto • The Father of Renaissance Art • Leonardo da Vinci • “Universal Competence” • Mona Lisa & The Last Supper • Raphael • Madonnas • School of Athens • Michelangelo • David • Sistine Chapel

  9. Northern Renaissance - Early Modern Europe • Christian-Northern Humanists • Erasmus • Most Prominent • “Philosophy of Christ” • Thomas More • Utopia • The Printing Press • Johann Gutenberg • Movable Type • France • Charles VII • Standing Army • England • War of the Roses • York (white rose) • Lancaster (red rose • Holy Roman Empire • House of Hapsburg • Frederick III • Maximilian I

  10. Early Modern Europe • Russia • Ivan III the Great • Rebellion against Mongols • Moscow - “The Third Rome” • Ivan IV “Grozny” • Ivan the Terrible • Tsar (Czar) • “Time of Troubles • Italian City States • Republic of Venice • Republic of Milan • Republic of Florence • Medici Family • Ciompi Revolt • The Papal States • Naples/Sicily • Controlled by Aragon

  11. Iberian States, Africa, & Exploration • Portugal • Treaty of Windsor - 1386 • Caravel • Prince Henry the Navigator • Bartholomew Diaz • Vasco de Gama • Pedro Álvares Cabral - Brazil • West Africa • Mali • Songhay (Songhai) • Sunni Ali • Trade: • Gold • Salt • Slaves • Amerigo Vespucci • Mundus Novus • Castile + Aragon = Spain • Ferdinand & Isabella • “The Catholic Monarchs” • Navarre & Granada • Inquisition • Marital Alliances • Charles I of Spain • Christopher Columbus • San Salvador • The Treaty of Tordesillas • Spain, Portugal, and Church

  12. Italy, The Church & the French Invasions • Niccolo Machiavelli • The Prince • Ends justify the means • The Borgias • Pope Alexander VI • Most Corrupt Pope • Cesare Borgia • Pope Julius II • “Warrior Pope” • Hapsburg-Valois Wars • Concordant of Bologna • Pope Leo X (Medici) • Francis I of France • French Government controls French Clergy

  13. Empire of Charles V • Charles I of Spain = Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor • Conquistadores • “God, Glory, & Gold” • Hernán Cortés - 1519 • Aztecs • New Spain (Mexico) • Circumnavigation • Ferdinand Magellan • Juan SebastiánElcano • Francisco Pizzaro - 1531 • Inca • Insurrections • Disease • Catholic Missionaries • Bartolome de Las Casas • Labor Servitude • Encomienda • Legal grant of the right to the labor of a specific number of Indians for a specific amount of time. • Repartimiento • All adult male natives to devote a certain number of working days to Spanish economic enterprises

  14. Protestant Reformation • German Reformation • Martin Luther • “Justification by Faith” • John Tetzel • Indulgences • Luther's Ninety-Five Theses • Diet of Worms • Edict of Worms • Diet of Speyer (1526 & 1529) • Local Princes • “Protestant” • Swiss Reformation • Ulrich Zwingli • Literal scriptural support • Anabaptists • The Marburg Colloquy • Landgrave Phillip of Hesse • Luther and Zwingli • Swiss Civil War • Battle of Kappel

  15. Protestant Reformation • English Reformation • Henry VIII • Catherine of Aragon • Anne Boleyn • The Act of Supremacy • Calvinism • John Calvin • Institutes of the Christian Faith • Calvin’s Beliefs • Total Depravity • The Elect • Predestination • The Society of Jesus • Jesuits • Ignatius of Loyola • “Soldiers for Christ” • Diet of Augsburg • Peace of Augsburg • Council of Trent • Catholic Counter-Reformation

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