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EPCA: Disaster Risk Management in Central Asia using Spatial Methods

Explore the Environmental Protection in Central Asia (EPCA) project and learn about disaster risk management through spatial methods. Develop courses and a management system for better environmental protection. Join us at Cholpon Ata, Kyrgyzstan from 3-5 June 2018.

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EPCA: Disaster Risk Management in Central Asia using Spatial Methods

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Environmental Protection in Central Asia (EPCA): Disaster Risk Management using Spatial Methods БорбордукАзиядагыайлана-чөйрөнy коргоо: кеңириыкманыколдонуумененбашкаруу Охрана окружающей среды в Центральной Азии: управление рисками стихийных бедствий с использованием пространственных методов CHOLPON ATA (Kyrgyzstan) 3-5 JUNE 2018 585382-EPP-1-2017-1-SE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Project duration: 2017-2020 Total budget: 911 576, 80

  2. The main aim of this project is to build capacity using spatial methods for better environmental protection and disaster risk management in Central Asia.Objectives:- Developing innovative and blended courses in Spatial Information Scienceand Technology (SIST) for environmental protection and disasterrisk management.- Training of trainers: Teachers at the regional partner universities will be trained on how to teach the developed courses.- Improving quality of education and teaching: Online learning.- System development: Internet-based information Management System for Environmental Protection and disaster risk management (iMSEP) will be developed and implemented. - Dissemination of the outcomes, developing HEIs within society.

  3. Courses:Курсы Courses The internet-based information Management System for Environmental Protection and disaster risk management will include: - Friendly and simple user interfaces. - Core GIS functions. • Manager module. • Advanced architecture.

  4. In Kyrgyzstan, meetings were held and questionnaires with 2018-02-12 to 2018-03-19,28 Organizations who participated in the survey, 86 respondents participated in the survey.

  5. Thank you for your attention!

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