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DDJ7 Joint & Coalition Warfighting . The Continuum of eLearning and the Paradox of White Space. Dr. David T. Fautua Chief, Individual Training & Learning Division Monday , April 16 th , 2:15 - 3:00 p.m. DETC Conference Pikake Room. It’s not online training, it’s training .
DDJ7 Joint & Coalition Warfighting The Continuum of eLearningand the Paradox of White Space Dr. David T. Fautua Chief, Individual Training & Learning Division Monday, April 16th, 2:15 - 3:00 p.m. DETC Conference PikakeRoom It’s not online training, it’s training.
Joint Training System(CJCSM 3500.03) Individual Learning Perspective Requirements Phase Plans Phase Input JMETL Output JTP Input Strategic Guidance Output JMETL Process • Process • Develop JTP Translate strategy to mission to task (JMETL Utilization) The Paradox of the White Space Collective Tng/Time Domain = 0 white space Individual knowledge/understanding Domain = Execution Phase Assessment Phase Input JTP Output Training Proficiency Evaluation Process Execute Evaluate Tng Events Input TPE • Output • Issue • Lessons Learned • TPA / MTA • Process • Develop TPA • Develop MTA Design Stage JMETL - Joint Mission Essential Task List JTP – Joint Training Plan MTA - Mission Training Assessment TPE – Training Proficiency Evaluation TPA – Training Proficiency Assessment JQRR - Joint Quarterly Readiness Review JDDP – Joint Doctrine Development Process JWCA – Joint Warfighting Capability Assess Planning Stage Evaluation, Analysis & Reports Stage Preparation Stage Execution Stage
UNCLASSIFIED Joint Individual Training & Learning Continuum of eLearning • Why a Continuum of eLearning Capability: • Sustain “band of excellence” in knowledge/skills/attitudes before & between JELC exercises • JTF and CCMD staffs continually turn over causing dips and gaps in KSAs • Improve learning curve in Joint exercises with targeted, personalized, aligned and measured CoL courses • Reduce the “untrained” in Theater: • Train those who miss the training during Joint Event Life Cycle (JELC) • Many deployers do not attend JTF exercises, academics or Mission Rehearsal Exercises • Others don’t have a chance: individual augmentees, new or late-arriving staff, coalition • Provide JFC CDRs with metrics on individual & staff functional skill sets during JELC events. Joint Ops Center Simulation Desk Top M&S Scenario-based CCMD/JTF Collective Training Blended, Integrated Academics & Exercises Continuum of eLearning Measured, Aligned, Engaging Instructional Tools Blended Training Stovepiped Training Exercise Exercise Skills and attitudes Knowledge Joint Ops Case Studies VS Simulation Joint Force CMD Insights & Best Practices Joint Force Command Foundational knowledge It’s not online training, it’s training. UNCLASSIFIED
Joint Force Command (JFC) Curriculum JFC 100 Modules 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Interorg. & Multinatl Coord Joint CMD, Control, & Commo. Joint Operations Joint Logistics Joint Fundamentals Joint Fires and Effects Joint Intelligence Joint Planning Lessons based on Joint Doctrine: JP 1, JP 3.0, JP 5.0, JP 3.08, etc JFC 200 Modules 1: CCIR at the Operational Level 2: Gaining_and_Sharing_Info 3: Interorganizational_Coordination 4: JTF CMD Relationships and Org 5: SOF and Conventional Force Integration 6: Air Component Integration 7: Joint HQ Org, Integration, &Battle Rhythm 8: Intel Ops at the Operational Level 9: Integration of Lethal & NonLethal Actions 10: Sustainment Ops 11: Assessments 12: Distributed Ops Beta Test in SOUTHCOM PANAMAX (Aug12) Based on Joint Operations Insights and Best Practices Focus Papers
Joint Force Command (JFC)Module Framework Tailorable Modules: Diagnostic test allows students to individualize learning to their needs Passing minimum 70% of ELO diagnostic questions = full TLO instruction not required Contextual Set-up x x x 1 2 3 4 5 6 Summary Post-test Diagnostic Joint Historical Vignette Core Lessons - JFC 100 = Current Joint Doctrine Content - Higher level checks on learning Why “Joint” Matters; How Joint Doctrine & Joint Procedures add value and saves lives Metric-based, teacher-focused and dynamic lessons: Modules consists of case-study audio scripts enhanced by slides, photos, and video clips that provide context to learning objectives Enabling Learning Objectives = ELOs Terminal Learning Objectives = TLOs
DDJ7 Joint & Coalition Warfighting PANAMAX 12 CoL Beta Test It’s not online training, it’s training.
Convenient Relevant Resource Efficient Engaging Managed Content Higher-Order Thinking Enhanced Learning Higher-Order Metrics Student Centered …But In Reality
PANAMAX CoL Beta Test • Who/When • JCW sponsors the prototype CoL online training/research of its impacts • 20 May-17 Aug, 2012 • Online; Mayport, Miami, and Suffolk • Why Measure • Verify hypotheses and refine approach; then provide a research-based baseline and model for services in support of their requirements for next-generation online training. • Study Deliverables • Prototype CoL 100 & 200-level courses • Study Technical Report • PANAMAX CoL Out-brief for SOUTHCOM • Full-Scale Strategic Implementation Plan • PBS/Frontline-like marketing video • Brochures, pamphlets • Academic publications (e.g., I/ITSEC) What JCW provides three “next-generation” online courses in support of PANAMAX that (1) are personalized, (2) are aligned to the exercise, (3) are engaging, and (4) incorporate higher-level thinking and associated metrics This will multiply the training impact of PANAMAX
Measurement Intended CoL Features Hypothesized Downstream Benefits Personalized Effectiveness & Efficiency Aligned Relevancy Engaging Motivation to Use Data to be Collected • Online • During Pre-Ex Activities • During PANAMAX Higher-Level Thinking Deeper Learning CoL Course Development CoL Course Implementation Training Multiplier PANAMAX Benefits Exercise Soft Start 4-8 June Tier II StaffEx 27-29 June Tier II CAP 16-20 Apr MESL 11-12 July Phase B: Tier I Academics (Miami) 1-3 Aug Phase B: Tier II Academics (Mayport) 14-18 May FPC 6-10 Feb IPC 19-23 Mar MPC 9-16 Aug Exercise Miami-Tier I Mayport-Tier II Phase C 20 May Phase A: CoL Courses Available online