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Welcome to NATIONAL SERVICE!. AmeriCorps Member Lawrence Regional Orientation September 1, 2011. Hand Outs. Please be sure to sign in , and Please make sure you have the following Agenda Powerpoint Slides
Welcome to NATIONAL SERVICE! AmeriCorps Member Lawrence Regional Orientation September 1, 2011
Hand Outs Please be sure to sign in, andPlease make sure you have the following • Agenda • Powerpoint Slides • Member Handbook (note program may have some differences, such as the voting leave policy) • AmeriCorps State Versus AmeriCorps VISTA • The AmeriCorps Pledge • Grievance Procedures • Segal AmeriCorps Education Award FAQ • Education Award Internet Resources • Translating Your Service into Job Speak • Jane B. Doe - Chronological Resume example • Career Development Self-Assessment • My AmeriCorps Member/Applicant Guide • (Program Directors Handbook- for staff only)
National Service • What is national service? • How does Heartland Medical, the United Way of Douglas County, the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence, or Communities in Schools of Kansas fit into national service?
What is AmeriCorps? What is AmeriCorps? • It is the • “DOMESTICPeace Corps”
Peace Corps The Peace Corps traces its roots and mission to 1960, when then-Sen. John F. Kennedy challenged students at the University of Michigan to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries. From that inspiration grew a federal government agency devoted to world peace and friendship.
AmeriCorps • AmeriCorps is often called the “DOMESTIC” Peace Corps! • You have decided to join a national movement which • is similar to the Peace Corps, but provides services to American citizens. • In particular you are joiningAmeriCorps “State”, which serves within Kansas.
History of National Service - CCC • One example of national service is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) which was created in the 1930’s to provide opportunities for millions of young people to serve 6 to 18 months to help restore the nation's parks, revitalize the economy, and support their families and themselves. CCC workers constructing road, 1933 Source: Franklin D. Roosevelet Library and Museum; Wikipedia
History of National Service – Senior Corps • Another example can be found in the 1960’s when older Americans were engaged in a range of service activities through the • Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), • the Foster Grandparent Program, and • the Senior Companion Program • (which together are known today as Senior Corps).
History of National Service • In 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson wanted to do what he could to address the problem of poverty in America and established • Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), • a National Teacher Corps, the Job Corps, • and University Year of Action.
History of National Service • In 1990 President Bush signed the National and Community Service Act of 1990 into law which authorized among other things, grants to schools to support service-learning through Serve America (now known as Learn and Serve America). • And in 1992 a bipartisan group of Senators drafted legislation to create the National Civilian Community Corps as a way to explore how to use post-Cold War military resources to help solve problems here at home.
History of National Service • There are many examples of national service organizations and initiatives, but all serve to point out the goal of “getting things done” for our fellow American citizens, our community, and our nation. You are the MEMBER who performs this service! • It can take a while for people to understand your unique role as a MEMBER of national service as opposed to an employee of a host agency.
The Language of National Service AMERICORPS Pronounced AH-MARE-I-CORE NOT AMERI-CORPSE
Formation of AmeriCorps So how did AmeriCorpstake on its current form?
Formation of AmeriCorps • In 1961 President John F. Kennedy, when he spearheaded the establishment of the Peace Corps, said "The wisdom of this idea is that somedaywe'll bring it home to America."
1993 Formation of AmeriCorps • In September 1993 President Bill Clinton signed the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993, which created AmeriCorps as we know it today, and the Corporation for National and Community Service, which oversees it in order to better organize and expand opportunities for Americans to serve their communities.
1993 Formation of AmeriCorps • Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) and • the National Civilian Community Corps become part of AmeriCorps. In addition • Senior Corps was created by combining the Foster Grandparent Program, the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (changed to Retired AND Senior Volunteer Program to recognize not all volunteers are retired), and the Senior Companion Program.
Formation of AmeriCorps • As a part of this organizing effort governor-appointed state service commissions were created to administer AmeriCorps funding at the state level. The Kansas Volunteer Commission, housed at the Kansas State Department of Education in Topeka, Kansas, fulfills this role. http://www.kanserve.org
History of National Service • Helpful Links: National Service Timeline: http://www.americorps.gov/about/ac/history_timeline.aspHistory and Legislation: http://www.americorps.gov/about/ac/history.asp
Administrative Structure • The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)http://www.nationalservice.gov/Default.asp • The Kansas Volunteer Commission (KVC)http://www.kanserve.org • The Host Agency • The Service Site • The AmeriCorps National Service State Members • There are ELEVEN AmeriCorps State programs with members like you in Kansas.
The National Service AmeriCorps State Members - Overview • The Host Agency recruits, trains and enrolls AmeriCorps national service members, and places them at their sites. • Members contract with the host agency for a required number of hours of service (1700 for full time) in period of time not to exceed 12 months. • Every hour must be fulfilled.
The National Service AmeriCorps State Members - Overview • The members must perform the full number of hours and the service must be satisfactory. • After successful completion of the national service term members can access an Education Award which can be used toward a Title IV school, or Title IV educational loan. (All benefits will be covered later in this presentation.)
Our “Idealist” Goals for YOU • Rewarding national service = Life Long Civic Leader • Knowledge of community issues and strong connection to community • Seek multiple terms of national service • Seek careers in public service such as teaching, public safety, social work, non-profit careers, etc. • Become more of an idealist, who will then go on to take a leading role in nonprofits and government agencies.
Our “Idealist” Goal for YOU • “All I can say is, it’s worth the struggle to discover who you really are and how you, in your own way, can put life together as a something that means a lot to you. It’s a miracle when you finally discover whom you’re best equipped to serve - and we’re all equipped to serve in some way.” - Mr. Fred Rogers, Life’s Journeys According to Mister Rogers
“Streams” of Service 3 “Streams” of Service in AmeriCorps itself • AmeriCorps State and National • VISTA - Volunteers in Service to America • NCCC - National Civilian Community Corps
“Streams” of Service – AmeriCorps State • Primarily in direct service (along with some capacity-building) ; • to address unmet community needs. • Examples: tutoring and mentoring youth, medical services outreach and facilitation, building home, disaster response, etc. • AmeriCorps members also recruit and mobilize community volunteers. • Not clerical/secretary role, not administrative assistant role • Never replace existing employee positions or existing volunteers • AmeriCorps State Administration: In Kansas AmeriCorps State is administered by the Governor appointed body, the Kansas Volunteer Commission. Contact information is located at the beginning of this handbook. Helpful Link: http://www.americorps.gov/about/programs/state.asp
“Streams” of Service – National Direct • Direct service across 2 or more states • AmeriCorps National provides grants directly to national public and nonprofit organizations that sponsor service programs formed across two or more states • typically nationally based host programs • Similar to AmeriCorps State • Administration: CNCS Office / Host Program Central Office • Helpful Link: http://www.americorps.gov/about/programs/national.asp
“Streams” of Service - VISTA • Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) is primarily capacity building (See “AmeriCorps State Versus AmeriCorps VISTA Handout) • Initially designed specifically to fight poverty • Founded as Volunteers in Service to America in 1965 and incorporated into AmeriCorps network of programs in 1993 • VISTA members focus their efforts on building the organizational, administrative, and financial capacity of organizations that fight illiteracy, improve health services, foster economic develop, and otherwise assist low-income communities • Examples: develop programs to meet a need, write grants, and recruit and train volunteers
“Streams” of Service - VISTA • 365 DAY 24/7 Commitment (not hourly 1,700, 900, etc. term) • No positions under full time • Can be placed at a site with AmeriCorps State members to do capacity building role while State members do direct service • receive a modest living allowance • health benefits during their service (arranged by CNCS State office), • and have the option of receiving a Segal AmeriCorps Education Award or post-service stipend after completing their service. • VISTA Administration: In Kansas VISTA is administered by the CNCS federal state office which maintains offices in Kansas and Missouri. Contact information is provided at the beginning of this handbook. • Helpful Link: http://www.americorps.gov/about/programs/vista.asp
“Streams” of Service - NCCC • National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) – Regional campus based • full-time, team-based residential program for men and women age 18–24. • assigned to one of five campuses, located in Denver, Colorado; Sacramento, California; Perry Point, Maryland; Vicksburg, Mississippi; and Vinton, Iowa and • travel to complete service projects throughout their regions. • 10-month commitment ; serve in teams of eight to twelve • trained in CPR, first aid, public safety, and other skills before beginning their first service project. • sponsoring organizations submit a project application to the regional campus that covers that organization’s state to get services of a team • living allowance of approximately $4,000 during the 10 months of service, housing, meals, limited medical benefits, up to $400 a month for childcare, if necessary, member uniforms, and a Segal AmeriCorps Education Award upon successful completion of the program. • Helpful Link: http://www.americorps.gov/about/programs/nccc.asp
Other Avenues of Service – Learn and Serve America • Not a “member based” service • Grant support to K-12 schools, community groups and higher education institutions to facilitate service-learning projects by: • Collecting and disseminating research, effective practices, curricula, and program models. • Service-learning offers a unique opportunity for kindergartners to college students • Facilitated integrating community service projects with classroom learning. • Students not only learn about democracy and citizenship, they become actively contributing citizens and community members through the service they perform. • Administration: Kansas Volunteer Commission • Helpful Link: http://www.learnandserve.gov/
Other Avenues of Service –Senior Corps • 55+ • The Foster Grandparent Program connects volunteers age 55 and over with children and young people with exceptional needs. • The Senior Companion Program brings together volunteers age 55 and over with adults in their community who have difficulty with the simple tasks of day-to-day living. • The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program connects volunteers age 55 and over with service opportunities in their communities that match their skills and availability. From building houses to immunizing children, from enhancing the capacity of non-profit organizations to improving and protecting the environment, RSVP volunteers put their unique talents to work to make a difference. • Senior Corps Administration: In Kansas Senior Corps is administered by the CNCS federal state office which maintains offices in Kansas and Missouri. Contact information is provided at the beginning of this handbook. • Helpful Link: http://www.seniorcorps.gov/Default.asp
Review - The AmeriCorps Member: the hands of national service • You’ve heard about the “big” picture of national service • How are you not an employee? • How are you not a volunteer? • What are you?
The AmeriCorps Member: the hands of national service – The Pledge The AmeriCorps members’ intent of making a positive change and being committed to national service is reflected in their pledge. (See handout) The AmeriCorps Pledge I will get things done for America - to make our people safer, smarter, and healthier. I will bring Americans together to strengthen our communities. Faced with apathy, I will take action. Faced with conflict, I will seek common ground. Faced with adversity, I will persevere. I will carry this commitment with me this year and beyond. I am an AmeriCorps member,and I will get things done.
Pre-Service Requirements - Citizenship • Prove you are an American citizen, U.S. national or permanent alien resident of the United States (birth certificate, unexpired passport, etc., there is a specific list of allowed documents). • Discussion Question: What would be the rationale behind requiring this?
Pre-Service Requirements – Education • Required that you either have a high school diplomaor GED or state that they will obtain one before they draw their Education Award. • Discussion Question: Why would CNCS be concerned about this?
Pre-Service Requirements - Age • must, in general, be age 17 or above (there are a couple of exceptions where a member can be age 16)
Pre-Service Requirements – Background Checks • A. must sign a written agreement to run checks • B. checks run through a CNCS approved state criminal history registry check for the State of Kansas, and for the state in which they resided at the time of application, this check must at least be initiated before enrollment;
Pre-Service Requirements – Background Checks • must sign a written agreement to a national FBI Fingerprint check if their service will involve recurring access (the ability on more than one occasion to approach, observe or communicate with an individual either through physical proximity, including electronic or telephonic communication) to a vulnerable population (age 60 or over ; the disabled; those 17 age of years or younger); this check, if applicable, must at least be initiated before enrollment; • must have a National Sex Offender Public Registry website check run on them before enrollment;
Pre-Service Requirements – Background Checks • all members, regardless of access to a vulnerable population, must have a National Sex Offender Public Registry website check run on them before enrollment; no consent is required
Pre-Service Requirements – Eligible for Employment • must be eligible for employment (I-9) • while not considered an employee certain paperwork must still be completed
Enrollment Contingency • Your enrollment is contingent upon the requirements listed above • and upon the supporting documentation being provided; • enrollment, or continued enrollment, is contingent upon the findings of the criminal history background check results. • Members will always be given the right to review and contest findings. • If you are enrolled before the criminal history results have been returned you must always be accompanied by a cleared legal representative of your host program whenever you have access to a vulnerable population.
Your Rights - Notice of Nondiscrimination Recognizing that the fabric of our society is strengthened by the diversity of its citizens, the policy of the Corporation for National and Community Service is to ensure a mutual respect for all differences among us. • Participation in the Corporation and its programs and projects will be based on merit and equal opportunity for all, without regard to factors such as race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, political affiliation, marital or parental status, military service, or religious, community, or social affiliations. • By adhering to this policy, the Corporation will be able to foster civic responsibility, strengthen ties that bind us together as a people, and provide educational opportunity for those who make a substantial commitment to service.
Your Rights - Notice of Nondiscrimination • It is unlawful to retaliate against any person or organization that files a complaint about discrimination. • Discrimination complaints may be raised through the AmeriCorps program grievance procedure. • If you believe your rights have been violated, you may report such violations to the Director of your program, who has a procedure for filing and adjudicating certain grievances (see Member Contract). Or members can file complaints with local and state agencies that are responsible for resolving discrimination complaints. • If you believe that you or others have been discriminated against, or if you want more information, contact either of these organizations:
Your Rights - Notice of Nondiscrimination Equal Opportunity Office Office of Civil Rights and Inclusiveness Corporation for National and Community Service 1201 New York Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20525 (202) 606-7503 (voice); (202) 565-2799 (TTY) (202) 565-3465 (FAX); eo@cns.gov (e-mail) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (816) 889-5100 (816) 889-5106 () TDD
Your Rights – Reasonable Accommodation • You have a right to reasonable accommodation for disabilities. Programs must furnish reasonable accommodations for the known physical and mental limitations of qualified AmeriCorps members.
Member Responsibilities • To earn an Education Award you must… • must satisfactorily complete your program requirements: • attendance • compliance with applicable rules, • may also indicate positive behavioral elements such as a positive attitude, respect toward others and quality of service. • and your full term of service (not 1 hour short).
Member Responsibilities - Contract • You will be asked to sign a contract stating your rights and responsibilities while in AmeriCorps. • You must abide by this contract and follow the rules of your program. • You may be suspended or terminated if you violate the stated rules of behavior.
Member Contract You will be signing a contract which will provide you with: • a. AmeriCorps Member Position DescriptionPlease make sure you understand what it is you are being asked to do in your role as a national service AmeriCorps member; • b. Start/End DatesYour contract will give the specific start and end dates of your term. You should always be aware of how long you have to complete your number of hours. Members may not serve beyond 12 months. If you are enrolling late in our program year you can only serve till the end of our current program year.