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Overview of Seasonal-to-Decadal (s2d) Activities during the Initial 18 Months

This overview details the Initial 18 Months of Seasonal-to-Decadal Activities by Francisco J. Doblas Reyes. It includes the development of EPS, model uncertainty estimation, ocean initial conditions, ensemble systems, and more.

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Overview of Seasonal-to-Decadal (s2d) Activities during the Initial 18 Months

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  1. Overview of Seasonal-to-Decadal (s2d) Activities during the Initial 18 Months Francisco J. Doblas Reyes European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

  2. RT1 activities RT1: Development of the EPS • Aim: assess best method to estimate model uncertainty. • Estimates of model uncertainty using a new multi-model ensemble, a recently developed stochastic physics scheme (ECMWF and Met Office) and the perturbed parameters approach (Met Office with 2 different versions of HadCM3). • Ocean initial conditions from ENACT and generation of new sets when possible. • Common output archived in MARS (atm) and ECFS (ocean). • Pre-production for 1991-2001 with reduced start dates and completion for end 2005. • Additional experiments to test the consistency of the predictions and the impact of the ensemble size.

  3. Uncertainty initial conditions model formulation Estimation ensemble multi-model multi-model ensemble forecast system N models x M ensemble members Generalized ensemble approach

  4. Uncertainty initial conditions model formulation Estimation ensemble perturbed parameters perturbed parameters ensemble N versions x M ensemble members Generalized ensemble approach

  5. Uncertainty initial conditions model formulation Estimation ensemble with stochastic physics Ensemble with stochastic physics M ensemble members Generalized ensemble approach

  6. ENSEMBLES system: 7 coupled GCMs running at ECMWF Multi-model ensemble system 9-member ensembles ERA-40 atmosphere and soil initial conditions ENACT-based ocean initial conditions with SST and wind perturbations 2 seasonal,1 annual runs per year At least 2 multi-annual runs (1965 and 1994) Boundary forcings in forecast mode: GHGs, aerosols, solar forcing, etc. • Hindcast production period for: 1991-2001

  7. Feb 87 May 87 Aug 87 Nov 87 Feb 88 ... Multi-model ensemble system 6 models x 9 ensemble members 54 member multi-model ensemble

  8. Multi-model ensemble system Feb 87 May 87 Aug 87 Nov 87 Feb 88 ...

  9. Multi-model ensemble system Feb 87 May 87 Aug 87 Nov 87 Feb 88 ...

  10. Multi-model ensemble system 54 member multi-model ensemble = 1 hindcast Feb 87 May 87 Aug 87 Nov 87 Feb 88 ...

  11. RT2A activities RT2A: Global model engine • Build on the RT1 experience. • Starting in ~month 24: seasonal, annual and multi-annual integrations. • New set of (ensemble) ocean initial conditions from ENACT and/or RT1. • Common output (based on RT1 lists and scripts) archived in MARS and ECFS. • Dissemination based on public data and OPenDAP servers. • Production period 1960-2001. • 4 times per year, multi-annual hindcasts with the perturbed-parameter approach (HadCM3 or HadGEM).

  12. ENSEMBLES system: 5 coupled GCMs (4 running at ECMWF) Multi-model ensemble system 9-member ensembles ERA-40 atmosphere and soil initial conditions RT1-based ocean initial conditions 4 seasonal, 1 annual runs per year At least 1 multi-annual run every 5 years Boundary forcings in forecast mode: GHGs, aerosols, solar forcing, etc. • Hindcast production period for: 1960-2001

  13. Data storage • Archiving at ECMWF (seasonal to decadal) and M&D (decadal to centennial in CERA). • Use of a common list of variables (minimum requirement) for atmosphere and ocean variables. • Atmosphere (GRIB) in MARS and ocean (NetCDF) in ECFS. Need of an ENSEMBLES class for MARS. • Scripts available for archiving and retrieval.

  14. http://www.ecmwf.int/services/archive/ http://cera-www.dkrz.de/CERA/ Global change integrations in CERA and PCMDI Seasonal to decadal in MARS and ECFS Data storage

  15. Questions?

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