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ENGG2013 Unit 12 Everything is related. Feb, 2011. Yesterday. Row-rank of an m n matrix. The row rank of a matrix is the maximal number of linearly independent rows. Row-rank is an integer between 0 to m. How to use row operations and calculate row-rank by RREF.
ENGG2013 Unit 12Everything is related Feb, 2011.
Yesterday • Row-rank of an mn matrix. • The row rank of a matrix is the maximal number of linearly independent rows. • Row-rank is an integer between 0 to m. • How to use row operations and calculate row-rank by RREF. • Row operations do not change the row-rank • We can see the row-rank of a RREF easily, just count the number of non-zero rows. ENGG2013
Calculating row-rank from definition • Let A be a 67 matrix. • Test the linear independence for • Each of the 6 rows. (6 cases) • all pairs of rows. (15 cases) • All triples of rows. (20 cases) • All combinations of four rows (15 cases) • All combinations of five rows (6 cases) • All six rows together. (1 case) ENGG2013
Calculating row-rank from definition • Example: If • any combination of 5 or more rows are linearly dependent • there is a combination of 4 rows which are linearly independent, then we say that the row rank is 4. • Example: If • any combination of 2 or more rows are linearly dependent • there is a non-zero row, then we say that the row rank is 1. ENGG2013
Linear independence • Definition: Given a set of k vectors v1, v2, …, vk, each of them has n components. We call them linear independent when c1v1+c2v2+ … +c2vk = 0 is possible only if all coefficients in the linear combination are equal to zero, c1=c2= … =c2=0 Otherwise, they are linear dependent. The zero vector ENGG2013
Linear equations • We need to solve a system of linear equations and show that they there is only one solution, namely, the all-zero solution. • For example, if we want to test whether are linearly independent, we write down an vector equation c1v1+c2v2+ c3vk=0, and see is c1=c2=c3=0 is the only choice for the coefficients. If yes, they are linearly independent. If there is some non-zero choice for c1,c2, and c3, then they are linearly dependent. ENGG2013
RREF • We can use reduced row-echelon form to see if there is any non-trivial solution(“non-trivial” here means non-zero). 1 1 1 1 If there are free variables, then there are infinitelymany non-zero solutions ENGG2013
Matrix inverse • If we write the system of linear equations in matrix from Ax=b, we can solve it by multiplying both sides (from the left) by the inverse of A, provided that the inverse exists. ENGG2013
A missing link from Unit 7 • Definition: Given a square matrixA, if B is an matrix such that BA = I and AB = I, (Here “I” stands for the identity matrix, then we say tht Bis the inverse ofA, and write A-1=B. • To check that a matrix B is the inverse of A, we said in Unit 7 that t is sufficient to check either • BA = I, or • AB = I. ENGG2013
Example • For example, if we want to check that the inverse of is we only need to verify that Is there any justification for this laziness? ENGG2013
Left and right inverse • To streamline the presentation, we distinguish left-inverse and right-inverse of a matrix. • The notions of left- and right-inverse apply to rectangular matrix in general. • Let A be an mn matrix. • Definition: • A matrix X is called a left-inverse of A if XA = In. • A matrix Y is called a right-inverse of A if AY = Im. n n indentity matrix m m indentity matrix ENGG2013
Left- and Right-inverse forrectangular matrix are complicated • Consider the matrix • We can check that for any a and b. Therefore, A has infinitely many right-inverse. • Also, A does not have any left-inverse. ENGG2013
Row- and column-rank • As an mirror image of row-rank, we define the column-rank of a matrix M by the maximum number of linearly independent columns in M. (Here, M may be rectangular matrix, not necessarily square matrix.) • Similarly to the arguments yesterday, we can see that column operations do not change the column-rank. ENGG2013
The transpose operator • The transpose operator interchange rows and columns of a matrix. • It provides a useful tool for transporting any proof and calculation of rows into proof and calculation of columns, and vice versa. • For example, • The results in p.10 are translated to The matrix has no right-inverse, but has infinitely many left-inverses. ENGG2013
Determinant • From Unit 9, we also know that we can solve system of linear equations by Cramer’s rule. • We have formulae for computing the inverse using cofactors and adjoint: ENGG2013
What are the relationship between them • Determinant • Rank • Left-inverse and right-inverse • RREF • Solution(s) to system oflinear equations • Linear independence ENGG2013
A unifying theorem • Given an nn matrix A, the followings are logically equivalent: • A has a left-inverse. (X, s.t. XA=I.) • The only solution to Ax=0 is x=0. • A has column-rank n. (Columns of A are linearly independent) • A has a right-inverse. (Y, s.t. AY=I.) • A has row-rank n. (Rows of A are linearly independent) • The RREF of A is the nn identity matrix • A is a product of elementary matrices. • The determinant of A is non-zero. ENGG2013
1 2 • A has a left-inverse. (X, s.t. XA=I.) • The only solution to Ax=0 is x=0. Suppose that A has a left-inverse X, such that XA=I. Suppose that x = [x1 x2… xn]T is a solution to Ax = 0. Just multiply both side by X from the left. ENGG2013
2 3 • The only solution to Ax=0 is x=0. • A has column-rank n. (Columns of A are linearly independent) Suppose that Ax= 0 implies x=0. Let the columns of A be c1, c2,…, cn. Suppose that x1c1+x2c2+…+xncn = 0. But it’s equivalent to writing Ax=0.Hence, x1 =x2=… =xn =0. Columns of A are linearly independent. ENGG2013
4 5 • A has a right-inverse. (Y, s.t. AY=I.) • A has row-rank n. (Rows of A are linearly independent) The reason is exactly the same as 1 2. ENGG2013
5 6 • A has row-rank n. (Rows of A are linearly independent) • The RREF of A is the nn identity matrix Suppose that the n rows of A are linearly independent. From Unit 11, we know that row operations does not affect row-rank. If the RREF of A cannot contain n-1 or less non-zero rows, then the rank of the RREF is n-1 or less, implying that A has rank n-1 or less. Therefore all rows of the RREF are not zero. The only choice is the identity matrix. ENGG2013
6 7 • The RREF of A is the nn identity matrix • A is a product of elementary matrices. Definition: An elementary matrix is what you get after applying an elementary row operation to an identity matrix. Exchange row 1and row 2 Compare with the fact that every positive integer can be factorized as a product of primes. The elementary matrices are the building blocks of invertible matrices in the same sense Add 3 times row 1to row 3 ENGG2013
Elementary matrices • Definition: An elementary matrix is what you get after applying an elementary row operation to an identity matrix. Exchange row 1and row 2 Elementary matrices Add 3 times row 1to row 3 ENGG2013
Row operations are “undo-able” • We can undo any row operation by another row operation, without loss of information. • First kind: To undo exchanging row i and row j, we exchange row i and row j again. • Second kind: The reverse process of multiplying row i by a non-zero factor k, is to multiply the same row by 1/k. • Third kind: The reverse process of adding c times row j to row i, is to subtract c times row j from row i. ENGG2013
The same ideas in terms of matrix • Given any elementary matrix, say E, we can find another elementary matrix, say E’, such that E’ E = In, the nn identity matrix. • As we have shown in Unit 7, elementary row operation is the same as multiplying a suitable elementary matrix from the left. ENGG2013
From Unit 7 • If we can row reduce matrix A to the identity matrix, then we can multiply a series of elementary matrices, say E1, E2, E3, …, Ep, from the left and obtain the identify matrix. • For each E1, E2, E3, …, Ep, we can find elementary matrix Ei’ such that Ei’ E= I. (i=1,2,…,p) • Therefore A can be written as a product of elementary matrices ENGG2013
7 1 • A is a product of elementary matrices. • A has a left-inverse. (X, s.t. XA=I.) Suppose that A can be written as a product of elementary matrices A = E1 E2 E3 Ek-1 Ek . For each elementary Ei, we can find Ei’such that Ej’ Ej = I, (for j = 1,2,…,k) We can take X as Ek’ Ek-1’ E2’ E1’ ENGG2013
7 4 • A is a product of elementary matrices. • A has a right-inverse. (Y, s.t. AY = I.) Suppose that A can be written as a product of elementary matrices A = E1 E2 E3 Ek-1 Ek . For each elementary Ei, we can find Ei’’such that Ej Ej’’= I, (for j = 1,2,…,k) We can take Y as Ek’’ Ek-1’’ E2’’ E1’’ ENGG2013
The Logical Road map so far • 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 ENGG2013
3 7 • A has column-rank n. (Columns of A are linearly independent) • A is a product of elementary matrices. Apply the arguments in as in 5 6 7, to the transpose of A. 5’ AT has row-rank n. (Transpose interchange rows and column) 6’ The RREF of AT is the nn identity matrix 7’ AT is a product of elementary matrices. ENGG2013
3 7 • A has column-rank n. (Columns of A are linearly independent) • A is a product of elementary matrices. • Suppose that AT is the product of some elementary matrices, say E1, E2, … , Ek, AT = E1 E2 E3 Ek. Take the transpose of both sides, and use the fact that • the transpose of an elementary matrix is also elementary, and • (EF)T = FTET A = EkT Ek-1T Ek-2T E1T. ENGG2013
Logical road map so far • 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 ENGG2013
7 8 • A is a product of elementary matrices. • The determinant of A is non-zero. We need the following observation: • Determinant of elementary matrix is nonzero • Let E be an elementary matrix and B is any matrix of the same size as E, then det(EB) = det(E) det(B) ENGG2013
Elementary matrix (first kind) • First kind: Row exchange. determinant of a matrix E corresponding to row exchange is -1. • Suppose we apply a row exchange to a matrix B, and the resulting matrix is say B’. Then, det(B) = det(B’). det(EB) = det(B’)= - det(B) = det(E)det(B) ENGG2013
Elementary matrix (second kind) • Second kind: Multiply a row by a non-zero constant k. The determinant of matrix E corresponding this row multiplication is k. • Suppose we apply multiply the i-th row of matrix C to obtain matrix C’. Then, det(C’) = k det(C). det(EC) = det(C’)= k det(B) = det(E)det(B) ENGG2013
Elementary matrix (third kind) • Third kind: Add c times the i-th row to the j-th row. The determinant of matrix E corresponding to this action is 1. • Suppose we add c times i-th row of matrix D to the j-th row. Let the resulting matrix be D’. Then, det(D’) = det(D). det(ED) = det(D’)= det(D) = det(E) det(B) ENGG2013
7 8 • A is a product of elementary matrices. • The determinant of A is non-zero. If A can be factor as a product of elementary matrices, i.e., A= E1E2 Ep Then det(A) = det(E1E2 Ep) = det(E1 (E2 E3 Ep)) = det(E1)det(E2 E3 Ep) = det(E1) det(E2) det(E3 Ep) = … = det(E1) det(E2) det(Ep) This is non-zero because each factor is non-zero. ENGG2013
Logical road map so far • 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 • Need to prove 8 any one from 1 to 7 • Let’s prove the implication 8 5 8 ENGG2013
8 5 • Logically, it is equivalent to proving the negation of (5) implies the negation of (8). ~(5): A has row-rank <n. (Rows of A are linearly dependent) ~(8): The determinant of A is zero. Suppose that the rows of A are linearly dependent. From Unit 11, we know that one row is a linear combination of the other rows. ENGG2013
8 5 • Suppose that the 1-st row is a linear combination of the other rows • r1 = c2r2 + c3r3 + c4r4 + … + cnrn where c2 to cn are some constants. By row reduction ENGG2013
QED • 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 • Implications include: • Left-inverse is automatically the same as the right-inverse. • Row-rank = n if and only column-rank = n • And much more… 8 ENGG2013
A question from tutorial 2 • Can we say that if the determinant is zero, then the row vectors are linearly dependent? • The answer is yes. This is a corollary of the unifying theorem in p.17. ENGG2013
Theorem Three vectors are co-planar if and only if the determinant obtained by writing the three vectors together is zero. Proof: Let the three vectors be Assume that they lie on the same plane. Let this plane ax + by + cz = 0. (a, b, and c are constants, not all zero) ENGG2013
Proof () a,b,c are constants not all zero • • The system of linear equations (a,b, and c are the variables) has non zero solution. • because condition 2 implies the condition 8 in theorem in p.17, we can conclude that ENGG2013
Proof () • For the reverse direction, suppose that • From the unifying theorem, we know that condition 8 implies condition 2, i.e., if the above determinant is zero, then has a solution (a,b,c) which is not all zero. • Therefore, it is guaranteed that we can find three real numbers, a, b, c, not all zero, such that all three points lie on the plane ax+by+cz =0. QED ENGG2013