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The aborigines

The aborigines. History

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The aborigines

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  1. The aborigines History Unlike most other parts of the world, where modern humans evolved from earlier forms, the Aborigines probably came to Australia as modern human beings 40,000 to 60,000 years ago. Some people believe that the Aborigines have existed in Australia for 120,000 to 150,000 years, but have not been able to find conclusive evidence to support their theories.40,000 years ago the world looked very different. An ice age was just ending and there were huge amounts of ice at the poles of the earth.

  2. population The present Aboriginal population in Australia is around 460,000, which is about 2,27 % of the total Australian population. They live in all parts of Australia, but there is a large concentration in Queensland. Languages Among the Aboriginals, some 500 languages belonging to 31 language groups were spoken, of which Pama-Nyungang was the most commonly used. The official language is English now.

  3. Ayers rock A crowned place Religion The Aborigonal religion is based heavily on the Dreaming. The Dreaming is the Aboriginal creation story. Aborigines believe that at the beginning of time the world was a shapless mass of nothing, waiting to be transformed into what we see today.

  4. Economy The Australian Aboriginal population is for the most part urbanised, but a substantial number lives in settlements (often located on the site of former church missions) in what are often remote areas of rural Australia. The health and economic difficulties facing both groups are substantial (for instance, life expectancy of Aboriginal people is 20 years shorter than the wider Australian population. Aboriginal people, particularly youths, are substantially more likely to be imprisoned than the general population and the rate of suicides in police custody remains quite high. Rates of unemployment, health problems and poverty are higher than the general population. School retention rate and university attendance is lower. To be aborigines is to expose itself to : lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality, poor housing conditions, lower access to education and employment

  5. Present DayToday the Aborigines are in trouble. Many have left the their traditional lifestyle, and have moved to suburbs. There is a 40% unemployment rate in many Aborigines populations, in part because Aborigines are widely discriminated against which causes some people not to hire them. Even the police and government discriminate against aborigines. In many places bars are segregated into different parts for Aborigines or Aborigines aren't served at all. Some progress was made recently when an Aboriginal woman was voted into Australia parliament. But like the similar situation with African Americans in The United Sates recent history, Australia still has a long way to go before Aborigines have equal rights. The Australian government should give land back to an Aboriginal person who wants to live the way his or her people were before the British arrived.

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