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Web-Based PEER Ground Motion Database

Web-Based PEER Ground Motion Database. Camila Coria Research Assistant PEER – UC Berkeley. Carola Di Alessandro Post–Doctoral Fellow PEER – UC Berkeley. PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco. October 8, 2010. INTRODUCTION. Based on DGML Application

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Web-Based PEER Ground Motion Database

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  1. Web-Based PEER Ground Motion Database Camila Coria Research Assistant PEER – UC Berkeley Carola Di Alessandro Post–Doctoral Fellow PEER – UC Berkeley PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  2. INTRODUCTION • Based on DGML Application • Interactive web application based on DGML Ver. 2.0 software package • PEER Ground Motion Database (http://peer2.berkeley.edu/peer_ground_motion_database) • Shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regimes w/ thanks to w/ funding from PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  3. SEARCH FORGROUND MOTION RECORDS • UNSCALED Records • Based on earthquake parameters OR • Event name / NGA Sequence or Station Name PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  4. SEARCH FORGROUND MOTION RECORDS • SCALED Records • Need a TARGET SPECTRUM • NGA Model • User Defined Spectrum • ASCE Code Spectrum PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  5. PEER – NGATARGET SPECTRUM • EPSILON: • Number of Standard Deviations • CONDITIONAL MEAN: • Option to apply the Conditional Mean Method • PERIOD of CONDITIONAL MEAN Method: • Specifies the period for the Conditional Mean Method Input panel to create PEER-NGA Spectrum PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  6. PEER – NGATARGET SPECTRUM • EPSILON: • Number of Standard Deviations away from the median value (e.g. epsilon=1.0 for an 84th-percentile spectrum) • 1st OPTION: • Generate a constant Epsilon Spectrum Conditional Mean Option “NO” • Examples of constant epsilon spectra generated using the average of five NGA models and epsilon = 0, 1, and 2 Epsilon=2 Epsilon=1 Epsilon=0 PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  7. PEER - NGA TARGET SPECTRUM • 2nd OPTION: • Develop a Conditional Mean Spectrum (Baker & Cornell, 2006) Conditional Mean Option “YES” • Specify the value of Epsilon at a Spectral Period (Baker & Jayaram, 2008) Epsilon=1 • Example of a conditional mean spectrum (CMS) created for an epsilon value of 1.0 at a spectral period of 0.5 seconds Conditional Mean Spectrum, Epsilon=1, T_eps=0.5 sec Epsilon=0 PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  8. SEARCH ENGINE • RECORD ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: • Perform search over NGA Database • WEIGHT FUNCTION: • Specification of Weight Function used for scaling records PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  9. SEARCH ENGINE • RECORD ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: • Seismological parameters • Scaling options: SCALING NO Unscaled Matching YES Single Period NO Factor Limit YES Period (sec) PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  10. SEARCH ENGINE • SCALING OPTIONS: SCALING NO Unscaled Matching YES Single Period NO Factor Limit YES Period (sec) PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  11. SEARCH ENGINE • SCALING OPTIONS: SCALING NO Unscaled Matching YES Single Period NO Factor Limit YES Period (sec) PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  12. SEARCH ENGINE • SCALING OPTIONS: SCALING NO Unscaled Matching YES Single Period NO Factor Limit YES Period (sec) PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  13. SEARCH ENGINE 1) Scale the record to match the target spectrum to a single period: the records are scaled to match the target spectrum at a specific spectral period, called Ts (sec) SCALING NO Unscaled Matching YES Single Period NO Factor Limit YES Period (sec) PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  14. SEARCH ENGINE 2) Scale the record to match the target spectrum over a period range: the records are scaled by a factor that minimizes the mean squared error (MSE) between the geometric mean spectra of the scaled records horizontal components and the target spectrum SCALING NO Unscaled Matching YES Single Period NO Factor Limit YES Period (sec) PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  15. SEARCH ENGINE • WEIGHT FUNCTION W(Ti): • A real number sequence of periods and weights used to specify the weight function • Arbitrary values can emphasize match over narrow period range PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  16. SEARCH ENGINE • RANKING of MATCHING RECORDS : • Ranking is a function of weight function INCREASING BEST MATCHING MATCHING RECORDS INCREASING MSE PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  17. PEER GROUND MOTION DATABASE • Additional videos will be soon posted PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

  18. INFORMATION Link: http://peer2.berkeley.edu/peer_ground_motion_database E-mail: peer_center@berkeley.edu PEER & NEES Annual Meeting, San Francisco October 8, 2010

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