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Auctor's Pursuit: Unveiling the Authoritative Journey

Embark on a captivating journey following the authoritative steps of an author, exploring the power of words and influence. Witness the sequent events unfold as the protagonist strives to authorize their literary world. Revel in the joy of creation and rejoice in the pursuit of knowledge from this linguistic adventure.

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Auctor's Pursuit: Unveiling the Authoritative Journey

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocabulary Stage 34

  2. Auctor, auctoris (m) Author, authoritarian, authoritative, authority, authorize

  3. Sequor, sequi, secutus sum Ensue, instrinsic, lawsuit, obsequies, obsequious, pursue, second, sect, sectarian, sectary, sectary, sequel, sequence, sequent, subsequent, sue, suit suitable, suite, suitor

  4. Me auctore • At my suggestion

  5. Revertor, reverti, reversus sum Reverse, reversion, revert

  6. Damno, damnare, damnavi, damnatus Condemn, condemnation, damage, damn, damnation, indemnity

  7. Regredior regredi, regressus sum Regress, regression, regressive

  8. dum • While, until

  9. Proficiscor, proficisci, profectus sum • Set out

  10. Extinguo, extinguere, extinxi, extinctus Extinct, extinguish, extinguisher, inextinguishable

  11. Gaudium, gaudii (n) Enjoy, gaud, gaudy, joy, joyful, joyous, overjoyed, rejoice

  12. Precor, precari, precatus sum Deprecate, imprecate, pray, prayer, precarious

  13. haud • not

  14. Patior, pati, passum sum Compatible, impatient, patience, patient

  15. Nascor, nasci, natus sum Nascent, pregnant, renascent

  16. Morior, mori, mortuus sum moribund

  17. Immineo, imminēre, imminui Imminence, imminent

  18. Indicium, indicii (n) Index, indicial, indicate, indicative, indication

  19. Loquor, loqui, locutus sum Colloquial, eloquence, eloquent, loquacious, loquacity, mangiloquent, obloquy, soliloquy, ventriloquist

  20. Egredior, egredi, egressus sum Egress, egression

  21. Ingredior ingredi ingressus sum Ingredient, ingress, ingressive

  22. Hortor, hortari, hortatus sum Exhort, exhortation, hortation, hortatory

  23. modo • Just, only

  24. Obviam eo, obviam ire, obviam ii (dative) Obviate, obvious

  25. Pendeo pendēre, pependi, pensum Append, appendix, compendious, depend, dependent, impending, independence, penchant, pend, pendant, pendent, pending, penthouse, perpendicular, propensity, suspend, suspense

  26. Conspicor, conspicari, conspicatus sum Conspicuous, conspicuity, conspectus

  27. Conor,conari, conatus sum conative

  28. priusquam • Before, until

  29. Comitor, comitari, comitatus sum concomitant

  30. procul • far

  31. Amplector, amplecti, amplexus sum Amplectic, amplexicaudate, amplexicaul, amplexifoliate

  32. quasi quasi

  33. Tenebrae, tenebrarum, (f) Tenecrescence, tenebrous

  34. Adipiscor, adipisci, adeptus sum adept

  35. Ultio, ultionis (f) Antepenult, penult, penultimate, ulterior, ultimate, ultimatum

  36. Vestimenta, vestimentae (f) Divest, invest, travesty, vest, vestment, vestry, vesture

  37. Vel • or

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