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CALIE-04 Conference Grenoble, February 17, 2004. INSTRUCTIONAL ENGINEERING FOR LEARNING OBJECTS REPOSITORIES NETWORKS. Gilbert Paquette Centre de recherche CIRTA (LICEF) Télé-université du Québec www.licef.teluq.quebec.ca/gp. MISA 2.0. Épitalk Advisor. MOT 2.0. 1995-1997. MOT plus.
CALIE-04 Conference Grenoble, February 17, 2004 INSTRUCTIONAL ENGINEERING FOR LEARNING OBJECTS REPOSITORIES NETWORKS • Gilbert Paquette • Centre de recherche CIRTA (LICEF) • Télé-université du Québec • www.licef.teluq.quebec.ca/gp
MISA 2.0 Épitalk Advisor MOT 2.0 1995-1997 MOT plus MISA 3.0 Gen. soft Explor@-1 + Advisor 1998-1999 MISA 4.0 ADISA Explor@-2 (multi-actor) 1999-2001 MOT plus LD Editor 2002-2004 Explor@-2 Player ADISA2 Research Path at LICEF-CIRTA AGD Virtual Campus 1992-1995
1- The Learning Objects Paradigm • Not Just a new trend • Knowledge Management • Increasing Learning/Training Needs • The Programmable (Semantic) Web • Interoperating Learning Objects Repositories • Referencing, Finding, Repurposing • Still a challenge • Using Learning Objects Repositories • Simple Sequencing (SCORM) is not the last word • Using LORs with Pedagogical Efficiency • Educational Modeling Tool Set • Instructional Engineering Principles
Web Services Metadata Legacy Tools Repository Metadata Repository Services DRM Portals services LOM/OAI-DRI Agents eLearning Middleware Communication Kernel Services Comp.. Digitized Resource Resource OTHER Repository Manage. LCMS Services /Agents IMS – LD + CP eduSource Architecture Overview
Interoperable Metadata Repositories Interoperable Content Repositories Repository Registry WebServices Registry eduSource Communications Layer (ECL) Framework and Testbed Integrating International Specifications eduSource User Interface Search Tools Tagging Tools Design Packaging Tools Rights Mgmt Tools ERS
Repository In-the-box EduSource Use Cases Users Use the RIB Manager Publisher Builder Designer Infoseeker eduSource Actors and Use Cases
Platforms EML Instructional Engineering IMS-LD LCMS, LMS Method/Tools (MISA) (Explor@) Instructional LS Delivery Engineering Learning System Learning Learning Materials System System Model Environments LOM/ CP/QTI LIP/ COMPTENCIES DRI/ENT SCORM 2- Educational Modeling Specifications Learning System (LS)
What is IMS-LD ? • A specification for units of learning as interoperable learning components composed of actors, resources and activity descriptions • An XML file that a LMS, LCMS, platform can view and/or play • Describing an instructional method as a multi-actor activity process • An effort to integrate previous standards: MD, QTI, RDCEO, CP, SS • Inspired by Instructional Design Theories and Principles
Role 1 R Role 1 Start Play 1 Activity 1 R Activity 5 Role 2 P P P P P R End Act 2 Start Act 2 Start Act 1 End Activity 2 P P P Act 1 Role 4 P P P R Role 3 P P End Play 1 R Activity 6 Activity 3 A simple IMS-LD Method
Retrieves LOs Display Object Viewer/Player LD Editor includes extends Aggregates Designer Request /Deliver LD with LOs includes uses LO Searcher Retrieves a LD Content Packager Build a Learning Design LO Repository Submit/Store Package Learning Design Use Cases
A Graphic LD Editor Based on MOTplus • Designers should be exempted from XML editing/reading • An alternative to UML graphs proposed in the IMS-LD best practice • All of a IMS-LD should be designed in one graphic model • Specializing MOT+ to IMS-lD • Graphic models can give additional degree of freedoms • Each element can be specified by the desginer only once (a parser can complete redundant aspects of the specification)
IMS-LD Packager/DePackager • Separate the editing tool from the content packaging tool • Need for a specialized LD viewer or a LD-aware LCMS players that can • The Explor@-II system help define any number of actor’s environments. • Additional functionalities to exploit the multi-actor capabilities • Read an IMS-LD package in the Explor@-II activity editor • Import directly a graphic model, built with the MOT+ editor • Towards multi-actor functional interfaces (LORNET/TELOS)
Obtain Video Analyze the vidéo Evaluation Produce essay Forum Analysis Coach Evaluate essay Essay Profiles Explor@-2/LORNET Future LD Player
Instructional Design Knowledge Engineering Software Engineering 3- Need for LD Instructional Engineering • Build a LD as a solution to learning needs, competency building and educational context • Produce a LD model through a systemic methodology
Problem definition 100 Organization’s training system 102 Training objectives 104 Target populations 106 Actual situation 108 Reference documents Instructional Modeling Knowledge Modeling 210 Knowledge modeling principles 212 Knowledge model 214 Target competencies 310 Learning units content 410 Learning instruments content 610 Knowledge and competency management 220 Instructional principles 222 Learning events network 224 Learning units properties 320 Instructional scenarios 322 Learning activities properties 420 Learning instruments properties 620 Actors and group management Delivery Modeling Materials Modeling 240 Delivery principles 242 Cost-benefit analysis 340 Delivery planning 440 Delivery models 442 Actors and user’s materials 444 Tools and telecommunication 446 Services and delivery locations 540 Assessment planning 640 Maintenance and quality management 230 Media principles 330 Development infrastructure 430 Learning materials list 432 Learning materials models 434 Media elements 436 Source documents 630 Learning system and resource management MISA 4.0 Instructional Engineering Method
An integrated skills taxonomy Exerce a skill S S Self- Receive manage S S Reproduce Create S 1-Show S awareness S 10-Self- S manage 2-Internalize 9-Evaluate S S 3-Instantiate S S S /Detail S 8-Synthesize Construct 4-Transpose 6-Analyze 5-Apply 7-Repair Simulate • An expandable taxonomy from general to specific • Based on Bloom, KADS, Pitrat • Ordering skills from simple to complex (on the first two layers) • Adding Performance Criteria to define competencies
Choose a domain Domain concepts Process components Control principles I/P Process Traces I/P and a Lab Process to simulate Execute the Production task Obeying the control principles I/P I/P Produce examples of input concepts (variables) C* Assemble the Simulation traces And write the Lab report I/P I/P Tasks' I/P products A task Case to be description simulated I/P I/P I/P I/P Verify if the Identify a production task process is Yes No I/P completely simulated I/P I/P Graph Generic Skills for Scenarios
Principles for Pedagogy-Based Learning Designs • Self-management Interactions • Information processing Interactions • Collaborative Interactions • Assistance Interactions
Activity 1: Choose a Lab Process Activity 2: Analyse concepts in the domain Activity 3: Select Input Examples A. Self-Management Interactions Activity 6: Producea report on the simulation of the processes Activity 4: Execute an Operation from the Process Activity 5: If Process Incomplete Loop Back
A. Self-Management Interactions • Principle 1 - Large grain knowledge objects to be scaffolded (learner builds knowledge maps) • Principle 2 – Competency and outcomes as goals: knowledge related to skills • Principle 3 - Learning scenarios built upon a skill’s generic process (to practice the competency) • Principle 4 - Open scenarios : different learning paths, to address learning style, delivery situations, different initial competencies • Principle 5 - Adaptable scenarios to give more “freedom to learn” (Rodgers)
Activity 1: Choose a Lab Process I/P Information on Lab Operations Laboratory Activity 2: Documents processes Analyse concepts in the domain on the scientific description I/P domain I/P Activity 3: Select Input Examples I/P FAQ on presentation norms Presentation and Discussion of Completeness Principles I/P B. Information Processing Interactions Activity 6: Producea report on the simulation of the processes Activity 4: Execute an Operation from the Process Activity 5: If Process Incomplete Loop Back
B. Information Processing Interactions • Principle 6 - Learning scenarios proposing rich and diversified information sources • Principle 7 - Information resources providing for bi-directional communication (some active content) • Principle 8 - Learning scenarios associate to clear knowledge goals, to orient search and adaptation • Principle 9 - Scenarios offering tools for information search, annotation, and aggregation • Principle 10 - Production tools well adapted to the generic tasks in a learning scenario
R Activity 1: Choose a Lab Process Laboratory Activity 2: R processes Analyse concepts in the domain description Team of 4 Team of 4 Individual Learner Activity 3: R Select Input Examples R Group C. Collaborative Interactions I/P Information on Lab Operations Documents on the scientific Activity 6: I/P domain Producea report on the simulation of the processes I/P Activity 4: Execute an Operation from the Process I/P FAQ on presentation norms Activity 5: If Process Incomplete Loop Back Presentation and Discussion of Completeness Principles I/P
C. Collaborative Interactions • Principle 11 - Collaborative and individual activities sustaining and building on one another - learning is a personal and social process • Principle 12 - Collaboration adapted to the generic process defining a learning unit • Principle 13 - Well-coordinated synchronous and asynchronous interactions • Principle 14 - Management activities and tools for coordination of peer learners
Lab Assistant R Interact by Activity 1: email Designer Choose a Lab Process R I/P I/P Prepare learning Laboratory Activity 2: materials processes Analyse concepts in the domain I/P description Team of 4 Team of 4 Individual Learner Activity 3: Select Input Examples Trainer Group R R I/P Maintain a Use a forum I/P FAQ software D. Assistance Interactions R I/P Information on Lab Operations Documents R on the scientific Activity 6: I/P domain Producea report on the simulation of the processes I/P Activity 4: Execute an Operation from the Process R I/P R FAQ on presentation norms Activity 5: If Process Incomplete Loop Back Presentation and Discussion of Completeness Principles I/P
D. Assistance Interactions • Principle 15 - Provide assistance scenarios with multiple facilitators • Principle 16 - Assistance should be given carefully, mainly at the learner’s initiative + risk management by facilitators: persons or agents • Principle 17- Assistance system should provide mainly heuristic and methodological guidance instead of mini-lectures • Principle 18 - Assistance interactions corresponding to principles regulating a skill’s generic process
To conclude • The Learning Object Paradigm • Proposes to aggregate and repurpose educational materials in open, flexible eLearning systems • Focus out of media authoring and broadcasting • Opens the way to collaboration between groups • The Learning Design Approach • Puts more emphasis on design, on pedagogy : what to do with the learning objects • Values instructional methods as learning objects to adapt, fill with content and share • Leads to dynamic workflows as contextual multi-actor interfaces • IMS-LD is not enough • Need for an instructional engineering methodology • Integrate a semantic Web view (AI+Internet)
CALIE-04 Conference Grenoble, February 17, 2004 INSTRUCTIONAL ENGINEERING FOR LEARNING OBJECTS REPOSITORIES NETWORKS • Gilbert Paquette • Centre de recherche LICEF (CIRTA) • Télé-université • www.licef.teluq.quebec.ca/gp