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Learning Repositories

Learning Repositories. Informational Overload!. I can take it!. iTunes U. http://www.apple.com/education/itunes-u /. EDU - YouTube. http:// www.youtube.com/education. MERLOT. http://www.merlot.org /. Khan Academy. http://www.khanacademy.org /. Tools Used to Create the Videos?.

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Learning Repositories

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  1. Learning Repositories Informational Overload! I can take it!

  2. iTunes U http://www.apple.com/education/itunes-u/

  3. EDU - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/education

  4. MERLOT http://www.merlot.org/

  5. Khan Academy http://www.khanacademy.org/

  6. Tools Used to Create the Videos? Salman Khan uses a PC with: • Camtasia Recorder • SmoothDraw3 (Free) • Wacom Bamboo Tablet Prior to that, he used: • ScreenVideoRecorder • Microsoft Paint (Free) *Mac users: In lieu of SmoothDraw, Autodesk Sketchbook Express works (free with a Wacom)  Article: http://zaidlearn.blogspot.com/2008/12/salman-khan-uses-microsoft-paint-to.html

  7. Open.Michigan http://open.umich.edu/

  8. GCF LearnFree.org http://www.gcflearnfree.org/

  9. Connexions http://cnx.org/

  10. Wikiversity http://en.wikiversity.org/

  11. P2PU http://p2pu.org/

  12. University of the People http://www.uopeople.org/

  13. OER University http://wikieducator.org/OER_university

  14. Internet Archive http://archive.org/

  15. OER Africa http://www.oerafrica.org/

  16. Wolfram Alpha http://www.wolframalpha.com/

  17. More OER? http://www.slideshare.net/zaid/101-open-educational-resources-presentation

  18. Even More OER? http://zaidlearn.blogspot.com/2008/06/university-learning-ocw-oer-free.html

  19. Actually… The WWW Itself is an Awesome reusable Learning Repository!

  20. MOOC 2012 BUZZ WORD MOOC Guide: https://sites.google.com/site/themoocguide/

  21. MOOOOOOC! http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/07/the-single-most-important-experiment-in-higher-education/259953/

  22. What is a MOOC? Massive (maybe) Open (sort of) Online (yep) Course (sort of) Atype of online course aimed at large-scale participation and open access via the web. http://www.slideshare.net/gsiemens/moocs-educause

  23. Types of MOOCs? xMOOC cMOOC http://www.aiqus.com/questions/41231/making-sense-of-moocs-20-page-report-by-distinguished-he-distance-learning-educator

  24. MOOC Example? “Founded by three roboticists who believed much of the educational value of their university classes could be offered online for very low cost. A few weeks later, over 160,000 students in more than 190 countries enrolled in their first class, "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence." Next Class? February 20th 2012 http://www.udacity.com/

  25. More Importantly… • 23,000 students passed the online course (253 got perfect scores). • Professor Thrunhas taught more students the subject than all of the rest of the computer science professors in the world. • The 23,000 who passed the course represent more students than most faculty will teach in their career. • Out of the 200 Stanford students attending the traditional course, only 41 were in class at the end of the course. • The other 159 opted for the online asynchronous presentation. • 410 online students outperformed the top Stanford student! • Students are teaching students (Q&A ranking system). • Students themselves translated the class for free from English into 44 languages. • The on-campus passing rate was the highest ever. More: http://www.masternewmedia.org/future-education-breaking-connection-learning-assessment/ More: http://edition.cnn.com/2012/07/05/opinion/bennett-udacity-education/

  26. edX https://www.edx.org/

  27. edX: The Future of Online Education is Now “MIT & Harvard edX's goal is to educate one billion people around the world…Planet scale access from one shared platform!” http://youtu.be/SA6ELdIRkRU

  28. MIT + Harvard = edX 2012 MITand Harvard have invested $60 million ($30 million each) to launch the collaboration. Anant Agarwal President, edX http://www.edxonline.org/

  29. But, Please REMEMBER… “The campus environment offers opportunities and experiences that cannot be replicated online…EdX is designed to improve, NOT REPLACE, the campus experience.” - Susan Hockfield (MIT President)

  30. Udemy Join thousands of passionate instructors who are building their brand, and making money, by teaching on Udemy. http://www.udemy.com/

  31. Coursera https://www.coursera.org/ * Updated 09/11/2012

  32. Four Barriers That MOOCs Must Overcome To Build a Sustainable Model - Phil Hill http://mfeldstein.com/four-barriers-that-moocs-must-overcome-to-become-sustainable-model/

  33. http://www.hybridpedagogy.com/Journal/files/MOOC_MOOC.html

  34. Grade for MOOC’s = “F” “…MOOC’s are a failure, both as an educational product and as a business model.” - Carol Edwards https://landing.athabascau.ca/file/view/148565/moocs-learning-points

  35. My CCK11 (MOOC) Talk! http://zaidlearn.blogspot.com/2011/01/cck11-connectivism-connective-knowledge.html http://zaidlearn.blogspot.com/2011/03/my-cck11-talk-sharing-to-connect.html

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