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KOM5111 COMMUNICATION THEORY FIRST MEETING LECTURE First Semester, 2011-2012 SECTION 1: FOUNDATION OF COMMUNICATION THEORY Saturday, 18 th June 2011. Information About Lecturer Dr. Mohd Nizam Osman Room B.130 (Block B) Department of Communication, FBMK
Information About Lecturer Dr. MohdNizamOsman Room B.130 (Block B) Department of Communication, FBMK Tel: (03) 8946-8790 (direct line) (03) 8946-8777 (main office) Email: nizamosman@fbmk.upm.edu.my nizamosman@hotmail.com Appointments: Appointments can be made to discuss about course- related matters via the contact details given above.
FIRST MEETING AGENDA: 1. Discuss the course outline 2. Discuss the assignments for the course 3. Discuss other course-related matters 4. Discuss topics to be covered in final semester examination 5. Commencement of lecture (Section 1)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) The following communication theories will be discussed today: 1. Schramm Communication Theory 2. Berlo Communication Theory 3. Westley MacLean Communication Theory
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Topics To Be Covered in Final Exam 1. Understand what is meant by communication 2. Focus on the definition of communication communication phenomenon 3. Understand the different terminologies of communication; what is meant by symbols, verbal communication, non-verbal communication, transmission, channel, noise, encoding, decoding etc
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) 4. Focus on the definition of theory 5. Understand the definition of theory from the perspective of human communication 6. Have a clear understanding why theory is important in the context of human communication 7. Be able to relate why effective communication fails to take place in a given communication context
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) 8. Familiarize with a number of communication theories/models that will be discussed during lecture 9. Be able to differentiate the differences in terms of applications of these communication theories/models in different communication contexts 10. Focus on important names associated with communication theories/models that are discussed during lecture
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Understanding Communication “the act of communicating; exchange of ideas, conveyance of information, etc” - melakukankomunikasi; bertukar idea, menyampaikaninformasidll (The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language 1999:265)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Exchange of Ideas “to give or receive in return for something else” Cassell Popular English Dictionary (1995:281) - the amount of ideas exchanged signify communication - whether a person is knowledgeable or not - whether a person wants to communicate or otherwise - depending on the nature of the ideas
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Definition of Communication “communication is the process of transmitting; a giving, or giving and receiving of information, signals, or messages by talks, gestures, writing, etc.” - komunikasiadalahprosespenyampaian; memberidanmenerimainformasi, signal ataumesejmelaluiperbualan, perbuatan, penulisandll Ruben, B. (1992) Communication and Human Behavior:1
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Definition of Communication “a system of sending and receiving messages, as by telephone, telegraph, radio, etc” - suatusistempenyampaiandanpenerimaanmesej (maklumat) melaluitelefon, telegraf, radio dll Ruben, B. (1992) Communication and Human Behavior:1
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Definition of Communication “Human communication is the process through which individuals – in relationships, groups, organizations, and societies – respond to and create messages to relate to the environment and one another” - Komunikasi manusia adalah proses di mana individu – dalam perhubungan, kumpulan, organisasi dan masyarakat – bertindak ke atas dan membentuk mesej (maklumat) untuk disesuaikan dengan persekitaran dan di antara satu sama lain Ruben, B. (1992) Communication and Human Behavior (14)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) TYPES OF COMMUNICATION 1. Human Communication - intrapersonal communication - interpersonal communication - intercultural communication 2. Group Communication - small group communication (2 – 10 people) - large group communication (11-30 people) - mass group communication (more than 30, less than 200 people) - mass communication via media (millions of people)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) 3. Organizational Communication - employers/management to workers/staff - from workers/staff to employers/management - among peers/subordinates - communication via technology (email, phones etc) 4. Animal Communication - by means of sounds - by means of gestures - by means of reward for reinforcement
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) 5. Machine Communication - from humans to machines (e.g., computers, fax machines, photocopies etc) - from machine to machine (robotics, CAD, CAM, industrial productions) 6. Mediated Communication - communication by means of media - includes electronic media (radio, TV) and print media (newspapers, magazines, books etc)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Communication Related Disciplines 1. Intrapersonal Communication - communication within oneself - disciplines among psychologists and scholars studying children communication - e.g., John E. Aitken, Leonard J. Shedletsky, Don W. Stacks etc etc. 2. Interpersonal Communication - communication with two or more individuals - conducted by means of media or face-to-face - understanding the complexity of human communication
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Communication Related Disciplines 3. Intercultural communication - study of human communication between people from different cultural backgrounds - focuses on the dynamics of verbal and non- verbal communication in the context of cross-culture - important for maintaining diplomatic, political and social relations between nations
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Communication Related Disciplines 4. Organizational communication - the study of human communication within an organizational setting - interaction between work colleagues (peers), top-down communication, bottom-up communication, communication via technology in the organization, communication across units/departments/ divisions
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Communication Related Disciplines 5. Mass communication - the study of communication via electronic media (radio, TV, film) and print media (newspapers, magazines, books etc) - focuses on the mass audience, audience characteristics, audience demography, means of disseminating information using the appropriate medium - also focuses on international communication using media (satellite, phone, video teleconferencing etc)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Understanding Communication Theory “communication theories are theories that contain explicit or implicit definition of communication. It contains variables that indicates relationships to explain communication phenomena” (Narimah Ismail et al. (2007) KOM5111 Module
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Understanding Communication Theory According to Littlejohn (2002), communication theory functions as a medium to explain and predict a communication phenomena” (in AkmarHayati, 2009:39)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Understanding Communication Theory “A set of concepts and relationships statements that helps to describe, explain, evaluate, predict and control communication events” (Cragan & Shields, 1998)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Elements of Communication Theory 1. Concepts - abstraction referencing to a class of thing, a term used at the theoretical level (Salleh Hassan, 2008) - the process by which a general idea is derived or an abstraction is generalized is called conceptualization (Salleh Hassan, 2008)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Elements of Communication Theory 2. Variables - variables are phenomenon which are liable to change; capable of varying; susceptible of continuous change of value (Cassell Popular English Dictionary, 1995:912)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Elements of Communication Theory Variables - A variable is a concept, object, or property to which a set of values based on predetermined criteria is assigned. - two forms of variables in Communication Studies: Independent Variable and Dependent Variable
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Elements of Communication Theory Dependent Variable - variables which are assumed to depend on or be caused by another (called the independent variable. For example, if you find that income is partly a function of amount of or level of formal education, income is being treated as a dependent variable (Salleh Hassan, 2008)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Elements of Communication Theory Independent Variable - An independent variable is presumed to cause or determine a dependent variable. For example, if we discover that religiosity is partly a function of gender – that is to say women are more religious than men, therefore gender is the independent variable(Salleh Hassan, 2008)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Functions of Communication Theory? - making predictions/assumptions about communication phenomenon - views/observations - opinions - limitations - applications - criticisms
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Functions of Communication Theory - Communication theory provides an assumption about a communication phenomenon (Salleh, 2005) Question: 1. The assumptions made about communication phenomenon are always accurate 2. The assumptions made about communication phenomenon may not be accurate
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Communication Theory – Schramm Theory - Wilbur Schramm introduced a theory on the process of human communication in 1954 - Introduced the concept of ‘field of experience’ in human communication - Schramm theory indicates communication and feedback occurs simultaneously - This process is also known as transactional communication
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) – Additional Slides Communication Theory – Schramm Theory Transactional Communication vs. Linear and Interactive Communication - Linear (one-way communication) * no feedback - Interactive (two way communication) * delay feedback - Transactional (two way communication) * spontaneous feedback
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Schramm Theory of Human Communication According to Schramm, communication is a process which requires the sender to compose suitable symbols and signs (encoder) to be disseminated to the receiver who will then give meaning to the received message (decoding and interpreting) before sending another message back to the sender (feedback) and the process repeats itself.
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Schramm Theory of Human Communication According to Schramm: - the sender of the message constructs and conceptualises a message using signs and symbols (encoding) - the receiver receives the message either verbally or non-verbally (decoding) - the receiver then assign meaning to the message received (interpreting) - the receiver then becomes the sender by providing feedback to the message received
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Schramm Theory of Human Communication Encoder: “the process of translating a message into code” - proses menterjemahkan mesej kepada kode Interpreter: “an act of assigning meaning to a code or symbol” - proses memberi makna kepada kode atau simbol
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Schramm Theory of Human Communication Decoder: “the act of translating from code symbols into ordinary language” Cassell Popular English Dictionary (1995:813) Decoder can be done either manually or by means of technology (decoding machines)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Schramm Theory of Human Communication According to Schramm, effective human communication occurs when: 1. The message is understood between sender and receiver “a message is any symbol or collection of symbols which has meaning or utility” - mesej adalah apa jua simbol atau koleksi simbol yang mempunyai makna atau yang boleh digunakan
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Schramm Theory of Human Communication simbol “a character or letter accepted as representing or signifying something, idea, relation, process etc” Cassell Popular English Dictionary (1995:832) “a symbol is anything which is created to refer to something else” Gilchrist, J. (1990)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Schramm Theory of Human Communication 2. Communication Skills (sender and receiver) - choosing the right symbols to communicate - combination of verbal and non-verbal communication during interaction example: ‘peace sign’ expressions of feelings - Encoder should focus on the frame of reference of the receiver example: communicating about extreme cold weather
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Schramm Theory of Human Communication 3. Providing Feedback - feedback has to be immediate (preferably) - feedback is most effective if done face-to- face - feedback using media (internet, phone calls, letters etc) is less effective due to delay time factor - feedback should be genuine, honest and reliable
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Schramm Theory of Human Communication 4. The level of knowledge of the sender/receiver regarding the message sent/received - knowledge about the topic - high level of knowledge of sender may have a high level of influence on the receiver - knowledge is consistent with the sender/receiver level of experience - knowledge is also the result of exposure to the environment
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Communication Theory – Berlo Theory - David Berlo introduced the SMCR model of communication in 1960 - Berlo’s communication is linear, although it touches on human communication - Berlo’s theory focuses on the components needed in each of the four element of communication (SMCR) - Berlo was the first communication scholar who treated the five senses as channel of communication
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Communication Theory – Berlo Theory messagechannel BERLO’s MODEL OF COMMUNICATION source receiver
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Berlo Theory of Human Communication Berlo introduces 4 levels of communication in his theory: 1. Source 2. Message 3. Channel 4. Receiver
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Berlo Theory of Human Communication SOURCE (SUMBER) Source is anyone, or any object (machine) which sends a message (verbal or nonverbal) to another person or to another object Sumber merangkumi sesiapa sahaja, atau objek (mesin) yang menghantar mesej (secara lisan atau bukan lisan) kepada orang lain atau kepada objek lain
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Berlo Theory of Human Communication The source of the message should have: - Communication Skills (kebolehan berkomunikasi) - Attitudes (pandangan ke atas mesej yang ingin disampaikan) - Knowledge (tahap pengetahuan mengenai mesej yang ingin disampaikan) - Socio-cultural system (sistem sosio budaya)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Berlo Theory of Human Communication MESSAGE (MESEJ) According to Berlo, message is comprised of: - Code (kode) - Content (Kandungan) CODE - “a set of symbols used to translate a message from one form to another” Devito, J.A. (2005) Messages: Building Interpersonal Communication Skills (278)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Berlo Theory of Human Communication Channel of Communication is comprised of: - Hearing (pendengaran) - Smelling (Hidu) - Tasting (merasa) - Touching (sentuhan) • Seeing (penglihatan) Additional channel of communication (not discussed by Berlo): - Air waves (vibration of sound) - Copper wires
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Berlo Theory of Human Communication RECEIVER Receiver of the message should have: - Communication Skills (kebolehan berkomunikasi) - Attitudes (pandangan ke atas mesej yang ingin disampaikan) - Knowledge (tahap pengetahuan mengenai mesej yang ingin disampaikan) - Socio-cultural system (sistem sosio-budaya)
First Meeting, Section 1 (Topic 1-4) Westley MacLean Theory of Mediated Communication WESTLEY MACLEAN THEORY(1955) - Westley Maclean introduced the mediated theory of communication in 1955 - Maclean assumes that the process of communication begins when the receiver receives the message - Message is sent from the sender and received by the receiver by means of media