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WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO. Previous. Next. End. WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO. Tomato is the world’s largest vegetable crop and known as protective food both because of its special nutritive value and also because of its wide spread production.
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO Tomato is the world’s largest vegetable crop and known as protective food both because of its special nutritive value and also because of its wide spread production. Tomato is one of the most important vegetable crops cultivated for its fleshy fruits. Tomato is considered as important commercial and dietary vegetable crop. Botanical name of tomato is Lycopersicon esculemtun and belongs to family Lycopersicae. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO As it is short duration crop and gives high yield, it is important from economic point of view and hence area under its cultivation is increasing day by day. predominent weed flora in tomatoare grasses like Chloris barbata, Cynodon dactylon,Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Echinochloa colona, Panicum repens, Cyperus rotundus, Amaranthus viridis, F. australasica, Parthenium hysterophorus Trianthema protulacastrum., Cleome gynandra. Grassy weed dominant which account for about 60 per cent followed by broad leaved weeds and sedges. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO Chloris barbata (Syn:Chloris inflate) Chloris barbata belongs to the family Poaceae and also called as Mayil kondai pul. It is a tufed. A tufted perennial, commonly found as a weed in dry cultivated fields. Culms upto 60 cm high. Leaves of 7.5 to 12.5 cm long. Inflorescence with 6 to 15 digitately arranged spikes, spikelets are usually purplish in colour. Fruit is caryopsis. Propagation by seeds. It is a good fodder grass. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO CynodondactylonPers. In black soils and in dryland is a noxious weed and once a field is infested with it, cultivation becomes impossible. It is considered as one of the ten worst weeds in the world and problematic in all tropical and subtropical areas in dry land and garden lands. It belongs to the family Graminae (Poaceae) and common name is Bahama Grass, Hariyali. In tamil it is called as Arugampullu Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO A perennial grass extensively creeping by means of scaly rhizomes or by strong flat stolons, very common in plains and hills slender and grows upto 7.5 to 30 cm height. The underground stems are hard, brittle, thick, pale white in colour and covered with short scale-leaves and occur at varying depth in soil. Leaves are linear, finely acute, 7.5 to 12.5 cm long, spikes 3 to 6. Spikeletsare light green or purplish, sessile, laterally compressed, alternately 2-seriate, imbricate and 1-flowered. Grain is minute, oblong somewhat flattened, rounded on black. Propagated by through seeds and underground stolons. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO Dactylocteniumaegyptium (L.) Dactylocteniumaegyptium (L.) P. Beauv . is buffalo grass in the family Poaceae. It is also called as Kakkakalpal in Tamil. It is an annual, grass growing in waste places and dry cultivated lands. Stem is Culms 10-62.5 cm high. Leaves flat, 5 to 20 cm long, glabrous. Fruit is Caryopsis. Propagation by seeds. Cattle graze this readily. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO Echinochloacolona (L.) Link. It is annual grass grows commonly in waterlogged conditions belonging to the family Gramineae. It is also called as jungle rice and in tamil it is called as varnampul. It grows up to a height of 60 cm. Leaf-blade 7.5 to 15 cm long, often blotched with purple or almost black cross bands ligule 0,2-5(9) cm. Inflorescence linear. Spiklelets ovoid-ellipsoid, to 2mm with fruit caryopsis. It is propagated by means of seeds. It is an excellent fodder. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO Panicumrepens L. Panicumrepens commonly called asGinger Grass and Injipillu in tamil. It is a perennial grass, survive well under moist condition. Stem is Culms creeping at the base, rhizomatous, 60 to 150 cm long. Underground stems are thick and hard, very much resembling ginger. Aerial branches are covered with pointed scale leaves at the base. Inflorescence is much branched terminal panicle 3-5 inches long. Spikelets is ovoid and pointed on a short stalk and has four glumes. Fruit isgrain, it is slightly enclosed by the four glume and another structure opposite to it called palea.Propagationby underground stems and grains. It is much relished by cattle Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO Cyperusrotundus L Family is Cyperaceae and common name is Nut Grass, Nutsedge. In tamilit is called as Koraikizhangu. Stoloniferous, stolons not bulbiferous, stems trigonous, up to 1 m high, and tubers not zoned. Stem sparsely tufted. Leaves shorter or longer than stem, narrow, numerous, bracts usually 3 and up to 60 cm long. spikelets spreading, linear to lanceolate, up to 2.5 cm long; glumes imbricate, plicate, pale-brown or chestnut-brown, sometimes with a reddish tinge; nut trigonous, broadly obovoid, grayish-black. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO • Tubers connected by rhizomes go deep into soil even up to 90 cm and spread out widely. • Tubers have a very high capacity for survival under adverse conditions. Fruit is a broadly obovoid, trigonous, seed-like nut, grayish black in colour. Propagation by Seeds and nutlets. A very troublesome perennial weed, occurring in dry cultivated lands, gardens and in semi irrigated land. It is an obnoxious weed with a very high propagation potential. • This is one of the worlds top ten worst weeds. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO Amaranthusviridis Linn. It is a broad leaved weed and it belongs to the family Amaranthaceae. In tamil it is called as Kuppaikeerai. The plant is perennial with long prostrate or ascending branches and a woody main stem growing to a height of 30-60cm. Stem is striate, round and softly woolly tomatoes. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO • Leaves are simple, alternate, shortly stalked, sub-orbicular or ob-ovate with an obtuse tip. • The base is tapering. • The upper surface of the leaf is pubescent, while the lower one is densely hairy. • Flowers are very small, sessile, greenish white, in dense axillary short spikes, which are solitary or clusterd. • The leaves on the side branches are much reduced. • Perianth consists of 5 free oblong sepals, wooly on the back. • Seed is lenticular, smooth and shining black. • Propagation is mainly by seeds. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO Flaveria trinervia (Sprengel) C. MohrSyn. F. australasica Hook • It is broad leaved weed and it belongs to the family Asteraceae. • Erect rigid perfectly glabrous annual herb with numerous forked branches and dense clusters of yellow flowers. • Stem is round and striate, pale green or slightly tinged with purple. • Leaves are simple, opposite, ex-stipulate and clasping stem. • The leaves at the base of the plant have short stalks while those above are sessile. Blade is 1.5 to 5 cm long.
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO • The cluster of yellow flowers in the forks of branches consist of numerous small heads containing either 1-4 tubular bisexual florets with five-toothed corollas or one female flower with a yellow short ray. • The involucre has 2-5 folded bracts and a few linear ones. • Propagation is mainly by seed like achenes. • The achenes are very small and black with ten distinct ribs and without any pappus. • It is frequently found in loamy soil. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO Parthenium hysterophorus L. It belongs to the family Compositeae and commonly called as congress weed and visha poondu in Tamil. Parthenium hysterophorus L. is the generally found in non-cropped situation but now a days a weed of cropped field. It is a annual herb grows upto a height of 1.5 m. Fruit is called as achene. Stem is slunder with hairs, leaves are alternate and sessile flower is white in colour with heads many. Propagated through seeds. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO Trianthema protulacastrum.L. • Fruit is capsule. • Trianthema protulacastrum.L. is annual prostrate herb belongs to the family Aizoceae. • In tamil it is called as Saranai. • Propagation by means of seeds and cuttings. • Stem is round, striate, glabrous below and hairy. • It grows gregariously grows causing considerable hindrance to normal cultivation. • Leaves are oppositve, petioled, petiole sheathing at the base, obovate, in unequal pairs. • Flowers is solitary and sessile. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO Cleome gynandra L. • Its looks like tall, pubescent annual herb. • Striate covered with hairs. • Leaves 5 foliate, long petioled, leaflets broad – obvoate, acute or obtuse, entire or serrulate. • Flowers pale purplish in corymbs, hypogynous, bisexual, bracteate, bracteolate; sepals 4, free; petals 4, clawed; Capsule cylinderical, nearly glabrousstriate,Propagation is mainly by Seeds. • It is broad leaved weed and it belongs to the family Capparidaceae. • Common name is Caravelle seed in tamil it is called as NallaVelai. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO References • Gupta, O.P. 1998. Weed management - Principles and Practices. Agro Botanical Publishers, Bikaner. • Rao, V.S.1994. Principles of Weed Science. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. • Subramanian, S., A.Mohamed Ali and R.Jayakumar. 1997. All about weed control. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi. • C. Chinnusamy, N.K. Prabhakaran P. Janaki K. Govindarajan. 2009. Compendium on Weed Science Research in Tamil Nadu (25 years). AICPR-WC, Department of Agronomy, TNAU, Coimbatore - 641 003 • K. A.A. Kabeer and V.J. Nair. 2009. Flora of Tamil Nadu- Grasses. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkatta. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN TOMATO Assessment • 1. ----------- good fodder crops. Ans: Chloris barbata • 2. ------------- is a noxious weed. Ans: Cynodon dactylon • 3. Dactyloctenium aegyptium propagated by A . Rhizome b. seeds c. stolon • 4. ------------ is the worlds top ten worst weed. Ans : Cyperus rotundus L Previous Next End