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WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN MANGO • Mango (Magifera indica L.)occupies major area under fruits in the country. It is adaptable to a wide range of soil and climatic conditions provided severe and recurring frosts in winter do not endanger the young trees. • There are numbers of varieties grown in India and some are of export quality. Veneer grafting and stone grafting are found to be the best method for mango propagation. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN MANGO The major monocot weeds that occur in mango orchards are Cynodon dactylon and Cyperus rotundus and dicot weeds are Bidens pilosa, Tridax procumbens and Phyllanthus maderaspatensis. Grassy weeds are distributed about 60-70 per cent in mango cultivation followed by sedges and broad leaved weeds. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN MANGO CynodondactylonPers In black soils and in dryland is a noxious weed and once a field is infested with it, cultivation becomes impossible. It belongs to the family Graminae (Poaceae) and common name is Bahama Grass, Hariyali. In tamil it is called as Arugampullu It is considered as one of the ten worst weeds in the world and problematic in all tropical and subtropical areas in dry land and garden lands. Previous Next End
CynodondactylonPers. A perennial grass extensively creeping by means of scaly rhizomes or by strong flat stolons, very common in plains and hills slender and grows upto 7.5 to 30 cm height. The underground stems are hard, brittle, thick, pale white in colour and covered with short scale-leaves and occur at varying depth in soil. Leaves are linear, finely acute, 7.5 to 12.5 cm long, spikes 3 to 6. Propagated by through seeds and underground stolons. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN MANGO Cyperus rotundus L Family is Cyperaceae and common name is Nut Grass, Nutsedge. In tamil it is called as Korai kizhangu. Stoloniferous, stolons not bulbiferous, stems trigonous, up to 1 m high, and tubers not zoned. Stem sparsely tufted. Leaves shorter or longer than stem, narrow, numerous, bracts usually 3 and up to 60 cm long. Cont… Previous Next End
Cyperus rotundus L Floral biology: spikelets spreading, linear to lanceolate, up to 2.5 cm long; glumes imbricate, plicate, pale-brown or chestnut-brown, sometimes with a reddish tinge; nut trigonous, broadly obovoid, grayish-black. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN MANGO Bidens pilosa L. It is a broad leaved weed coming under Compositae (Asteraceae) family. It grows erect and looks like glabrous or pilose or pubescent, annual herb. Leaf arranged in opposite side, variable. Heads is long stout peduncles, variable in length, with or without rays, in corymbose panicles, ray flowers 1-seriate. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN MANGO Bidens pilosa L. Subtending the bisexual flowers corolla of ray flowers ligulate, of disk flowers tubular, limb 5-lobed. Fruit is achenes black, slender, exceeding the involucrepappus with 2-4 short, stout, spinescent awns covered with recurved hooks. Propagation is mainly by achenes. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN MANGO Tridax procumbens L. It is a broad leaved weed coming under Compositae (Asteraceae) family. The plant has procumbent, hispid, weak, straggling perennial herb. Stem is round and covered with sparsely distributed hispid hairs. Leaves opposite, ovate or lanceolate, deeply serrate. Flower heads solitary, long peduncled, 2-3 times as long as the stem, Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN MANGO Tridax procumbens L. Heterogamous, rayed; ray flowers female, fertile, two lipped, outer lip large, 3 –fid, inner small, 2 lobed disc flowers bisexual, fertile, tubular, limb elongate. Involucre of bracts campanulate, few seriate, outer broad, herbaceous, inner scarious; receptacle flat or convex; palaea membranous; corolla of female flowers ligulate, of bisexual flowers tubular. Fruit is achens brown, oblong, silky; pappus of short feathery bristles, shining. Propagation is through achenes. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN MANGO Phyllanthus maderaspatensis L. It belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae and common name is Bahama Grass, Hariyali. In tamil it is called as Melaanelli. It is grows erect or decumbent herb with spreading branches. Leaves glabrous, subcoriaceous, scattered, subsessile, cuneatly obovate, glaucous beneath, stipulate stipules peltate, lanceolate, membranous. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN MANGO Phyllanthus maderaspatensis L. Flowers very small, monoecious, male facicled, female shortly pedicelled, solitary; sepals broad, green with white margins rounded or obcuneate; disk glandular in both; stamens 3, almost sessile on the column, erect, apiculate. ovary superior, tricarpellary, syncarpous, styles free, minute, 2 –lobed. Fruit looks like Globose, schizocarpic; seeds striated, trigonous. Propagation is mainly through seeds. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN MANGO References • Gupta, O.P. 1998. Weed management - Principles and Practices. Agro Botanical Publishers, Bikaner. • Rao, V.S.1994. Principles of Weed Science. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. • Subramanian, S., A.Mohamed Ali and R.Jayakumar. 1997. All about weed control. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi. • Chinnusamy, N.K. Prabhakaran P. Janaki K. Govindarajan. 2009. Compendium on Weed Science Research in Tamil Nadu (25 years). AICPR-WC, Department of Agronomy, TNAU, Coimbatore - 641 003 • K. A.A. Kabeer and V.J. Nair. 2009. Flora of Tamil Nadu- Grasses. Botanical Survey of India, Kolkatta. Previous Next End
WEED FLORA AND WEED DISTRIBUTION IN MANGO Assessment 1.What is the major monocot weed occur in mango orchard? a.Bidenspilosab.Cynodondactylonc. Tridaxprocumbens 2.What is the major dicot weed occur in mango orchard? a.Cynodondactylonb.Cyperusrotundusc.Bidenspilosa 3.Tridax procumbenspropgated through seeds (True /False) – False 4.Melaanelli is the tamil name of Phyllanthusmaderaspatensis - (True /False) – True Previous Next End