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Enhancing Student Learning: JISC Audio Feedback Project

Explore mission values, student-centric approach, technology impact, diversity celebration, support needs, JISC guidelines, team challenges, project outcomes, and transformation reflections.

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Enhancing Student Learning: JISC Audio Feedback Project

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  1. JISC Audio Feedback Project – Video Storyboard Design Slide 1: St Mary’s UC Mission Statement Our Values: Generosity of spirit Friendliness Respect Fairness Reverence Excellence Professionalism

  2. Slide 2: Students at the centreof the system Have a picture to represent a core – apple?http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-499167-green-apples.php?st=ca08a38 We wish to convey that the students are at the heart of our project. Followed by pictures of St Mary's students , in a collage around the core.(Images to be collected from Media specialists) Students Student happiness and wellbeing and success: http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-20681789-casual-man-gesturing-thumbs-up-isolated.php?st=43d4624 http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-20866604-winner.php?st=a4d684d

  3. Slide 3 Plan to provide montage of clips representing timeline of events representing these factors. 2. Image:http://en.fotolia.com/id/44543883 • Image:http://en.fotolia.com/id/48757911 Different technologies This slide is to represent our role in relation to students, our task to think about the challenges of learning as a modern day student. What are the effects of culture, economy and technology on the modern day student? How have these changes affected the way we learn? 3. Image: How has learning been affected. 4. Image: http://en.fotolia.com/id/44999662 http://en.fotolia.com/id/48536154

  4. Slide 4 –We are not all the same. Images to convey difference and individuality Images of robots and conformity http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-17356039-who-are-you-question.php?st=fa64530 http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-1716573-robot-army.php?st=ad3e5f4 http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-illustration-18736937-angry-robot-mob.php?st=ad3e5f4 Collage of our students faces – celebrate difference- individuality. Similar to this link ..http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-13646452-group-of-smiling-people.php?st=80fb754 Images of different ways of learning and thinkinghttp://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-19741432-mind-readers.php?st=2995451

  5. Image: http://en.fotolia.com/id/40278139 2. Image: http://en.fotolia.com/id/38152475 Slide 5: How do we support the students’ needs best? How may we use the technology innovations to facilitate teaching and learning? 3. Image: http://en.fotolia.com/id/50696699 Audio Feedback?

  6. Slide 6 JISC Support!- This slide is to represent how JISC Guidelines and resources have been considered to inform our methodology for providing audio feedback. Examples: We have benefited from Jisc resource to “support assessment through media enhanced feedback” (http://www.jiscdigitalmedia.ac.uk/guide/using-audio-in-teaching-and-learning/ ), and it has been achieved as indicated by tutors’ reflection on their experience in providing audio feedback to students. JISC suggest that tutors should make it “easy for the student to find as possible which will mean appropriately ‘tagging’ the recording with keywords” (http://www.jiscdigitalmedia.ac.uk/guide/using-audio-in-teaching-and-learning/ ). Tutors had really thought about this and had referenced their files throughout so their students could follow along with them, reading their assignments and listing to them simultaneously. (Brief video interviews with tutors reflecting on relevant practices will be included in the video storyboard).

  7. Slide 7- Our challenge Images of the team frustrated –tired – needing a break- thinking about whereto start. (use own team photos) Image of George facing the dragon – illustrate the challenge ahead of us. http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-illustration-15820668-knight-and-dragon.php?st=f62263f Show pictures of us building a team brainstorming working together(use own team photos).

  8. Slide 8: The Project Team – considering feedback (students’ questionnaires, video interviews with tutors and students), looking for opportunities, reflecting, planning the next step …. Image Credits: Top left: image courtesy of Scott Chan/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net, ID: 10031662 – problem – opportunity Top right: image courtesy of Stuart Miles/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net, ID: 100129854 - feedback

  9. Slide 9: How we are going /are spreading the JISC Project outcomes through the institution? For example: sharing good practice via the online Academic Community of Practice on Staff Net, online forums, staff development events, etc.

  10. Slide 10 Closing considerations/reflections. “Transformation” – how the institutional teaching/learning policies have been informed by the JISC Audio Feedback Project? – Analysis ofstudents’ and tutors’ feedback;Interview with Senior Academic Leaders – management of change?

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