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WE-MO-CO Career and Technical Education Center

WE-MO-CO Career and Technical Education Center. Student Orientation. MONROE 2 ORLEANS BOCES MISSION STATEMENT. “ We provide quality, cost-effective educational services in partnership with school districts and the community in a manner that supports excellence and equity for all learners. ”.

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WE-MO-CO Career and Technical Education Center

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  1. WE-MO-CO Career and Technical Education Center Student Orientation

  2. MONROE 2 ORLEANS BOCESMISSION STATEMENT • “We provide quality, cost-effective educational services in partnership with school districts and the community in a manner that supports excellence and equity for all learners.”

  3. MONROE 2 ORLEANS BOCESPROGRAMS • Career and Technical Education • WE-MO-CO • New Visions • Center for Workforce Development (Adult Education) • Gifted and Talented (Adept) • Alternative Jr. and Sr. High School (Westside Academy) • Exceptional Children • Communication and Technology Services • English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) • Elementary Science Program

  4. WE-MO-COMISSION STATEMENT “The faculty and staff of WE-MO-CO accept the responsibility to welcome and teach all students, facilitate skill development and personal growth, and help each student achieve program standards that lead to individual career paths.”

  5. Where Do You Go For Course Changes, Scheduling, Social or Personal Problems? Visit the Counseling Office

  6. Where Do You Go For Early Dismissal or Lost and Found? Go to the Main Office

  7. Where Do You Go For Sickness/Accidents, Late Arrivals? Go to the Nurse’s Office

  8. Where Do You Go For Career Information or Work-Study Information? Visit the Placement Office

  9. Where Do You Go For Passes, Problems in Classroom, or Problems with other Students? See Your Teacher

  10. Where Do You Go For Transportation: Driving Passes See the Youth Assistant The Youth Assistant can also Help With Problems With Other Students

  11. WE-MO-CO Career and Technical Education Center • ONE-YEAR COURSES: • Certified Nurse Assistant • Dental Assisting • Early Childhood Education • Heating, Ventilating, & Air Conditioning • Plumbing & Heating • Baking

  12. TWO-YEAR COURSES: Automotive Collision Repair Technology Automotive Technology Carpentry Commercial Art & Advertising Design Computer Information Systems Cosmetology Culinary Arts Electronics & Computer Technology Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance Industrial & Residential Electricity Outdoor Power & Marine Technology Precision Machining Television & Radio Broadcasting Welding Technology WE-MO-CO Career and Technical Education Center

  13. INTRODUCTORY COURSES: Human Services Building Trades Business & Retailing Food Service Power Technology Building Services Personal Services OTHER PROGRAMS: GED Preparation (Ongoing) New Visions Education Professions Emerging Professions Health Professions Justice Professions WE-MO-CO Career and Technical Education Center

  14. School Hours Students at WE-MO-CO… • attend their home school (high school) for one-half day and WE-MO-CO for the other half • WE-MO-CO class schedules: • morning - 8:15 to 10:15 AM • afternoon - 12:00 to 2:40 PM

  15. Arrival and Departure • All students riding the bus need to enter through the front entrance. • Upon arrival to WE-MO-CO, students are required to proceed directly to class. • After class, students are required to proceed directly to the bus to expedite dismissal. • Students may not leave the campus without prior permission.

  16. Student Behavior • As a Career and Technical Center student, you are expected to conduct yourself in a mature and responsible manner. • Violation of WE-MO-CO’s Code of Conduct may subject you to in-school or out-of-school suspension from the center.

  17. Student Behavior • The NO’s • No language that is threatening or harassing. • No physical contact that is threatening or harassing. • No theft or destruction of property. • No weapons. • No illegal substances (drugs, alcohol or tobacco).

  18. Consequences of InappropriateStudent Behavior • STUDENT MEDIATION with Assistant Principal, Counselor or Other Vested Parties. • In-school Suspension • Out of School Suspension • If a student is suspended from the WE-MO-CO, he/she is also suspended from home school. This policy also works in reverse; suspension from home school also prohibits the student from attending the Career and Technical Center during the suspension period.

  19. Dress Code • Your appearance should not disrupt the educational process. • Inappropriate garments (plunging necklines, tube tops, spaghetti straps, etc.) are not permitted. • The wearing of hats is not allowed in classrooms. • Hoods on clothing must be down in hallways and classrooms. • No visible underwear. • Footwear needs to be worn at all times.

  20. Dress Code (Cont.) • No vulgar, obscene or offensive items to others on account of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or disability • Promoting use of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, or violent activity is not permitted. • A student who violates the dress code will have to modify his/her appearance until it is compliant with the dress code.

  21. Attendance • Each student’s attendance record at school is very important. • College admission offices and future employers will carefully evaluate your attendance record. • Student attendance contributes to good grades and a positive work ethic. • Students earn a Career Foundation Skills grade only when in attendance at WE-MO-CO.

  22. Attendance • Students are required to call the school to report their absence by calling 352-2471 by 8:10 a.m. regardless of session. This is a requirement for successful job keeping. • A written excuse is required for school records upon the student’s return to school. • Excuses can be faxed to (585) 352-0756.

  23. Early Dismissal From School • When a student wishes to leave school early: • he or she must have written permission signed and dated, from the parent/guardian. • appointments that cannot be confirmed by phone or by the parent in person, students will not be permitted to leave school. • your parent or guardian picks you up, they must first report to the main office to sign you out.

  24. Health Office • The Career and Technical Center has a Health Office staffed by a full-time nurse who is available if your are ill or involved in an accident. • Your teacher should be immediately informed in order to get you the necessary help if you are ill or hurt.

  25. Emergencies • It is extremely important that an emergency phone number be on file with the school where parents or a guardian may be reached during school hours. • If a student becomes ill or is involved in an accident on school property during school hours, it should be reported to the Nurse’s Office immediately. • If it is determined that the student is to leave school, the school nurse will contact the parent or guardian and sign the student out.

  26. Classroom Expectations • Leave as a slide (or two) for teachers to fill out according to their own classroom policies

  27. Food and Beverages • Eating and Drinking are not allowed in school hallways. • Eating and Drinking in the classroom are allowed by teacher permission only.

  28. Telephone Use • Cell phone usage is not allowed. Please turn off cell phones upon entering the building. • Classroom phones may be used only for emergencies, and with teacher permission. • No calls from main office telephones

  29. Personal Items • WE-MO-CO is not responsible for lost or stolen items. • Keep your locker locked when not in use, and do not share your combination with others.

  30. Student Driving Permission • Permission to drive to school and use of the student parking lot is a PRIVILEGE. • Prior written permission from a parent or guardian along with home school permission is required. • Final approval will be by the WE-MO-CO Administration. • See the Youth Assistant for Driving Passes • Students who drive without a Pass in their possession will be: • warned, or • have pass revoked, or • Receive in-school suspension, or • be suspended from school.

  31. Remaining All Day at WE-MO-CO • On some occasions, students may request or be asked to stay at WE-MO-CO all day for special projects. • See your teacher to request the proper authorization papers that must be signed by home school and WE-MO-CO prior to that day.

  32. Student Privileges • In order to provide experiences for some classes, and to allow for student privileges, the bakery, school store, and food programs are often open for student purchases. • Use of the privileges are up to the classroom teacher only. • It is up to the teacher to decide when, how many, and what privileges are extended to students.

  33. Visitors • All student visitors must make prior arrangements through the Counseling Office by calling the school at 352-2473. • Students from our component schools are encouraged to visit WE-MO-CO. • Visitations are scheduled only for the purpose of program information and not for social purposes. • Unauthorized visitors are not allowed under any circumstances. • All visitors are required to report to the main office upon entering the WE-MO-CO.

  34. School Closing • School closings, delayed starting time, or early dismissal will be announced over the following radio stations: • WHAM-AM (1180) • WVOR-FM (100.5) • WRMM-FM (101.3

  35. Student Passes Students leaving a classroom for any reason MUST have a pass signed by the teacher.

  36. Academic Performance • Completion of a WE-MO-CO course is dependent on: • receiving of passing grades • mastery of all core competencies for the course as identified in the competency profile

  37. Grades • Grades are based on: • theory tests and quizzes • practical application of the course to actual work situations • technical communications assignments • career foundation skills (attitude, effort, cooperation, etc.)

  38. Co-op, Career Internship, and Shadowing • There are several ways to enhance your WE-MO-CO training by participating in a work-related activity while enrolled in a program. • Co-op – paid work experience • Internships – short unpaid work experience • Shadowing – unpaid work-place visits • Visit the Placement Office to apply for a work-study program.

  39. Skills USA • Student organization for Career and Technical Education students. • Club activities: WE-MO-CO offers one of the largest and most active chapters of Skills USA existing in New York State. • The club sponsors social events, leadership training, and community projects during the year. • One of its main activities is to sponsor and prepare competitions for students of each occupation. • Local winners move on to the statewide and possible national competition. • More information is available from your teacher.

  40. National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) • WE-MO-CO is a charter member and representative of the National Vocational-Technical Honor Society. • Students are annually presented as candidates for induction for lifetime membership into this prestigious league. • The mission of NTHS is to promote the ideals of honest, service leadership, career development, and skilled workmanship. • Eligibility for membership is based on: • the student’s cumulative average earned at WE-MO-CO. • a desire to pursue a career in the field of his/her vocational study. • dependability. • worthy character. • good mentality. • credible achievement. • commendable attitude.

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