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Delve into the tragic events of the Holocaust, where millions were targeted for their ethnicity, beliefs, or disabilities. Explore the stages, key figures, methods employed, and the legacy left behind.

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  2. Important Terms • Eugenics • Race betterment through breeding • Euthanasia • Mercy killing • Sterilization • Inability to reproduce • Ghetto’s • Segregated areas of a city

  3. Nazi’s • Adolf Hitler • Reinhard Heydrich • Oversaw Wannsee Conference • Heinrich Himmler • Commander of SS and Gestapo • 2nd in Germany • Joseph Goebbels • German Propaganda Minister • Adolf Eichmann • Oversaw the Final Solution

  4. Goebbels

  5. Eichmann

  6. Himmler

  7. Heydrich

  8. Germany • Germany • Depression 1920’s and 1930’s • Looked for a way out someone to blame • Hitler writes Mein Kampf • Talks about • Jews are inferior • Jews didn’t fully support Germany in WWI • Could be blamed for troubles in Germany

  9. Aryan Race • Ideal German • Blond hair, blue eyes

  10. 1939-1945 • TARGETS (WHY?) • Jews • Slavs and Poles • Gypsies (Roma and Sinti) • Handicapped (mentally and physically) • Jehovah’s Witnesses • Enemies of the state • Homosexuals

  11. 1939-1945 • 11 million total • 6 million Jews (2/3rds Jewish population) • 5 million others

  12. STAGES OF THE HOLOCAUST • 1. Sterilization • 2. Euthanize handicapped • 3. Final Solution

  13. Sterilization • Cause inferior people to stop reproducing • Injections and radiation • Law for Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring • July 1933 • Sterilize mentally and physically handicapped, epileptic, blind, deaf, or alcoholics • 400,000 by wars end

  14. T-4 Euthanasia Program • 1939-1941 • Put people out of their misery and save Germany from paying for them • Deformed, disabled, handicapped, and mentally ill • 200,000

  15. Nuremberg Laws (1935) • Laws to restrict rights of Jews • 1. Jews could not marry Germans (Hard labor) • 2. No longer citizens, no sexual relations with Germans, no vote, and no public office (Imprisonment) • Defined a Jew as a person with 1 Jewish grandparent

  16. Ghettos • Areas designated for Jews in major cities • Warsaw was the biggest • Warsaw had a major uprising

  17. Kristallnacht • Night of Broken Glass • State sponsored actions against Jews and Jewish businesses • Nov.8th- 9th 1938 • 200 killed • 30,000 to camps • 7,000 stores destroyed • 1,574 synagogues destroyed

  18. Final Solution • Final Solution of the Jewish Problem • Genocide • Rounded up and put into Ghettos • Wait for deportation • 1. Used bullets and injections (Too $) • 2. Work or starve to death (Too slow) • 3. Gas Chambers

  19. Camps • Concentration • Labor and Death • Work for war effort until replaced or die

  20. Camps • Auschwitz-Birkenau (Poland) • 1.5 million • Treblinka (Poland) • 800,000 • Belzec (Poland) • 436,000 • Majdanek (Poland) • 235,000 • Sobibor (Poland) • 170,000 • Chelmno (Poland) • 152,000

  21. Auschwitz

  22. Auschwitz

  23. Gas Chambers • Started out with exhaust from cars • Moved on to Zyclon B (rat poison) • Efficient and cheap

  24. Auschwitz

  25. Nuremberg Laws • List concentration camps (locations) • Kristallnacht • Targets of the Holocaust • How many people were killed? Jews? • List the 2 major ghettos • Sterilization program was called? • Euthanasia Program was called? • Main stages of the Holocaust • Final solution planner • Final solution implementer • German Propaganda Minister • Wannsee Conference

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