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Exploring complexities of Gap-QS and Gap-LSres in the NP space. The goal is to establish strong PCP characterization of NP. The text delves into various equations and reductions to bridge these gaps.
PCP Characterization of NP: Proof chapter 1
Current Status • Starting Point:Gap-QS[O(n),,2/||] is NP-hard for every finite field ||>2. • Goal: For every <1, there exists c>0, s.t Gap-QS[O(1),,2/||] is NP-hard for ||=2clogn. Coming up: Roadmap…
Gap-QS[O(n),,2||-1] Sum Check quadratic equations, whose dependencies are linear. Gap-QScons[O(1),,2||-1] quadratic equations of constant size with consistency assumptions Consistent Reader conjunctions of constant number of quadratic equations, whose dependencies are constant. quadratic equations of constant size. Gap-QS*[O(1),O(1),,||-] Hadamard Gap-QS[O(1),,2||-1]
Today's road Putting Quadratic Terms Aside
First Path Putting Quadratic Terms Aside:
Restricted Linear Equations Def: (Gap-LSres[D,,]) Instance: • a set of n linear equations (polynomials) over . Each equation depends on at most D variables. • a restriction: xij=xixj for every 0i,jDn. Problem:to distinguish between: There is an assignment satisfying the restriction and all the equations. No more than an fraction of the equations can be satisfied simultaneously when the restriction is satisfied.
Gap-QS Reduces to Gap-LSres Claim: Gap-QS[D,,] reduces to Gap-LSres[D,,]. Proof:Replace every quadratic expression xixj with xij. Make sure that: • Yes instances of Gap-QS[D,,] are transformed into Yes instances of Gap-LSres[D,,]. • No instances of Gap-QS[D,,] are transformed into No instances of Gap-LSres[D,,]. • The reduction is efficient.
Consistency Assumptions Solvability with a consistency promise:For any Solvability problem S, let S denote the same problem, but in which only assignments satisfying some promise are legal, and where that promise has the following structure: • <M1,r1>, <M2, r2> … : each Mi is a 1-1 mapping of d to the set of variables and ri is some degree (namely, associates some variables of the system each with a point in d) • the only assignments considered are those where for each Mi there exists a degree-ri polynomial fi, where every variable Mi(x) is assigned the value f(x)
Gap-LSres*Reduces to Gap-QS+* Claim: Gap-LSres+[D,,] reduces to Gap-QS+[D+3,,(r·+1)·||-1] (When ||D is at most polynomial in the size of the input). Proof: Given an instance of Gap-LSres[D,,],generate the set of all linear combinations of pairs: one linear polynomial and one restriction.
The Promise There exists a degree-r polynomial P s.t. for every 0i,jDn,xij=P(i,j). There exists a degree-r/2 polynomial Q s.t. for every 0iDn,xi=Q(i). The probability the restriction is not satisfied, but for some 0i,jDn,xij=xixjis at most r/||.
Correctness of the Reduction • If the original system had a common solution, so does the new system. • Otherwise, fix an assignment and observe a linear combination. • the probability the two polynomials are satisfied r||-1· • if not both of the polynomials are satisfied, the probability the combination is satisfied ||-1 • The total error probability is (r·+1)·||-1.
What Have We Done So Far? Gap-QS[O(n),,2||-1] Gap-LSres[O(n),,2||-1] ?? This will imply a strong PCP characterization of NP Gap-LSres+*[O(1),O(1),,K’||-1] Gap-QS+*[O(1),O(1),,K’’||-1] ?? Gap-QS*[O(1),O(1),,K||-1] Gap-QS[O(1),,K||-1+||-1] Gap-QS[O(1),,2||-1]
l’1(xn,x2n)=0 l’2(x1,x2)=0 l’3(xm)=0 l’2(x12,x234)=0 l’4(xn)=0 l’5(x1)=0 l’4(x1)=0 ... l’m(x3,x4,x5,xn+1)=0 l’n(x1)=0 l1(x1,...,xn) = 0 l2(x1,...,xn) = 0 ... ln(x1,...,xn) = 0 quadratic restrictions quadratic restrictions 1 Left To Do To reduce Gap-LSres[O(n),,2||-1] to Gap-LSres+*[O(1),O(1),,K||-1] for some constant ||>>K>1. consistency assumptions
p1(xn,x2n)=0 p2(x1,x2)=0 p3(xn)=0 p2(x12,x234)=0 ... pn(x3,x4,x5,xn+1)=0 consistency assumptions 2 Left To Do To reduce Gap-QS+*[O(1),O(1),,K||-1] to Gap-QS*[O(1),O(1),,K’||-1] for some constants ||>>K’>K>1. q1(xn,x2n)=0 q2(x1,x2)=0 q3(xm)=0 qn(x12,x234)=0 q4(xn)=0 q5(x1)=0 q4(x1)=0 ... qm(x3,x4,x5,xn+1)=0 qn(x1)=0