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Blueprint for Disciple Making: Building Stronger Churches and Families

Join the Sunday School/Discipleship Ministries of Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma to learn the keys to disciple making. Develop believers, strengthen families, and impact communities. Explore ministries, growth characteristics, and the importance of keeping records in this transformative journey. Sign up today!

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Blueprint for Disciple Making: Building Stronger Churches and Families

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  1. Welcome! Sunday School/Discipleship Ministries Baptist General Convention Of Oklahoma 405.942.3800 extension 4653 www.bgco.org kwilkinson@bgco.org Acknowledgement: Thanks to Bill Carmichael, Florida Baptist Convention for this presentation.

  2. A Blueprint for Disciple Making Discipleship and Family Department Florida Baptist Convention

  3. Agree or Disagree? All churches are disciple making churches.

  4. Words or Phrases that Describe a Disciple

  5. Write your definition of disciple making. Disciple making is…

  6. Disciple Making is… • Inviting people into a personal relationship with Jesus • Developing people into the creatures God created them to be • Sending them into the world to share their faith

  7. Disciple Making Template Inviting Developing Sending

  8. Building stronger families Developing believers to live for Christ and share Him in their world. Building a stronger church The Church that “makes disciples” is…

  9. This kind of disciple making calls for creative thinking. 8 11 15 5 14 1 7 6 10 13 3 12 2 The 4 and 9 are missing in this sequence of numbers 1-15. Place them in their proper sequence. 4 9

  10. Acts 2:38-47 This passage gives us one word descriptions of what the Kingdom focused Church should be doing.

  11. Leader: Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church—about three thousand in all. Group: They joined with the other believers and devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, sharing in the Lord’s Supper and in prayer. Leader: A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. Group: And all the believers met together constantly and shared everything they had. They sold their possessions and shared the proceeds with those in need. Leader: They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity—all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. Group: And each day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved. (Acts 2:41-47)

  12. Making Disciples through Ministries • Personal Growth • Family Ministries • New Christian • Crisis Recovery Ministries • Leadership/Ministry/Evangelism • Other

  13. Settings for Making Disciples • On-going Group Sessions • Short-term Studies • Crisis Recovery Groups • Individual Study • Retreats • Mentoring • Large Groups/Special Interest Studies • Informal Gatherings • Mens’/Ladies’ Prayer Breakfasts • DMM (Disciple Making Moments)

  14. Scheduling for the Entire Year

  15. What are Christian Growth Characteristics? • Love God deeply • Are growing in the relationship with God. • Want to see others’ lives transformed. • Are gifted by God for the work they do. • Are patient, kind, and non-judgmental. • Are committed to doing their best. • Enjoy working with people. • Have a positive attitude. • Are trainable and flexible.

  16. Why Keep Records? • Keep records to measure your church’s effectiveness at disciple making. • Keeps records to determine potential leaders. • Keep records to be able to follow up with people as they move on to new disciple making opportunities. • Keep records to remind you that disciple making is an intentional effort and should be carefully planned. • Keep record so you can report your church’s enrollment figure on the ACP. Count each person only once during the year.

  17. Why Keep Records? Growing in Christ during 20__(year) Course_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Knowing that I am on a journey to be conformed to the image of Christ, I will, with His help, seek to grow and develop into the person that He intends for me to be. Signed___________________________________________________ Print Name _______________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________ Email (optional) ___________________________________________ Courses for Year 20___ 1. 2. 3.

  18. Two Important Assessments • New Member Questionnaire – page 9 • Survey to Determine Disciple Making Objectives – page 10.

  19. Celebrate successes and make changes when necessary. Plus Change

  20. Disciple making requires the right climate Nurturing Serving Welcoming Encouraging Example Befriending Teaching Sharing Spiritual Gifts Experiences Relational Style Vocation Enthusiasm Inclusion Genuinely Friendly

  21. “He who whispers down a well About the wares He has to sell Will never make as many dollars As He who climbs a tree and hollers.”

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