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THE LAST TWO DECADES OF THE 20 TH CENTURY:. AMERICA IN THE ’80’S & 90’S. RONALD REAGAN. I. The Reagan Movement. Reagan: A change in the White House 1. Midwestern roots(Dixon, Eureka) 2. Hollywood actor 3. Personality: charming, personable, humorous, witty
I. The Reagan Movement • Reagan: A change in the White House 1. Midwestern roots(Dixon, Eureka) 2. Hollywood actor 3. Personality: charming, personable, humorous, witty • Reagan wins landslide in 1980 1. Defeated Independent John Anderson as well as Carter 2. Americans ready for change
I. The Reagan Movement (cont.) • Reagan appealed to the “New Right” 1. Political conservatives including the Moral Majority(fundamental Christians led by Jerry Falwell) 2. Supported school prayer, strong defense, free market economics 3. Opposed abortion, ERA, gun control, busing to integrate races
I. The Reagan Movement (cont.) • “Reaganomics” 1. Economic plan to strengthen economy 2. Based on supply-side economics: -lowering top income tax rates would spur growth -tax savings would be invested in business creating jobs and revenue 3. Congress supports “Reaganomics” -Pass 3yr. Plan to cut fed. Income tax by 25% -Cut gov’t regulation on certain industries
I. The Reagan Movement (cont.) (D)4. Business began to prosper -Inflation dropped to 4% by ’83 -Stock market soared 5. Critics concerned with Reaganomics -Cut in social programs hurt poor -Unemployment high for minorities -Concerned about national deficit
I. The Reagan Movement (cont.) • Reagan’s 1st Term Foreign Issues 1. Military spending suggested strong anti-Communist beliefs in admin. 2. More nuclear weapons • Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) -Space-based missile defense system -Critics called it “Star Wars”
I. The Reagan Movement (cont.) (E)4. US/USSR Relations very “chilly” -Tensions over Poland -Tensions over Nukes -Soviets boycott ’84 Olympics
I. The Reagan Movement (cont.) (E)5. Increased involvement in Latin America -Fear of communist influence (ie- Nicaragua and El Salvador) -US supported Nicaraguan contras(army led by CIA) to overthrow Sandinistas tied to Soviets -Marines squashed instable coup in Grenada: pro-American gov’t set up(Oct. ’83)
I. The Reagan Movement (cont.) • Re-elected in 1984 1. Defeated Mondale/Ferraro 2. Reagan appoints women in admin to counter woman VP cand. -Elizabeth Dole, Margaret Heckler, Jeane Kirkpatrick -Appointed Sandra Day O’Connor 1st women Sup. Ct. Justice 3. Reagan/Bush re-elected in Landslide(525 to 13)
I. The Reagan Movement (cont.) G. Reagan calms mourning nation: Challenger explosion (Jan. 28, 1986)
I. The Reagan Movement (cont.) H. 2nd Term Economic Problems 1. Concerns grew over deficit -Over $200 billion by ’85 -Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act: auto cuts in gov’t spending when deficit exceeded certain amount 2. Stock market problems -Issues of insider trading -Stock Market crashed on 10/19/87 3. Showed impact of early success in Reagonomics
I. The Reagan Movement (cont.) I. 2nd Term Cold War issues 1. Gorbachev, Glasnost, and Perestroika -USSR taking new outlook -Glasnost-more freedoms for Russians -Perestroika-Plan to restructure USSR economy and gov’t. 2. Reagan developed solid relationship with Gorbachev/ led to: INF Treaty (picture p. 592)
I. The Reagan Movement (cont.) J. Reagan in Crisis: The Iran-Contra Affair 1. Secret weapon sales to Iran were used to finance Nicaraguan contras 2. Negotiations tied to release of US hostages in Lebanon (terrorist negotiation) 3. Done without public knowledge or Congressional approval 4. Oliver North charged with destruction of gov’t documents 5. Investigation cleared Reagan, but damaged his administration
II. The George H.W. Bush Administration • Election of 1988 1. Bush/Quayle v. Dukakis/Bentsen 2. Low voter turnout(50%) 3. Bush won 426-111
II. The George H.W. Bush Administration (cont.) • Bush: The Man • Personality: Type A in early life, compassionate, emotional • Born into New England wealth (father was a Conn. Senator) • Successful oilman in TX, Congressman, UN Ambassador, CIA director under Ford
II. The George H.W. Bush Administration (cont.) • Bush closes the Cold War 1. Gorbachev’s reform eased tensions through late 80’s 2. Reunification of Germany (Oct. ’90) -After wall had fallen in Fall of ’89 -Democracy in all of Germany
II. The George H.W. Bush Administration (cont.) (c)3. Communist coup to oust Gorbachev failed 4. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): Ukraine, Russia, Belarus declared USSR was “ceasing to exist” 5. Gorbachev resigned on 12/25/91 6. Control went to Russian Pres. Boris Yelstin 7. Later former Soviet Republics join CIS: Soviet Union was dead
II. The George H.W. Bush Administration (cont.) • The Persian Gulf War: Desert Storm 1. UN condemned Iraq’s Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait -Kuwait major oil producer -Iraq refused to withdraw before Jan. 15, ’91 deadline 2. Alliance from U.S., GB, France, Egypt, S. Arabia prepared to launch offensive on Hussein -Almost 700,000 soldiers (540,000 Americans)involved
II. The George H.W. Bush Administration (cont.) (D)3. Various aspects of the war -Bombing attacks on1/16 -Ground assaults began on 2/23 -150 US casualties/ 100,000 Iraqis -Air attacks damaged Baghdad -Leaders Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, Norman Schwarzkopf-heroes -Bush approval rating soaring high’ -Media televised military technology -Women service led women being allowed into combat by Senate in Aug. ‘91
V:\MHS\Social Studies\Mr. Deters\The_Aftermath_of_the_Persian_Gulf_Conflict.asf of Desert Storm