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So when exactly was the Black Death anyway? Assessing the Acquisition of Facts and Figures in English Studies. During which century did Gutenberg invent his printing press? The fifteenth century The fourteenth century The sixteenth century The thirteenth century The twelfth century.
So when exactly was the Black Death anyway? Assessing the Acquisition of Facts and Figures in English Studies
During which century did Gutenberg invent his printing press? The fifteenth century The fourteenth century The sixteenth century The thirteenth century The twelfth century
During which one of the following centuries did the major outbreak of plague known as the Black Death occur? The fourteenth century The fifteenth century The sixteenth century The thirteenth century The twelfth century
What pieces of evidence from Chaucer's "Wife of Bath's Prologue" and/or "Wife of Bath's Tale" would you use to begin planning an argument that she is a feminist icon, and what pieces of evidence to argue that she is not? Answer the above question using 150-200 words. (Your answer should fit in the box provided without needing to scroll.) You may answer in note form, not discursive sentences, if you wish.
What evidence from Ramon Lull The Book of the Order of Chivalryand/or Chaucer's "The Wife of Bath's Prologue and/or Tale" and/or Chaucer's "The Knight's Tale" would you use to begin preparing an argument that Christianity is not really a central issue in the chivalric code? And what evidence would you use from the same sources against such an argument? Answer the above question using 150-200 words. (Your answer should fit in the box provided without needing to scroll.) You may answer in note form, not discursive sentences, if you wish.
Is it ever okay to score 100 out of 100 in an English exam and if not why not? Is it ever okay to score 100 out of 100 in an English essay and if not why not? Is there a gender-bias in coursework versus exams? (research seems to suggest that boys do better in exams and girls do better in coursework so is it ever reasonable to assess student attainment only by exams or vice-versa?) Give the proliferation of online resources available to students are we inviting plagiarism by using only essays as a means of assessment and are online tests the solution?